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Stop the Madness!

"Once you drink in the madness,
all else will vanish ..."

Suzunagi and her mother

"The sacrifice of protecting the armor
was made by people
who cared about people.
Love gives incredible power,
it even changes hatred."

-- Suzunagi's mother

An Excerpt from:
Yoroiden: Samurai Troopers, Message OAV, Part 5

Welcome, everyone, to "Stop the Madness", located on (and in) beautiful Mount Daisetsu in Hokkaido, Japan. I am Magma Angel, spirit guardian of Mount Fuji's Magma Lair, and the places of power for the nine Ronin armors. You might be wondering why I've created a new lair in Mount Daisetsu instead of in Mount Fuji, and here is why ...

Close your eyes and listen to the sounds of the mountain, and try to understand the spirit -- the current -- that flows within. This is the power of the Kongo Yoroi, or the Hard Rock Armor. It's power is Gi, or Justice, one of the most important attributes to help stop the madness ...

Now, undoubtedly, you are wondering what exactly the "madness" is. In short, the madness is like a disease, only it's not something physical, it's something within our hearts. The madness has many names, such as "hatred", "evil", "darkness", "deciet", "despair", and "fear". There are many more. It's something that grows if not treated properly, and something which can rend apart lives, causing death and destruction. It's something I hope this place, the Throne of the Gods, will be able to help heal in part ...

So come to the mountain, take a walk on the forested slopes, or enter the lair within. Meditate on the things you find here, and please enjoy yourself! Stopping the madness begins in your own heart ... Here is your path, make it a journey ...

The Last Unicorn

"There is much misjudgement in the world.
... We are not always what we seem
and hardly ever what we dream.
Still I have read or heard it sung,
that unicorns when time was young,
could tell the difference twixt the two,
- the false shining and the true,
the lip's laugh and the heart's rue."

-- Schmendrick the Magician

An Excerpt from:
The Last Unicorn By: Peter S. Beagle

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I'd like to thank Angelfire for hosting this site. Thanks a lot!