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Icons Jupiter 2 Update

Here is a word for word email J2 update.

Subject: J-2
JUPITER 2 As indicated in our 1998 catalog, the Jupiter 2 miniature replica originally scheduled to ship summer of 98, with optional drop in interior to ship spring of 99, will now be shipped with the fully illuminated interior (including, astrogator, sleep tubes and wall details) as a built-in unit. Master prototyping on the J-2 hull has been completed for some time, built by Jim Key (Aliens 4 and Titanic). The fully detailed interior master, fabricated by Randy Cooper (Starship Troopers, Stargate),is in the final weeks of completition. After much engineering, research and development, and discussions with manufacturers in Asia, it was decided that the deluxe J-2 (which will feature metal components)would be better served with the interior built in. The extremely intricate detail and lighting would be too expensive to produce in the states. The final retail price of the deluxe J-2 is forthcoming. For those customers who placed advanced orders, their purchase price will be applied to the deluxe version. Scheduling for a shipping date is pending as ICONS awaits a final product sample from Asia. Two limited edition manufacturing blueprints of the J-2 (including details of the interior and the hull-separation feature) will be sent to you within 3 weeks. ICONS product development department states, "the J-2 ICONS miniature was envisioned as an extremely detailed replica along the lines of an oversized Corgi or Danbury mint style collectors piece.Using extremely intricate laser etched metal components. This edition will go down in history as the finest "executive toy ever made." Well worth the wait. ICONS


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