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Chapter 2.

Sillabub pounced across the junkyard over to Etcetera. "I got ya!" She meowed, trapping her.

"You did not, that wasn't fair". Etcetera replied, swiping her hand across Sillabub's cheek. At that moment, Mistoffelees stepped into the junkyard. Sillabub dropped what she was doing, and ran after him.

"Hi, Misto." Sillabub whispered shyly.

"Hello" He whispered, licking her ear.

"Would you like to be alone somewhere, like, maybe my chamber?" Sillabub asked, curling the fur on his chest.

"No, I don't know, I've got all this stuff to do..." Sillabub nuzzled against his head, and began to lick him lovingly. "Well, whatever's fine with you!" He changed his mind. They walked off, paw in paw into the chamber.

Jennyanydots watched the whole thing. She whispered to her sister, Jellylorum, who is Sillabub's mother. "Aren't they darling? You know, pretty soon, she's going to have a charming litter." She declared, nudging her elbow into Jelly's rib.

"Ow, Jenny, that hurts. That Mistoffelees is a fine fellow, I'd be proud to have him as a son." Jelly answered back.

Later that afternoon, Sillabub came into Jenny's chamber. "Jenny, I have a question to ask you. I wouldn't ask this to anybody else because I trust you the most-"

"Kitten, just ask it" Jenny said soothingly. Sillabub laughed, then went on:

"Jenny, do you think I'm ready to, umm.. become an adult?" She asked sheepishly.

Jenny stared deep into her soft brown eyes. "If you think you are, then you are. I can't say anything about that. You have to decide. It's that Misto boy, isn't it? You two are going to have a fine litter, yup, a fine litter."

"Thank you Jenny, you know how hard this was to ask you. "She waved and walked out. Heaving a great sigh, she thought to herself, I think I am ready, I love him, he is the only one for me. It depends on whether HE is ready or not.

No more than five minutes later, Misto walked in Jenny's chamber. Jenny smiled. She knew what he came here for. "Jenny, I wouldn't ask this to anyone else, not even my own mother, because I trust you the most-"

"Just hurry up and ask it, kitten!" Jenny nudged him on. She could see his face starting to blush.

He sputtered, "I wanted to know if I was, umm... you know, "ready"?" His face got bright red.

"Misto, if you think you are ready, then you are ready. I can't say anything about that." Jenny put her arm around him and guided him out the door. "You go, Misto" she whispered into his ear.

Jenny ran over to Jellylorum. "You'll never guess who came to my chamber. First it was Sillabub, asking if she was, ahem, "ready", and no more than five seconds later, guess who walks in... Misto! He was asking the same thing! Oh, you're going to be a grandmother anytime now." She smiled dutifully.

Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, as well as the whole Junkyard, knew about Misto and Sillabub, and 'Teazer was watching Misto speed down the Junkyard Corridor, and into the Chamber. He came back out, looking hopeless. Rumpleteazer flagged him down. "Sillabub is in that trash can over there thinking. Go get her, Misto!" He shot her a surprised look, and she raised her eyebrows.

As Misto walked toward the trash can, he rehearsed the words that he was going to say: "Sillabub, I think that I am an adult now, and I am ready, so if you are ready,, that's not it."

He crawled into the trash can. Sillabub looked up. They both began to speak: "I just came back from Jenny's house, and I think that I am an adult, now, and that I'm ready." they said in unison.

"You wanted to also?" Sillabub asked. Misto nodded his head.

"Do you think we should? Are we ready?" He asked.

"Misto, you are the only one for me. I will never have anyone but you, I am ready." Sillabub replied. She walked over to him and began to nuzzle him closer than they ever have before. Mistoffelees heart began to race.


Sillabub had gotten pregnant, and everyone was very surprised. "You don't wait very long, do you?" Jenny asked.

She was glad she was going to become a mother. Now she is completely an adult now. Misto was always beside her, making sure every step was a ginger one.

"Etcetera, what if something happens while I am in labor?" Sillabub asked, her tail swishing back and forth. Etcetera rushed over to comfort her friend.

"Nothing is going to happen. You are strong, and-"

"But what about what happened to Rumpleteazer and Mungojerrie? They lost all of their kittens but one!" She interrupted.

"Like I said, you are strong, and you have willpower. You will make it through." Jemima and Etcetera both gave her a hug.

"Oh, Sill, I wish I had a mate, I want to be as happy as you are." Etcetera whispered.

"Don't worry, you'll find him, someday." Sill yawned.

All of a sudden, she felt a jagged cramp in her stomach, like someone reached in and squeezed it."Oohhh" She moaned.

Jenny came rushing in. "Time for the kittens! Misto, carry her. She can't walk by herself." Gingerly, ever so gently, he picked her up lovingly and carried her to Jenny's chamber. On the way, Sillabub fell limp.

"Oh God, Jenny, she's dead!" Misto whispered.

Jenny laughed. "That's the common side effect from the medicine I gave her. It makes the birthing easier." He patted him on the head. All of a sudden, a kitten pushed its wet, sticky self onto the towel.

"Goodness, these kittens weren't going to stay here any while longer, were they?!" Jenny announced.

About every minute or so, a kitten would push its way out. In the end, there were five kittens to be named. Once Sillabub was conscious, Misto and Sillabub decided to name the kittens. "Let's see, there are three boys and two girls. The brown tabby should be Orion, the black and white one should be named Pouncemejerrie, and the calico-looking one will be Enigamat. Well, that takes care of the boys, now the girls, Sill." Misto declared.

"I think that the grey-and-white tabby should be named Andromeda, and the calico one Bombrina. I think they are all wonderful names." Misto and Sillabub gave each other and big hug. So this is what it's like to be a mother...