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Welcome To My New Page!!!

If you've ever been to my page before, I think you'll notice that it looks a little different now.
Just as I've change throughout my years on the web, I think it's time for my page to change and grow with me.
You'll still see some of the cute graphics and standard webpage garbleclustering as you did before, but you'll also see tons of new stuff.
I'll have more stuff about my family, my friends, my pets and just well, more stuff about me.
My new page also will have me speaking in plain english (well, most of the time.)
My Other Web Site
Keep In Touch!!

Update: 1-10-02

Okay, for those of you who don't know it, I'm getting married this July! I think I'm going to use this site as a way to update my friends and family on that for awhile, so sorry if it bores you, but bear with me, it will change, I promise!

This is the dress I'll be wearing!!!