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M'jit Raindancer-Stahl's Monument to Her Vanity

I'd almost filled the original 5MB that Angelfire allotted me for this page when I last looked, and I considered moving to another provider in order to put all my sites in one place. Bless Lycos's heart, I was surprised to see that I had been automagically given 20MB to play with.

When I first set up this account, I never thought I'd have enough material to fill up 5MB. Now I wonder how fast I'll go through this 20...
On with the show.

Me: Who isn't interested in themselves? Read my answer to the question "So, tell us about yourself..."

The Pets Pages: all my critters in full color, plus a page dedicated to the dearly departed and care and feeding of mice. Also links to some excellent Cat Care pages.

Comics: I like to read comic books. They're fast, they're fun, and so much happens in 32 pages. There are 7 interlinked pages in this section, which makes it quite a maze.

Music: "I like music/ The rhythm really gets to me" (Styx) See who and or what I like to listen to. Well-- all the shmoes I had the ambition to find on the web, anyway. This is primarily a links page for my favorite musicians.

Stuff I like to look at on the web
Callahan's: My favorite newsgroup and IRC channel. See who my friends are.

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My Hunny's Homepage. Click on the bouncing Pooh-bear to see the webpage of my favorite artist.:D

I've taken a couple classes which required me to create websites. They were teachers' education classes, and I learned much about what makes a good professional website. I won't claim to have the best examples, because once I was finished with a site as homework, I re-worked my site to take on a more casual tone.
SED595 Telecommunications in Education
SED590 Microcomputers in the Classroom

I also create websites for student groups that I'm involved in.
Phoenix is a group for the college student who is older than average, or has a family to support. I left due to some personality clashes, but I have the site here as a sample of my work.
Open Grove Society is a special project. It's given me a chance to exercise my first amendment rights, among other things.

A word or two on Copyright information.

Portions of this site update on 27 Sept 2002.