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ThunderEye's Past

ThunderEyes sat in front of his mother and listened to her explanation.

"Why, though?" he asked, ThunderEyes was a small kitten and was very curious.

"Well, we have to leave. Your father told me that we have to leave for a little while, I don't know why though," His mother said.

"When will you be back?" he asked.

"We don't know…" her voice trailed off.

"Why?" Thunder asked innocently.

"I don't know why!" his mother yelled at him. She turned around and walked away from him.

"Mom! MOM!" Thunder yelled at his mother, she wouldn't even turn around. Great he thought, now I'm all by my self. Now what am I supposed to do?

ThunderEyes wandered around aimlessly. I'm hungry, maybe I should get some food. Thunder started to search for food. It seemed that all of the good food had been taken. ThunderEyes looked up to the sky and saw the first snowflakes falling to the ground. Great, I'm hungry and I'll be cold.

"Excuse me, I saw you out in the street and I was wondering if you needed a place to stay dry while it snowed?" A young tom came up to him and asked him.

Who is this? "I do need a spot to stay in." I guess I could say yes. But what happens if he is a bad guy. Many thoughts like these ran through Thunder's mind.

"I hope that you don't mind staying in the basement of a hotel," the tom said.

"No, just as long as it is dry."

"Great, just follow me," The tom led the way to the hotel and showed Thunder the way in. After they had gotten in the tom introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Ramheke, what's yours?"

"ThunderEyes, but you can call me Thunder."

"Okay, Thunder it is, I hope you don't mind I have to practice my magic or my mentor will have my tail."

"No, I don't mind." Magic? Thunder thought Okay, well

Ramheke stared at Thunder, concentrating hard on him and making him very nervous. "You seem to be a magic cat too. Have you ever tried to do magic?" he asked

"No I haven't."

"Would you like to try?" he asked.

Try magic… okay well… "I guess… Is it hard?" he asked.

"No not really."