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“What do you mean you almost got her?!” Macavity snarled down at his sons.

“She created a burst of light that alerted the other Jellicles.” Vendartin said quietly.

Macavity thought about beatin the two fools but was still to weak (Or pretending to be) for such a thing. He lay on his throne of exspensive pillows and fabrics glaring holes into the kittens at hid paws.

“They had a cat I’d never seen before and a crazy one that scared Wileysnark a few days back.” the siamese continued, keeping his head low to hopefully hide the burns on his chest.

Macavity turned to Wileysnark who nodded. “She was nutts, Father! Screaming like a magpie and charging about! The other I’d never seen before!”

Macavity mused to himself, at least they’d been careful enough not to lead the Jellicles to thier new hide out. “So they got away.” he mumbled before looking at Wileysnark. “Go, continue your search for Mungojerrie. I need to talk to Vendartin...alone.”

Wileysnark nodded, sneered at his ‘brother’ and trotted away.

“So you believe the kitten possesses magic?” Macavity asked his son.

“I don’t believe, I know.” Vendartin looked up dispaying the painful paw print burns on his fur where Sootaput had struck him.

Macavity grimiced. “Tell me how she did this.”

Vendartin explained the burning dark gaze in her eyes and the purple, almost black, color of her lightning. Macavity listened with curiosity before smiling in his evil way.

“She holds a dark power in her, son. If I play my cards right I can have that power for myself.”

Vendartin nodded but wished to strike at the dirty cat above him. While he concentrated on Jellicles his agents were slowly slipping away. What good is the kitten without his agents? Vendartin decided to try again to convince Macavity of the faults in his idea. “Father, I still think you should concentrate on keeping your agents under your paw. Even your trusted rats plot against you!”

Macavity snarled. “Never! Even as I am they’d never think of such a thing!”

“Keep dreaming, old man.” Vendartin thought angrily.

“Get out of my sight.” Macavity growled unexpectedly. Vendartin took the warning in Macavity’s voice and quickly scampered away. Macavity snarled at a dark hole in the wall as a large rat skittered out and fell at his paws. “What do you say about my agents?” he asked the rat.

“I agree, master. They are slipping away.” the rat chittered darkly.

Macavity hissed quietly. “See to it that they are reminded who they work for.”

The rat laughed maniacly, much like his master, and skittered off.

“So you have no idea who the kittens are?” Munkustrap asked Jerrie who sat below the tireand looked up at the grey tabby with no shame. He was free, there was nothing to hide from the Jellicles anymore.

“No sir. As far as I knew Macavity never had a mate so I don’t know who they are.” he responded truthfully.

Electra broke in quietly. “I told you already Munku! The rats collected the kittens from around town! They brought them to Macavity’s hide out and didn’t come out again!”

Munku looked at the kitten.”I know you said that, Electra. I don’t doubt you. I just wanted to know if Macavity had the rats collect the kittens from his mates.” he told her reasuringly.

Electra seemed satisfied and lied down again with Pouncival and Etcetra on either side. Coricopat and Tantomile lay asleep just behind Munku on the roof of the old Bug breathing in unison and occasionally flicking thier ears at the same time. Rumpleteazer lay beside her partner purring happily, glad he was back to normal. Carbuckety lounged on the old oven watching the proceedings sleepily, his tail dangling down within reach of Cassandra who batted at it in slight bordom. Most of the other cats were at thier homes or patroling the junk yard. Alonzo had suggested a patrole to look for Macavity attacks and spies which seemed to come more frequently after the last jellicle ball. Munku grudginly accepted the idea, unhappy that they now lived in fear of the ginger cat.

‘“So no one has any idea where his new hide out may be?” Munkus asked after a drawn out yawn. They’d been so busy everyone was worn out.

The tierd cats shook their heads no as Coricopat and Tantomile awoke with a start and hissed at a small opening in a trash pile behind Electra, Etcetera, and Pouncival. The three kittens turned around to look where the twins were hissing and leaped away to hide near their friends.

Two dark Bengal cats walked into the clearing with grins on thier faces. Their leopard spotted coats were well kept and thier green eyes glowed.

Mungojerrie snarled and stood infront of Rumpleteazer. “Well! If it isn’t Tibalt and Tadality! Still kissing Macavity’s paws?”

Munkustrap placed himself between the bengals and the smaller kittens watching the pair warily.

“I’d heard you’d died Mungo. Welcome back.” the larger male grinned.

“That coming from you, Tibalt? Did Tadality finnaly hit you over the head with a board?”Mungo hissed.

Tibalt laughed and looked at the Jellicles assembled. “So these are the high class Jellicles?” he tisked quietly. “No wonder Macavity thinks so low of you!”

“How did you get in here?” Carbuckety asked from his defensive position infront of Cassandra.

Tibalt chuckled. “Your, so called, patroles are a little new at it. We easily slipped by varmint and Jellihead.”

“Victoria and Jellylorum.” Ecetera whispered. Pouncival looked at her strangely and wondered how she’d figured that out but stayed quiet.

“Look at them, Tibalt. Like rabbits caught in headlights!” Tadality grinned, Tibalt nodded.

“Now before you attack us we’d like to lay our cards on the table.” Tibalt said calmly, seating himself with a cats natural grace.

Munkustrap made no move but responded carefully. “Why should we trust you?”

Tibalt looked at Tadality who nodded and took a step forward. “Macavity decided to remind his agents who’s in charge. We believed he thought we were slipping away, which we were but that is besides the point. His rats attacked our home and injured many of our pride. He went too far. We decided the best way to piss him off was to help you.”

“At what price?” Mungojerrie asked the bengal cautiously.

“Angering Macavity is payment enough, house pet.” Tibalt spat. “We need nothing from you but a safe place to keep two of our own. They were the worse hit and it is not safe for them where we live.”

Munkus frowned. “What kind of help are you offering?”

“Mostly information on Macavity and his plans. We can, however, help you to set up a proper patrole to gaurd your tails.” Tadality said calmly.

Carbuckety turned to Munkustrap. “Sir! We cannot let them learn our tactical positions around the junkyard!” he hissed.

Tibalt laughed. “We know every secret this place has to offer. Unless you Jellyheads have floating junk piles! How do you think Macavity knew where your ball was being held and how to get in without being spotted?”

Munku’s frown deepened as he regarded the bengals who watched the jellicles with smirks on thier faces. Could he trust them? There were several bengals in the more southern tribes. They were known for thier bravery, feirce fighting skills, and that they were absolutely trustworthy. He’d heard of other Jellicles taking on bengals as personal body gaurds because they never go back on thier word. “Bring them here. We’ll try to find somewhere safe to put them.” he said to the Bengals.

“But sir!” Carbuckety protested but Munkus silenced him with a look.

Munkustrap turned to the kittens that hid behind him. “Go tell the others.” The kittens quickly scampered off.

“You Can’t be serious!” Bombalurina asked the kitten incredilously. “I’m absolutely serious!” Pouncival proclaimed. “They’re going to help us if we protect thier injured!”

Demeter looked generally upset and Bomby rubbed against her comfortingly. “As far as I know the Bengals were never official agents to Macavity. They’ve sworn no oath to him. They only followed his orders if they were in thier best interests. I understand why they’re angry.” she said softly.

Amyflit scampered towards them from ontop of the fence. “Bengals heading your way!” she called.

The three cats climbed quickly up the wooden fence and looked out at the street where the Bengals were. In the lead was the large male Pouncival knew to by Tadality with a Bengal kitten on his back. The kitten looked to by younger the Sootaput and lay limply on the large cat. Behind them were four Bengals carrying a stretcher like contraption with a female lying prone atop it. As they drew closer Bomby saw the female’s body shiver with convulsions and eyelids flutter. Demeter leapt off the fence infront of Tadality and indicated for them to follow her. A faint spark of recognition was seen in Tadality’s eyes as he nodded and followed Demeter into the Junkyard. Bomby and Poucival fell in behind the troup as they walked.

The Jellicles all met in the center of the Junkyard, even those on partole. Tibalt told Munkustrap his Bengals would watch the perimeter during the meeting. The Jellicles sat in groups murmering to eachother, most wondering what the meeting was about.

The low murmers ceased as Demeter entered the clearing leading the prosession of Bengals, followed by Bomby and Pouncival. Many Jellicles gasped, others let out angry hisses. Munkus held up a paw before anyone could do something rash. The Bengals set down the makeshift stretcher and disapeared into the shadows as Tibalt walked from the shadows to the female Bengal, standing near her protectivly.

Munkustrap made sure the more high strung Jellicles wouldn’t try anything before he began. “The Bengals have offered thier assistance to us in return for watching over thier injured. Macavity attacked thier pride to keep them in line but he went to far.” he told those gathered.

Jellylorum managed to slip away from Skimbleshanks only to approach Tibalt slowly, trying to prove she was no threat. Tibalt watched her warily until Tadality nodded to her, still standing with the kitten on his back. Jellylorum put a paw on the female’s forehead and frowned as another shiver shook the Bengal’s body. “The poor thing’s burning up but feels only cold.” Jelly announced to the group. “Some one help me to get her into the trunk of the car. It’s safe and warm for her.”

With a nod Alonzo, Tumble, Carbuckety and Munkustap picked up the stretcher and took it to the trunk of the old car. Taking his cue from Munkus, Mistoffelees leapt onto the trunk, waved his paws and the trunk opened; he flashed a debonair smiel at Enigmatat who grinned back and clapped enthusiasticly.

While the males put he Bengal in the trunk with Jellylorum Jennyanydots walked to Tadality. “Who’ve you got there?” she asked him. Jenny helped get the kitten off the Bengal’s back before looking it over. The kitten mewed painfully as Jenny rolled it over exposing its right side. Jenny gasped at the slashes down the kittens ribs and it’s rat-ravaged hind leg.

“Will he be alright?” came the pain strained voice, surprisingly from Tibalt. Jenny looked up and saw the pain in his eyes, a pain that cut deep to his heart.

“I believe he will live but I doubt he’ll use that leg like he used too.” she told him truthfully. Jenny could see the ray of hope shine in his eyes as she picked up the kitten and took it to the trunk to treat its wounds.

After replacing his mask of indifference he turned back to the Jellicles. “We’ll help you to guard against Macavity and give you information when it comes available. However, fighting amounst ourselves is absolutely forbidden. I don’t care what the evil Bengals did to you in a different life, keep it to yourself. The better we all get along, the happier we’ll be.”

Munkustrap nodded, agreeing with the Bengal. “Fighting would not be helpful to either of our sides.” he said. Again he took the floor, standing in his stance often used to teach the kittens. “Alonzo, take seom Jellicles with you and go inform Deuteronomy of what’s going on.”

The black and white cat nodded and ran off with Tumble and Plato. The Jellicles took that as a clue to the end of the meeting and started to disperse, talking about the meeting and exspressing thier opinions.

“What do you mean?!” Macavity snarled down at Wileysnark.

“Just what I said! The treacherous Bengals have turned against you and were gaurding the junkyard last night! I couldn’t even slip a rat past them!” Wiley announced as if it was a catastrophy.

“Now doubt the attack on them had the opposite effect I’d intended.” Macavity muttered.

“So you’re finnally thinking again.” Vendartin thought to himself. “About time, old man.”

“Keep watch on the Junkyard. Inform me if you see anything of importance.” Wileysnark nodded and disapeared. “And what of your task?” Macavity’s evil gaze fell on Vendartin.

“With the Bengals added to the Jellicle forces it will be extremely hard to catch the kitten.” Vendartin replied cooly.

“For you maybe, but not for me.” Macavity rose to his full, dirty height. His evil, overshot smile plastered to his face, new scars across his fur.

Vendartin looked up at the crime lord. “So you’ve been faking it for the past little while hmmm? Very interesting.” Vendarting thought with an evil grin spreading across his face. “You may not be as stupid as I thought you were.”

“Come Vendartin, let us see what our Jellicles are doing, hmm?”

That statement smashed Vendartin’s hopes. “Or not.”

Munkustrap and Carbuckety walked the paths of the Junkyard going from group to group to see how everyone was doing. They’d just ome from the group of scout Jellicles and were heading to the group learning how to attack as a team.

They stopped for a second as Sootaput whizzed past giggling. Munkustrap was about to ask what that was all about when a little Bengal kitten hurried past. He used his back leg as more of a crutch and tottered along the trail with a smile on his face.

Carbuckety shook his head. “If that had happened to one of ours...” he mumbled.

“I know, Carbuckety, I know.”

Quietly they continued down the trail.

“Sootaput you’re going to tire him out!” Jennyanydots scolded the kitten as she ran across the Jellicles clearing with her new playmate in pursuit.

“Let them play. It’s good for him. Then he won’t be quite so much of a burden to you.” the Bengal female croaked from where she lay in the trunk, watching the kittens.

“Your shivers have stopped, thank the heaviside, but your fever is still to high for my liking.” Jellylorum said from behind the Bengal.

“Where’s Tibalt?”

“Teaching self defense class.” Jenny replied as she jumped out of Sootaput’s way.

“Don’t go to far you two!” Jelly called as the kittens scampered out of view.

“How are we getting in? The Bengal’s guard the perimiter.” Vendartin askedthe dusty beast ahead of him.

“Your old man has his ways.” Macavity replied, sniffing the air. He smiled when he found a scent he wanted and crossed the street to the Junkyard. Upon reaching it a small shifty looking Bengal hopped off the fence to greet them.

“Evening, my lord.” the Bengal smiled.

“I’ll be in and out in a few minutes. Keep this exit clear.” Macavity hissed and quickly leapt over the fence.

Vendartin followed behind the old cat as they crept through the shadows of the junkyard.

“Do you hear that son?” Macavity asked quietly. Vendartin perked his ears and listened to the sounds of kittens playling near by. “Come.”

Sootaput and the Bengal darted in and out of the shadows, laughing at eachother’s mistakes. The Bengal kitten darted into a shows and didn’t come out where Sooty expected.

“Ronaloo” C’mon! I only know how to shadow walk not how to find someone else who can shadow walk!”

“Sootaput.” snarled a familier voice.

Turning quickly she faced the siamese. “Rat.” she snarled back. “I see you still bear the consiquences of attacking me the last time! How did you get in here?!” she hissed as he crept towards her.

Vendartin visably shuddered at the memory of how he got the paw print burns on his chest. “I have my ways.”

Before she could deal him another good zapping the Junkpile behind her began to tumble. Before she could utter an alarmed scream the avalanche hit her, knocking her out.

Vendartin danced out of the way of some rolling cans and grinned evily. “Good shot, father.”

Macavity chuckled as he dug through the garbage for the kitten. Finally he discovered her crumpled body under a broken bicycle wheel. “Come, we have much to do.”

Tibalt sat beside the female in the trunk of the old Ford. The lessons were going well and, he had to admit, Jellicles learn fast. He hadn’t thought it possible. Bengals and jellicles talking in groups, helping eachother and even napping in multicolored piles of fur. He never thought he’d see the day.

Munkustrap returned from patrole with the Black and white Alonzo. The fighter cat wandered off to talk to Demeter as Munkustrap approached. Before he could utter a word little Ronaloo hobbled quickly into the clearing.

“DAD!” The kitten screamed. “Angry dust mop got Sootaput!”

Immiditaly the kitten had everyone’s attention.

Demeter shivered. “Macavity.”

“Would you hurry up Patelnock!” Macavity snarled at the mangy flea bitten stray that hovered over the kitten’s prone form.

“Patiance master! Patiance! I must make sure I do it right of she might break loose!”

“How long will it last?” Vendartin asked with mild curiosity.

“All memories except the ones you give her will be blocked out unles...”

“Unles what?” Wileysnark snorted, not beleiving any of this mind block garbage.

“No one knows till it happens. Some old memory will break to the surface. I usually recommend you keep them away from thier old lives but no one ever listens to me. I’m just a poor little charlatin with a couple more tricks up my sleeve the most kitties know.” he grumbled.

“Oh shut up and get it done!” Wileysnark moaned.

“Alright, it’s done. When she wakes up she’ll love you like a Dad.” Patelnock announced, turning to leave.

“One more thing Patelnock. Are you busy tomorow night?” Macavity sneered.

“I know you all are worried. We all want to get her back but we don’t know where she is. Macavity hasn’t contacted the Bengals since the attack on them.”Munkustrap told the assembled Jellicles. Once agian the Bengals were guarding the perimeter while the Jellicles held a meeting. “So basicly we don’t know where Sootaput is.”

“So how did Macavity get in in the first place?!” Tugger hissed at Tibalt who sat calmly in the trunk Sootaput’s uncles nodded in agreement.

“The Bengal’s on patrole when the kitten went missing are currently being escorted here. I will find the one that let the dustbucket in.” Tibalt said calmly, emphasizing the I.

Munkus frowned at Tugger before he could make more trouble. Amyfit and Bombalurina tried to calm Tugger down before he attacked something.

Four Bengals walked into the clearing, some seemed visably startled by the scorn in the Jellicles eyes. Tibalt nodded and three of the sat down as Tadality seperated himself from the others to stand behind his brother.

“You three Bengals were on partrole while the Jellicle was taken by dust bucket. Obviously the Jellicles wouldn’t betray themselves so one of you three is still working for Macavity. Obviously one of you three also let the rats slip through into our territory during the attack. So now one of you is in deep trouble...” Tibalt explained to the three.

The three accused looked at eachother then at thier leader in surprise. A traitor? Is this why the Jellicles looked at them with such hatred?

“Sinavar, I know it couldn’t have been you because you were with a Jellicle at the time.” The first Bengal nodded as well as Cuaxo who was with him at the time. “So that leaves you two.” The last two suspects looked at eachother then back to Tibalt. “You two were on patrole alone this afternoon...” Without warning Tibalt’s large paw knocked the Bengal on the right to the ground. “Traitor!” he snarled at the cowering cat. “I trusted you Kaylar! For years I trusted you. Now look what you have caused.” Tibalt hissed, then grabbed him by the scruff and forced him to look at Ronaloo and the female. Then he whispered in the traitor’s ear. “Jwata is dying. The Jellicles think she’ll get better but she won’t. I hope your happy.” Then he dropped the Bengal in a heap. “Here’s your traitor jellicles. I’ve dealed my punnishment, it’s your turn.” he yelled to the cats assembled before him, hopping into the old Ford to lie down with his back to the Traitor. The small amount of Bengals in the clearing looked at Kaylar with disgust and turned thier backs as well.

Munkustrap frowned at the Bengal who had not risin from where Tibalt dropped him. Occasionally it’s body spasmed with grief. Some of the Jellicles began to slowly approach the Bengal traitor. Cats like Alonzo and Tugger looked ready to rip him to shreds. Munkus halted everyone’s advances with a look. Turning to Misto hfe rumbled, “Go get Deuteronomy.”

It didn’t take the old cat long to arrive once Mistoffelees had explained what had happened. Munkustrap helped him onto the tire where he sat looking down at the Bengal who still lay shivering on the ground.

Speaking to all the Jellicles he explained. “Normally, if a Jellicle betrayed the tribe we would bannish them, thereby they would never reach the Heaviside Layer.” Several expressions of shock at such a punnishment were scene from those assembled. “However, since this is not a Jellicle we have a different punnishment. The Bengal, Tibalt, has dealed his punnishment but now it is our turn. The Jellicles have been known as a peaceful tribe since that time but we have not updated our punnishment. Perhaps the other tribes will think agian before attempting to assimilate us, and cats like Macavity to think again before they attempt to destroy us. Munkustrap. Take the females and kittens and put them somewhere safe.”

The silver tabby nodded and quickly herded the female and kitten Jellicles into Coricopat and Tantomile’s home.

Little Pouncival whined and yowled, attempting to stay with the older cats but Jellylorum pulled him into the chamber and kept a hold of his tail.

It was a bit cramped but they all fit in. The kittens pressed but Tantomile would not relay what Coricopat was doing. Finally Jennyanydots began telling stories to calm the kittens. It worked for everyone but Pouncival.

When even Jellylorum was engrossed in the tales of the ship faring Malawter and the day his ship was attacked by Growltiger’s pirates, Pouncival slipped away. Padding carefully into the night he climbed to the top of a Junkpile and had a wonderful view of the whole junkyard.

An ear splitting screech followed by the angry snarls of Jellicles echoed through the Junkyard. Pouncival caught a flash of the traitor Bengal running by with the male Jellicles in hot persuit. Anger glowed in the eyes of the normally peacful cats as they chased the traitor out of the Junkyard. Pouncival crept back into Tantomile’s home and curled up beside Jellylorum again, wishing he hadn’t gone outside that night.

“Didn’t know you Jellicles had it in you.” Tibalt remarked, watching the Jellicles run off in a fury.

“They’ve held thier angers inside for too long. This is good for them.” Deuteronomy replied.

“Is it true this type of punishment hasn’t been used for generations?”

“Absolutely, as I said we are a peaceful tribe.”

“Tibalt!” they heard Tadality call. “A message for Deuteronomy! It’s old Patelnock!”

Tibalt raised a furry brow and ran off. Deuteronomy followed the Bengal with his eyes, confused.

“Patelnock is a Macavity agent. He’s very old and half blind.” Jwata, the Bengal female answered his silent question from inside the trunk of the old Ford.

Tibalt and Tadality appeared with a skinny, bag of bones, of a cat between them. It’s once brown eyes were turning white with catarax.

Patelnock spotted the large gray blob infront of him and sat down to rest his old bones. “Evening Great Jellicle! I have a message for you!” he announced in a raspy voice.

Deuteronomy looked down at the old cat suspicously. “Go on.”

“His Magesty, the Great Macavity gives you greeting, Old Deuteronomy. And you as well Firey Tibaly.” the old cat began. “He offers you a chance to get back what he stole.”

“Sooty.” Ronaloo whispered, Jwata put a paw on his back to silence him.

“He wishes to meet your fighters on neutral territory, tomorow night. The play ground behind the elementary school in the middle of town. The rules are there are no rules. Everyone’s welcome.”

Tibalt looked like he was about to expload and Deuteronomy faired no better. “He’s getting senial in his old age!” Tibalt snarled.

“Am not.” Patelnock whined.

“No you!” Tadality glared at the old cat and swatted his ear.

Deuteronomy frowned. “I must consult the tribe.” he announced at last.

“I as well.” said Tibalt.

“Well then. I’ll leave you to your thoughts.” Patelnock bowed as magesticly as he could and followed Tadality back to the border and out.

Sootaput purred and rubbed under Macavity’s chin. macavity chuckled, enjoying the irony of it all. Wileysnark snorted while Vendartin looked on.

“Is something bothering you, Wileysnark?” Sootaput purred and sat on the corner of Macavity’s throne looking down at the older kitten.

“Only your pitiful display’s of affection.” he snarled up at her.

“Sootaput giggled and winked at Wileysnark. Abruptly he yowled and leapt of his pillow and away. Macavity chuckled and looked at the tiny flame that left the pillow undamaged but burned his sons fur. Sootaput blinked and the flame disapeared. “Oops! Sorry!” she giggled.

Macavity smiled. “Tomorow you may have your revenge on the Jellicles that killed you parents.” he told her.

The darkness burned in her cold eyes as she replied. “The Jellicles will pay!”