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Love Is sunlight twinkle yellow off the neighbors tree leaves stirred by a sibilant breeze all is well The sky is empty, empty, and azure do not worry. The rose wind will decal on our east window glows with what glass and plaztic know of love-- crimson,aqua,yellow, and amethyst, centric in twelves it is all right you are mor than you are you are my light shining upon me you are the light to me at night when your glow descends I am left of dreams of your sunshine falling on me it is too silly now to say what love is or that i love you words troible the serenity definitions becloud the sky covering your preciosu glow over me Tears They are there only at extremes. At Both extremes of happiness, and sadness, emotional and physical, you don't know why they come but they do. You can't stop it. Reflect your life, the best moment and the worst. They were there. As sure as pain. Tears are there. Smile As bright as the sun waking you in the morning. Just seeing someone's brings you pleasure. Make someone do it, it's as if a light is shown over you. It means so many words it is so beautiful So special is a smile. Laugh We don't know why we do it it signalizes happiness. You see something funny, you do it. You hear something funny, you do it. And when you look back at your life. You do it, you laugh. Lying We all do it. The good of us do it, and in our minds, falsely we justify it. The sane of us do it, and do it again. The bad of us do it to hurt people. Oh the power of words, and their affect. I look out at thje spider vain lines in the cold refreshing aqua,blue water in the pool. Children's reckless falpiing,splashing like a fist into yor stomach. I can feel the sun burn down on the left side of my face, the large tress by the pool shades parts of the aqua underground water filled area giving a proper illusion one of saftiness knowing the are protected. Pain and tears, all this pain and tears. You think you are so safe ? No you are in fact no different from the Jews who perished in the holocaust . This world isn't civilized America the w, why just fifty years ago a systematical destruction of a entire group of people occurred. Six Million Jews had their pain and tears unanswered. America now wants to forget those pain and tears pretend six million tears never fell to the ground, pretend six million cries went unanswered. Slowly as each survivor passes away the memories pass with them the unspeakable horrors went unspoken. They must be aware of what went on don't close their eyes to what they don't want to see or hear or remember. Everything is fine push away our grandfathers nightmares we are safe we won't know their pain and tears. When violence arises America chooses to forget what they would rather not remember. The cruelty has ended they will say, time to move on. Some like to venture such things never occurred. Why would they try to deny the obvious? Because they would live better if such a think never happened they tell themselves this never happened, because they don't want to believe that such a thing could indeed happen. As My grandfather painfully recalls his past tell me of him, lying on dead bodies with no hope in sight. I hear stories of people my age and there pain and sorrows. To hear my zayde describe as he saw his parents for the last time. Knowing this was the last time I can see why people would rather forget that such horrible atrocities ever occurred. The Germans were brainwashed and Hitler used us Jews as scapegoats. Innocent and unsuspecting we were put in ghettos and camps. We starved to death or were beaten to death. Our bodies were used for German needs. We were dehumanized, treated like animals we were not allowed to live. In the near future I wonder if we will remember. I also wonder if we will want to remember. As I sit here and think I am shaken as I realize that life was just as easy here in America as ti was in Poland and Germany our relatives felt just as safe. All it takes is a crazed master of the mind and a reason for Americans to feel depressed and it can happen again. We can never ever be too safe and we must never feel to safe. As a Navi had said every generation someone will try to kill out the Jews, but we will survive if we keep faith in what has helped us survive if we keep faith in Hashem. No I can see why some would like to forget. But we as Jews must not forget we must remember and stay strong. We must not feel safe because of our government we must feel safe because of Hashem. Then and only then will we not suffer our Grandparents pain and tears. Love Is sunlight twinkle yellow off the neighbors tree leaves stirred by a sibilant breeze all is well The sky is empty, empty, and azure do not worry. The rose wind will decal on our east window glows with what glass and plaztic know of love-- crimson,aqua,yellow, and amethyst, centric in twelves it is all right you are mor than you are you are my light shining upon me you are the light to me at night when your glow descends I am left of dreams of your sunshine falling on me it is too silly now to say what love is or that i love you words troible the serenity definitions becloud the sky covering your preciosu glow over me Tears They are there only at extremes. At Both extremes of happiness, and sadness, emotional and physical, you don't know why they come but they do. You can't stop it. Reflect your life, the best moment and the worst. They were there. As sure as pain. Tears are there. Smile As bright as the sun waking you in the morning. Just seeing someone's brings you pleasure. Make someone do it, it's as if a light is shown over you. It means so many words it is so beautiful So special is a smile. Laugh We don't know why we do it it signalizes happiness. You see something funny, you do it. You hear something funny, you do it. And when you look back at your life. You do it, you laugh. Lying We all do it. The good of us do it, and in our minds, falsely we justify it. The sane of us do it, and do it again. The bad of us do it to hurt people. Oh the power of words, and their affect. I look out at thje spider vain lines in the cold refreshing aqua,blue water in the pool. Children's reckless falpiing,splashing like a fist into yor stomach. I can feel the sun burn down on the left side of my face, the large tress by the pool shades parts of the aqua underground water filled area giving a proper illusion one of saftiness knowing the are protected. Pain and tears, all this pain and tears. You think you are so safe ? No you are in fact no different from the Jews who perished in the holocaust . This world isn't civilized America the w, why just fifty years ago a systematical destruction of a entire group of people occurred. Six Million Jews had their pain and tears unanswered. America now wants to forget those pain and tears pretend six million tears never fell to the ground, pretend six million cries went unanswered. Slowly as each survivor passes away the memories pass with them the unspeakable horrors went unspoken. They must be aware of what went on don't close their eyes to wh Love Is sunlight twinkle yellow off the neighbors tree leaves stirred by a sibilant breeze all is well The sky is empty, empty, and azure do not worry. The rose wind will decal on our east window glows with what glass and plaztic know of love-- crimson,aqua,yellow, and amethyst, centric in twelves it is all right you are mor than you are you are my light shining upon me you are the light to me at night when your glow descends I am left of dreams of your sunshine falling on me it is too silly now to say what love is or that i love you words troible the serenity definitions becloud the sky covering your preciosu glow over me Tears They are there only at extremes. At Both extremes of happiness, and sadness, emotional and physical, you don't know why they come but they do. You can't stop it. Reflect your life, the best moment and the worst. They were there. As sure as pain. Tears are there. Smile As bright as the sun waking you in the morning. Just seeing someone's brings you pleasure. Make someone do it, it's as if a light is shown over you. It means so many words it is so beautiful So special is a smile. Laugh We don't know why we do it it signalizes happiness. You see something funny, you do it. You hear something funny, you do it. And when you look back at your life. You do it, you laugh. Lying We all do it. The good of us do it, and in our minds, falsely we justify it. The sane of us do it, and do it again. The bad of us do it to hurt people. Oh the power of words, and their affect. I look out at thje spider vain lines in the cold refreshing aqua,blue water in the pool. Children's reckless falpiing,splashing like a fist into yor stomach. I can feel the sun burn down on the left side of my face, the large tress by the pool shades parts of the aqua underground water filled area giving a proper illusion one of saftiness knowing the are protected. Pain and tears, all this pain and tears. You think you are so safe ? No you are in fact no different from the Jews who perished in the holocaust . This world isn't civilized America the w, why just fifty years ago a systematical destruction of a entire group of people occurred. Six Million Jews had their pain and tears unanswered. America now wants to forget those pain and tears pretend six million tears never fell to the ground, pretend six million cries went unanswered. Slowly as each survivor passes away the memories pass with them the unspeakable horrors went unspoken. They must be aware of what went on don't close their eyes to what they don't want to see or hear or remember. Everything is fine push away our grandfathers nightmares we are safe we won't know their pain and tears. When violence arises America chooses to forget what they would rather not remember. The cruelty has ended they will say, time to move on. Some like to venture such things never occurred. Why would they try to deny the obvious? Because they would live better if such a think never happened they tell themselves this never happened, because they don't want to believe that such a thing could indeed happen. As My grandfather painfully recalls his past tell me of him, lying on dead bodies with no hope in sight. I hear stories of people my age and there pain and sorrows. To hear my zayde describe as he saw his parents for the last time. Knowing this was the last time I can see why people would rather forget that such horrible atrocities ever occurred. The Germans were brainwashed and Hitler used us Jews as scapegoats. Innocent and unsuspecting we were put in ghettos and camps. We starved to death or were beaten to death. Our bodies were used for German needs. We were dehumanized, treated like animals we were not allowed to live. In the near future I wonder if we will remember. I also wonder if we will want to remember. As I sit here and think I am shaken as I realize that life was just as easy here in America as ti was in Poland and Germany our relatives felt just as safe. All it takes is a crazed master of the mind and a reason for Americans to feel depressed and it can happen again. We can never ever be too safe and we must never feel to safe. As a Navi had said every generation someone will try to kill out the Jews, but we will survive if we keep faith in what has helped us survive if we keep faith in Hashem. No I can see why some would like to forget. But we as Jews must not forget we must remember and stay strong. We must not feel safe because of our government we must feel safe because of Hashem. Then and only then will we not suffer our Grandparents pain and they don't want to see or hear or remember. Everything is fine push away our grandfathers nightmares we are safe we won't know their pain and tears. When violence arises America chooses to forget what they would rather not remember. The cruelty has ended they will say, time to move on. Some like to venture such things never occurred. Why would they try to deny the obvious? Because they would live better if such a think never happened they tell themselves this never happened, because they don't want to believe that such a thing could indeed happen. As My grandfather painfully recalls his past tell me of him, lying on dead bodies with no hope in sight. I hear stories of people my age and there pain and sorrows. To hear my zayde describe as he saw his parents for the last time. Knowing this was the last time I can see why people would rather forget that such horrible atrocities ever occurred. The Germans were brainwashed and Hitler used us Jews as scapegoats. Innocent and unsuspecting we were put in ghettos and camps. We starved to death or were beaten to death. Our bodies were used for German needs. We were dehumanized, treated like animals we were not allowed to live. In the near future I wonder if we will remember. I also wonder if we will want to remember. As I sit here and think I am shaken as I realize that life was just as easy here in America as ti was in Poland and Germany our relatives felt just as safe. All it takes is a crazed master of the mind and a reason for Americans to feel depressed and it can happen again. We can never ever be too safe and we must never feel to safe. As a Navi had said every generation someone will try to kill out the Jews, but we will survive if we keep faith in what has helped us survive if we keep faith in Hashem. No I can see why some would like to forget. But we as Jews must not forget we must remember and stay strong. We must not feel safe because of our government we must feel safe because of Hashem. Then and only then will we not suffer our Grandparents pain and tears.
