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The War of Willow Branch II

Tumble sat on the back of a huge boxer who smiled down at Munkustrap and Tibalt. “Sorry we’re late, Gov’ner. I ‘ad a lot of freinds who wanted to come. Me name’s Robert. Glad to be of service. If you’ll excuse me, some poodles have a message for those dirty felines down there!’ the boxer’s heavy accent made him sound almost friendly as he turned to nod to a group of poodles.

The poodles gathered infront of the Jellicle army, turned and wiggled thier clean shavin butts at Macavity.

Macavity snarled. “I hate poodles! I hate Bengals! I HATE JELLICLES!!”

“Yeehaw!” Sunseri screamed as he zapped the rats with his yellow lightning. The rats scurried to find exits out of the Junkyard as rat traps snapped, spikes blocked all exits and hidden spring traps sent many of them flying.

The kittens and Deuteronomy laughed as the rats slowly lost the battle against Sunseri, thier booby traps, and the females that tore them to peices.

Munkustrap yawned as he watched Macavity’s army milling about inside the tire park. “What the hell are they waiting for?” he asked no on in paticular.

“A message from thier reinforcements?” the black legged Northern Jellicles guessed.

“I doubt that DandyMartin. He’s usually very sure of himself and has everything planned out to the very last detail.”

“I don’t think see why we don’t attack!” Tibaly grumbled.

“Because the less casualties the better. We’ll wait for him to begin.” Toby said quietly from where he sat with Amyflit lying at his paws.

Tibalt snorted as a small brown striped cat ran up to DandyMartin.

“Pouncival?! You’re sopposed to be at the Junkyard!” Munkustrap scolded the cat.

The small cat looked confused, shook his head and looked at Dandymartin. DandyMartin raised an eyebrow at Munkus and replied for the little cat. “Pouncival? This is Pendanticle. He works as a spy for me. What did you learn?”

The small cat nodded then turned to DandyMartin to report. “Apperently they’re waiting for a report from thier rats.” Pendanticle told him.

“The junkyard...” Munkus frowned.

Sunseri leapt upon the top of the fence, Bomby, Deme, Jelly and Jenny following suit. He blasted the tails of the escaping rats with his yellow lightning. “Run you curs! And tell the other curs the law’s comin’! Tell ‘em I’m comin’! And hell’s comin’ with me!”

The females stopped laughing and turned to give Sunseri a funny look.

Sunseri grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, wrong movie.”

“Hey.” Tadality called. “Do you see what I see?” He pointed his nose at the tire castle Macavity perched on. All eyes turned to the castle as a black form hobbled it’s way up to Macavity and collasped at his feet.

“Is it just me, or does it look less then whole?” Tibalt smirked.

“His attack on your home failed.” Toby said calmly, a ghost of a smile on his face.

Macavity snarled and pushed the burnt rat off the edge of the tire castle into the pebbles below. “Fools! Can’t any of you do anything right?”

“Can we attack them now?” Sootaput asked gleefully.

“Are our numbers still more then theres?” he asked Vendartin.

“I’d estimate one cat per cat.”he replied.

“And the dogs?” Nicodeemus hissed.

“The same. One cat per dog.”

“This is insanity!” Nicodeemus growled up at Macavity. “With draw now while you still have an army. You can collect more of your lower tribes and be back with enough cats to slaughter them later!”

“Sound for the attack!” Macavity announced, turning to Wileysnark.

Nodding Wileysnark caterwauled at the army below who perked thier ears and smirked at eachother. The attack would begin.

“He’s nutts! He’s actually going to attack!” Dandymartin scoffed.

Robert frowned. “Well, I’d best alert our troops.” He turned to the army of cats and dogs below and let out a warning howl. Cats and dogs turned thier noses towards him and frowned.

“So it begins.” Toby said grimly as the army climbed the hill to face the enemy.

Mistoffelees climbed onto the back of a Golden Retreiver and set his jaw, praying his powers would work the way he wanted. Enigmatat manuevered herself infront of Misto, the Golden and the rest of the army as they got ready for the charge.

“For Scotland!” she screamed. The Jellicle army jerked forward then stopped to look at the female strangely. “I mean... THE JUNKYARD!”

The two armies charged forward to meet their enemy. Claw met claw, tooth met tooth as the two armies plowed into eachother. Blue lightning flashed across the darkened feild as Mistoffelees let loose his energy. Purple lightning blasted from the paws of Sootaput as she stood on Vendartin’s shoulders trying to eliminate the Pollicle threat. Snarls, growls, and screams rang through the feild as the battle raged.

Hovering above the battle Macavity searched for Munkustrap, smirking wickedly as he thought of his planned revenge. He found him in the center of the fray fighting an unknown stray. With a manaicle laugh he fell upon the silver tabby. The stray backed off as soon as he recognised the ginger cat.

Munkustrap kicked the criminal cat off his back and snarled. “Macavity.”

“We have a score to settle, Munkus-crap!” the dirty stray smirked.

“If I remember correctly we finnished our score and you fled, but don’t let me disuade you! Let’s have another!” Unexpectedly Munkus leapt at the ginger cat and bowled him over leaving deep gashes in his chest. Macavity snarled and scraped his hind claws along Munku’s belly causing him to leap off. Macavity leapt to his feet and lunged at Munkus’ shoulder, his teeth met cold metal. Shocked Macavity leapt away. Armor? Macavity didn’t see the shiney peices of metal covering the silver tabby’s shoulders. “Long live the Bengals!” Munkus laughed and leapt upon the ginger cat, claws extended. Macavity kicked Munkustrap off him sending the Jellicle sprawling back wards. Munkus got to his feet just as Macavity leapt at him. Munkustrap ducked and rolled out of the way while Macavity got a mouth full of dirt. Munku ran up behnd the ginger cat, leapt on his back and bit him on the neck. Macavity snarled and tried to shake off the Jellicle that held onto his back with sharp claws. Finnally Macavity dislodged the tabby but he was now bleeding from several new wounds.

“Damn that black lightning bug!” Misto heard a dog yell. “Fire at the dam felines too!”

The magical cat looked at the kitten at the far end of the feild who was gleefully sharp shooting Pollicles. “Damnit, this is as good a time as any.” he growled to himself. “Tugger!”

Tugger leaped over to Mistoffelees dodging other cats and dogs. His mane was slicked back with blood but he appeard unhurt. “What?”

“I need your help taking Sootaput out of action. I’ll distract her, if you tackle her.”

Tugger frowned and heard a Pollicle yelp after a short burst of dark purple lightning. “Alright.”

Enigmatat appeared and looked up at Misto. “We going to take out the little walking christmas tree?”

Misto nodded. “Can you take care of the siamese?”

Enigmatat grinned sadisticly. “You can count on me, mon capitain!”

Misto nodded grimly. “Lets do it.”

Munkustrap laughed softly as he got up to find Macavity licking at the gashes in his shoulders. “Are you going to run away like last time?” he spat at the ginger cat.

Macavity laughed back at the Jellicle and grinned. “Are you kidding? We’ve only just begun!” He circled the silver tabby and licked his incisors, awaiting an opening in the Jellicles defense. “So how’s Sootaput doing? Oh, that’s right! I controle her now!”

Munkustrap snarled and leapt at the ginger cats throat tearing his claws down Macavity’s face.

Sooty laughed happily as she blasted the pollicles as they ran by, delighting in the painful yelps the dogs emmited. Abruptly light blue lightning singed her whiskers on one side of her head. She snarled seeing Misto riding towards her on the Golden. His eyes were dark and angry and Tugger and Tat followed closely behind the pollicle.

“Shoot him!” Vendartin snarled.

A breif vision of a golden bubble with the Magic cat’s reflection upon it broke to the surface but Sooty shook it away. She let out a blast of dark purple lightning that whizzed over his head causing Vendartin to curse her bad aim.

Misto balanced himself on the golden’s back and shook out his paws. Tugger could hear the electricity crackle around the black Jellicle. Misto watched Sootaput’s eyes, they would tell him when to set his plan in motion. Sooty blinked and her eyes narrowed.

“NOW!” Misto yelled.

The two flashes of lightning met in a meld of purple and blue light that lit up the feild for all of the animals. Misto set his jaw and controlled his electric power into a steady beam. Sootaput hissed and did the same. It became a battle of controle and strength.

Tugger and Enigmatat were at first surprised by the risk Misto put himself in to retrieve the kitten. Tugger shook himself out of it first then grabbed Tat. “C’mon! He can’t hold that for long!” Tat noddedand the two ran towards Sooty while the Golden stood stock still to help the cat on his shoulders.

“You take the high roada nd I’ll take the low road!” Enigmatat sang as she neared Vendartin and the kitten.

Tugger rolled his eyes. “Just get him already! One! Two! THREE!”

The two Jellicles snarled and leapt into the air, each to take down thier chosen targets. Sootaput eeped as she fell under Tugger’s weight. Vendartin snarled and attempted to kick Tat off.

Once Sooty’s beam stopped Misto collasped on the back of the dog. Enigmatat was thrown off the siamese and spotted the Magical cat lying unmoving on the dogs back. “Misto!” she screamed. Vendartin leapt upon her and pinned her down. Tat’s eyes narrowed as she looked up at the siamese. “Get. Off.” she spat and began madly slashing at the siamese’s eyes and face.

Tugger held the struggling kitten down and tried to avoid her paws which lit up with angry flames. “Sooty! For the Heaviside’s sake! Listen to me!” he glared down at her.

“Stupid Jellicle! You will pay for what you did to my parents!” she snarled up at him.

“What? What garbage has that dust mop been feeding you?” he yelled back at her.

Small visions of Tugger began bubbling to the surface but her mind attempted to force them down. Tugger could see the battle raging in her eyes as the ywent from clear to cloudy and back again.

Enigmatat dealt a good blow to Vendartin’s head and the siamese went limp. With a snort she headed for the Golden Retreiver. Enigmatat saw Misto’s eyes open as he watched her coming. He slowly began to raise his paw, at first it looked as though he was waving but his paw began to sparkle. Thinking he was about to electicute her Enigmatat ducked. The bolt went over her head and hit Vendartin right between the eyes. Tat realized Misto had spotted the cat sneaking up on her and had to protect her. He smiled at her then fell asleep again.

Macavity snarled and rapidly blinked his eyes trying to clear them of blood. He could see Munkustrap circling him and tried to keep the tabby infront of himself.

“Yeehaw!” some cat screamed and both leaders looked up to see Sunseri riding across the feild on the back of an enormous rat and begining to electricute any cat not wearing ribbons.

“You hear that? That’s the sound of you loosing!” Munku snarled.

Wileysnark ran up to his ‘father.’ “Nicodeemus has with drawn his troops and the Jellicles have Sootaput!” he hissed. “We have to go!”

Macavity quickly wiped his eyes with a paw and looked around the battle feild. The cats were riding the dogs like horses and easly taking down his strays. Some times there were two or three to each of Macavity’s hench cats.

“You have lost Macavity.” Munkustrap laughed.

“Next time, Munkus-crap!” I will win”

“You wish Dustbucket!”

Abruptly Macavity and Wileysnar were blasted by light purple lightning as Robert the Boxer ran towards them with Tugger and Sooty on his back.

“Woohoo!” the kitten screamed as she blasted the two cats off the feild. Macavity called the retreat and the strays quickly retreated to the shadows from whence they came.

“Is everyone okay?” Munkustrap asked the cats and Pollicles who gathered around him.

“Bengals all accounted for!” Tadality called, riding up on a German Shepard with Tibalt and another Bengal.

“The Siamese are fine and we will be leaving now. We’d like to thank you for an interesting evening.” a male siamese announced and the blue eyed cats disapeared into the night.

“Northern Jellicle alive and somewhat whole!” Sunseri grinned, riding up on his rat with ribbons tied around it’s nose. “You’ll be happy to know the junkyard is in one peice, if not a bit dirty.” The saddled rat bounced a bit as the Bengals watched it hungerily. “Whoa bessy.” Sunseri muttered pulling on the rats nose.

“Your Jellicles are all alive.” Plato told the tabby as he walked up.

Munkustrap looked around for Toby and found him, Amyflit and Toby’s pride standing away from the other cats. “We are all well.” he said simply.

“Us Pollicles are a little burnt but otherwise fine.” Robert told Munk and felt Sooty cringe and lean back against Tugger. Tugger whispered to the kitten and she untensed but still leaned back against him.

“Well Tibalt. Jwata would be proud. The Jellicles invite you all to a victory party at the Junkyard.” A happy cheer rose from the group and Munkus vaulted onto the back of a Labrador with Tanto and Cori and the group headed back to the junkyard.

Pouncival helped Bombalurina remoove rats from the spikes by the fence when he heard a song far away. Quickly he lpeat onto the fence and squinted down the street. Bomby grumbled when she spotted Pouncival not working but she soon heard the song as well. “The Pollicle Marching Song?” she mumbled.

“It’s them! They’re back!” Pouncival yelled gleefully catching everyone’s attention. “Munkus is leading them on a Pollicle! Sootaput’s on his shoulders!”

The Jellicle females and kittens smiled and leapt upon the fence to greet the victors. The cats and Pollicles marched into the junkyard singing and smiling.

Deuteronomoy welcomed every one to the junkyard and thanked all the allies for thier assistance. Everyone helped to clear the junkyard of rats and they danced and sang well into the morning.

Robery the Boxer walked up to the old gray cat and smiled. “We’ve enjoyed the party and all but we ‘ave to go. We look forward to ‘earing from you more often. Puppies will ‘ear of the War of Willow Branch for years to come.”

“Willow Branch?” Deuteronomy smiled.

“The name of the school yard where it was fought!”

Deuteronomy laughed. “We thank you for all you’ve done.”

With that the dogs thanked thier hosts and ran back home to thier owners.

It was nearly noon when the Bengals announced they were returning to thier territory. “It’s been too long since we’ve checked on it and we’re anxious to return.” Tibalt told Deuter and Munkustrap. Deuteronomy nodded and siad if they ever needed anything they’d know where to come.

They’d planned on leaving earlyer rather then later but just as they were leaving Tadality lost Ronaloo. They found the kitten hidden under an old couch with Sootaput. The two kittens said goodbye and vowed they’d meet again someday.

The Jellicles stood on thefences and some on the ground as they said goodbye to thier Bengal allies. Munkustrap knew then that what he’d heard about a Bengal’s loyalty had been true.

Mistofflees sat on the back of the old Ford with Sooty beside him. Sunseri lay on the old trailer roof behind them and the cats traded magic secrets and past blunders. Dandymartin talked quietly with Skimble while the other Northern Jellicles sun bathed, all except Pandanticle who insisted on getting Pouncival and Jemima to help him ambush poor Palmaracus, Pendaticles guardian. Dandymartin nodded to Skimble before heading over to Deuteronomy and sitting infront of the old cat.

“Well sir. It’s been fun but we really must return. Amyflit and Enigmatat have decided to stay, if you’ll let them. However, the rest of us are heading home on the next train.”

Deuteronomy smiled. “Amy and Tat are welcome to stay. We thank you for your assistance in these matters and hope we can return the favor. Tell Tabernackle thank you and we hope to see him soon. “

“Hey, no problem, and I’ll pass that message on.” Dandymartin smiled and rounded up his Jellicles to take them to the train station.

Many of Munku’s Jellicles had returned to thier homes, were on patrole, or sleeping in the junkyard somewhere. He looked around the clearing for Toby and his followers but found none except Toby himself who sat in the pipe talking to Amyflit. He jumped down and Amyflit smiled at him. “So Toby, Got any plans?” Munkustrap asked cheerily.

“My cats are either scouting new territory or retreiving the females and kittens from where Madison housed us. We will soon be out of your way and you may return to nromal.” Toby replied. Toby then turned to Amyflit who noddedand stepped out of the pipe. She seemed nervous about something as she turned to face Deuteronomy.

“Uhmm...I want to ask you, Deuteronomy, sonce I don’t feel like traveling North to Tabernackle.” she said, attempting to sound coherent despite her nervousness.

“Go on Amyflit.” Deuteronomy coaxed.

Toby emereged to stand beside her to lend her courage. Taking a deep breath she spoke. “I know it’s unheard of but I want to go with Toby. I can help teach his tribe to be Jellicles! I’m not pulling a Grizabella on you or anything but I think I could help them better.” Several Jellicles perked thier ears to listen to her. “I could teach them about the Heaviside Layer and we could hold balls. I’ll keep in touch of course and I’m not abandoning you or anything, but...”

Deuteronomy cut her off with a wave of his paw. At first she thought he was angry but he smiled a broad smile and replied. “Go Amyflit. You have my blessing. Teach Toby and his tribe how to be Jellicles. Toby, you may call yourselves, Night-Jellicles.”

Toby smiled warmly and purred up at the old cat. “Thank you. We will keep our two traditions going and visit often.”

“Of course.”

A timid little cat, not much younger then Amyflit popped out of the pipe and hopped over to Toby. He whispered in Toby’s ear and Toby nodded. “We’ve retrieved our familes and the scouts have found a small junkyard in a town not far from this one. They also tell me a small train runs between the two so it won’t be to hard to visit. I think, if we are to make it there before dark, we must leave soon.”

Deuteronomy nodded. “Go then, Toby Night-Stalker. We wish you all the best.”

Amyflit hugged each of her friends, kissed each kitten on the forehead, and turned to Enigmatat who attempted to stop herself from crying. “Oh stop it. You’re going to make me cry!” Amyflit laughed and hugged her friend.

“You’ll visit often?” Tat smiled.

“Of course! And so will you! If you start to cry you’re going to get electricuted by your Christmas tree!”

Enigmatat laughed and nodded, wiping a tear from her eye.

Amyflit looked for Tugger whom she hadn’t said goodbye too yet and found him quietly growling to Toby about something. She smiled and crept over to listen.

“So you’d better take care of her.” she heard Tugger quietly growl to Toby who seemed very amused.

“Tugger!” she announced, startling him. “You must come visit me as well!”

“Sure I will Amyflit.” he smiled and hooked his fingers in his belt.

“I’m NOT taking the same train as the dust bunny!” Tat yelled from on an old couch.

“Because they’d kick you off the train, loud mouth!” Tugger yelled back.

Amyflit smiled and kissed Tugger’s cheek before grabbing Toby’s paw and leading him out of the fence.

A chorus of “Goodbye!”s and “We’ll miss you!”s followed the two cats as they went to find thier new home.

The End