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And now for something completely different...

Hey! It has been well over a year and I thought what better than to update this webpage that no one sees and that I don't even look at anymore. Okay, you caught me, I am just delaying doing some good old homework. But I might as well do something somewhat productive, right?!

Well, now is the time when I tell you about myself. There isn't that much to tell. I'm finishing up my Junior year at Central Michigan University, and I will hopefully be graduated next August. And I bet everyone will be very happy to know that I have finally decided on my major (Graphic Design) with journalism (which was the original plan) working in as my minor. So I did pretty good, Four and 1/3 years with changing my major around about four times, not bad!

Apartment life is great, if I actually get this page totally updated I'll have some pictures of the roomies and all the fun had here. But chances are that isn't going to happen because I'm a big lazy bum when it comes to this! So for those of you hoping to see four naked chicks mud wrestling...sorry. Of course we don't have pictures of that anyway, but thats beside the point.

So I'm kept pretty busy all the time with school. I have a great boyfriend named Kevin, and I'm going to put a picture of the two of us up on my site before he does on his. I figure he was waiting for the 6 month mark before he did it, but now we're past 7, so there are no excuses! :)

Anyway, I think I'll get crackin on this stupendous site, or maybe I'll just go to bed and come back to this later....which most likely means "I'll be back in two years." So until then!

What I've learned

Animal of the Moment
How I spent my time at SHS
