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You wander into an old, abandoned fortress. It is dark and damp inside, obviously a home of evil. Suddenly a fierce wildcat bounds into your path. 'Welcome to Kotir, home of FOVIM or Forces of Vermin in Mossflower. I am Tsarmina, and I rule this place. Look around, make yourself at home. But don't forget to join us, or die! You are suddenly surrounded by a hoard of rats, stoats, and all manner of vermin, each with a weapon pointed at you!

All members - I recently had the idea for an e-zine for Kotir, and I'm wondering how many creatures are interested. For more information, please go here. Thank you.

Actually, some creature wouldn't let me shut the GORC down, so it's back!! IT's just been moved to http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/1280, and it's under new command.

IMPORTANT FOR ALL MEMBERS: I am creating an e-mailing list for Kotir at ListBot. If you recieve an e-mail from ListBot, DO NOT DELETE IT. You must reply to the e-mail to be added to the list, and if you aren't added, you won't receive announcemnets, and possibly the e-zine. (if that happens. For more info on the e-zine, go here.) In addition, I have decided that it is REQUIRED to be on this e-mailing list, so those of you that don't add yourselves by reponding to the e-mail sent to you will no longer be considered members. NEW MEMBERS: you WILL OT BE ADDED TO THE MEMBER LIST UNTIL YOU RESPOND TO THE E-MAIL SEND FROM THE MAILING LIST.

Hi folks!!!! I'm back!!!! Now, I have decided that I won't be accepting new Kotir members during the school year--my homework load is too big to do so. So, you won't be able to join Kotir until next summer. Also, any application sent to me while I was on vacation will be deleted!! I'm going to put up the frames version of this page soon too.(there will be a frames/no-frames option) Later guys!!!
~ Tsarmina the Wildcat ~

The Rooms of Kotir

The Courtyard ~ Join Kotir

The Study ~ A list of all Kotir members.

The Barracks ~ Links to the squads' pages

The Gatehouse ~ Kotir's link list.

The Mess Hall ~ A place for Kotir members to chat.

The Queen's Chamber ~ Tsarmina's Redwall home page.

The Kotir Ring ~ A webring to link the pages of Kotir members.

The Kotir Homepage Award ~ An award for Kotir members' homepages.

Kotir PALS ~ The Kotir Pass-A-Long Story

The Boards of Kotir

The Mission Board

The Ring Board

The Staff Board

Thanks for visiting Kotir!

E-mail Tsarmina: Kotir@angelfire.com

BROCKHALL IS BACK!!!! I mean it, this time. Visit the new page here.

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!