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Chapter Three:Weird Things

Katie looked around her surprised the next morning as Wendy and Steve and especially Katherine sat around her during breakfast with concern and started asking her what happened.

”Now Katie tell us all that happen last night, slowly, so we can understand it o.k.?” Steve asked but all Katie did was shake her head. She was still in shock over what happened last night.

”You won’t believe me, in fact, I still don’t believe it.”She then looked at her clothes, especially around her hips where claw marks were, as if someone or something was carrying her by her hips and trembled at the memory of it.

Wendy saw her trembling and put one of her arms around her.”Shh...Everything’s alright. It’s all in the past.” She grabbed some of Katie’s hair released it, and grabbed it again then repeats the process over and over again.”We were worried about you and your grandpa would not sleep at all when we discovered that you were gone. We saw the marks on the front door. Now, can you tell us all that happen?”

Katie just shook her head and took a deep breath to calm down a little then gently grabbed Wendy’s arms and took them off of her. “It all happened so fast, first my senses got upgraded and...”

“What do you mean your senses got upgraded? That’s impossible!”Steve asked Katie, interrupting her.

“Well, it’s hard to explain, but it’s like our senses got upgraded last night. I heard you talking to Jay by the gate and yet I was inside the house by the front door 30 feet away.” She saw Steve’s shocked face.”It’s true! I could and I bet all the other girls could tell you the same...Well where was I...Oh yes now I remember umm.. Well I was sleeping next to Katherine don’tcha know, well you know us ladies need our beauty sleep don’tca know.” Laughing at her hare accent from a book series she likes to mimic.”and the next thing I hear is a sound and went into the Living room to grab the fireplace poker. I went back to where Katherine was sleeping and shook her awake..Remember Katherine?”Katherine nodded as to say yes.”Well I told her not to worry about him..I think it’s a him, trust me after you see it’s face you will also wouldn’t know. still gives me creeps! Well anyway, let’s called it a him, well I hit him on the head as hard as I could and it didn’t phase him at all, not at all..”

Just then Jeff walked into the room and had very little concern, very very little concern, for Katie after what happen last night. “Is everything alright here? Not like I am concerned or anything like that and...Mind if I listen as well?”

Steve looked at Jeff with one of his eyebrows raised{Because it was not like Jeff to be kind to Katie, especially since he considered himself as a big boy}. “And when did you, all of a sudden, start liking Katie?”Steve asked Jeff suspiciously, then noticed Katie’s facial expression changed from fear to surprise and he was surprised at her face. “Well...O.k. but no jokes about this o.k? This is serious just remember that.”

Jeff nodded and sat on the ground {Since there were no more chairs to sit on}and smiled at Katie which made her move uneasily and takes a deep breath then she continued. “Well anyway, he turn around and grinned as I screamed my lungs out at his face...and those eyes ohh...Those eyes just keep me away from those eyes...”

“What about his eyes that made you so much afraid?”Wendy asked with concern, because when Katie mentioned the eyes she started to shake badly.

“Those eyes. I don’t know why but it’s almost like looking into the eyes of a snake and they were red, that’s right, red eyes.” she sighed, “anyways then he grabbed me by the hips and I fainted, of course, and when I woke up I was up in a tree. I must have been five miles away from the house and I was about to climb down but when I looked down I saw my kidnapper fighting someone who I guess had come to my rescue..”

“Oh ain’t that romantic?” Maria interrupted with a far away look in her eyes. “A boy coming to a girls rescue just like Jack in Titanic.”

“No it ain’t and I hate Titanic! It’s so gross, it’s not even funny! Well before I got interrupted, well guess what I did was I gasped and almost screamed as I saw them fighting. Boy, they fought for a long time because the one who came to my rescue kept on falling down with every punch my kidnapper made. When all of a sudden two came to his rescue and chased the kidnapper off. The one that saved me was lain down against the tree that I was stuck in and my rotten luck got worse as the one who did most of the fighting just happen to look up the tree and saw me. it climbed it with ease, that’s right, with ease and when he saw me he rose a hand and got ready to attack. All I did was scream, cover my face with my hands and cry, then he lowered his hand and touched one of my tears with his finger. Then he grabbed my head, raised it to his eye level and I saw his eyes color and they were black! That’s right, black and looked into my eyes and started asking me questions..”

“What type of questions?” Steve asked interrupting her.

“I was going to that part Steve! Ahem.. well he asked me in a deep voice ‘who are you? Where did you came from? and what did Macavity want with you?’ Those were the questions he ask me...”

“Macavity?!?! He’s not even real! Are you sure that what he said?” Katherine asked, putting her hand on Katie’s forehead to see if it was hot. ”You know as much as I do that he’s not real, are you sick or something?”

“But that’s what he said and no I am not sick! That’s what he said, ohh...I knew it! You don’t believe me! Well, anyways I say that a lot do I? I course I did not believe him at first but then I looked at him more deeper and what I saw, how he looked, I asked him if his name was Munkustrap and he nodded ‘yes’ and I said his name, I think, two times before I fainted and the next thing I know that I wake up in the backyard. So that’s my story, if you don’t believe me, well that’s your tough luck because that’s what happen, so there.” By the time she finished half of the youths had stopped, what they were doing was listening to Katie’s story.

Jay was the first to speak up. “Well if that’s what happened then that’s what happened, but are you sure that you weren't imagining it up?”

“Yes I am sure! If not then how do you explain the claw marks by my hips?”

“Well, I don’t know, I guess that’s good enough evidence but I am not sure that the police will believe your story. If you don’t have more evidence, we got a problem...and Katie, you have nice long hair but I will recommend that you wash out all the red spots in it o.k.? Unless you dyed it last night and didn’t wash it all the way.”

“What red spots? My hair is blonde not blonde with red spots and how long is it?”

“Well there’s red spots in your hair and it goes down, from the looks of it, to your waist...”

“What do you mean my hair goes down to my waist?! I wish it did but it’s not see!” Katie then stood up and twirled around in a circle to prove it wasn’t as long as Jay said it was.

“Yep, I was right it’s down to your waist and I also recommend wearing loose clothing because of the reason I dare not say and only your mother should say..Well I got to go and check on everybody because we are going to the mall in a few minutes o.k? That should give you enough time to change.”

“But I...oh what’s the use, I should obey my elders even though I have no idea what they are talking about...about.” Katie then walked by a mirror and her jaw dropped open as she looked into it and saw what Jay was talking about. “OH-MY-GOSH!!! Jay’s right! I better change right now.” Katie ran off into a bedroom to change into her loose clothing and after a while all the youth group was ready to go to the mall.

As Jay shouted everybody’s name they all heard Kara’s mom, Julia, one of the leader’s. “You go right now into Katie’s grandparents house and wash your face young lady!!”

“But why mom? My face is already clean.”

“Oh no it ain’t! Just look at all those black spots across your nose!”

“What black spots?”

“Those black spots!” Julia answered as she points to Kara’s nose which had two lines of black spots across her nose. Kara crossed her eyes to see what black her mom was talking about {Which made her look very funny} and gasped when she saw the black spots.

“Oh my gosh how did they get there?”

Jay walked over to see the manner more closely and giggled when he saw Kara cross eyed. “We don’t have enough time, just go and get a paper towel and clean your face on the way to the mall.” Jay said as Kara, without any questions, ran into the house and came out less then a minute with a paper towel and ran into the bus that was waiting for them. She started scrubbing her face very very fast to get rid if the spots because it would be very embarrassing if anybody saw her with the black stops.

The bus driver gave instructions and soon they were on their way to the mall. As they were going to the mall Joshua {or Josh for short} was getting bored and started to shuffle his card deck in the air but got in trouble for doing it so he began grumbling about it. He looked over to where Denise was and saw that she wasn’t acting like she usually acted because she wasn’t talking and that scared Joshua. He continued looking around and saw one of his best friends Josiah’s sister Katie {and no there is not two Katie’s} and saw her long blonde hair with red spots being braided by Katherine which was scaring him even more.

“Hey, what’s the matter, Josh?” Asked Steve {Another Steve} when he saw Joshua scared look on his face. “,you look like you have seen a ghost.”

“I...I don’t know.”

“Now Josh, don’t lie, it’s against the Bible to lie, you know that don’t you? Now tell me what’s wrong?”

“I really don’t know well I guess you notice any change on any of the girls?”

“Well yes..yes I do notice changes on the girls, like last night, remember all the girls were covering their noses as if they were smelling something really bad or gross? Rachelle is acting very strange she seems to be more away from the group by the minute and she has gotten slimmer then she was last night and so has most of the girls, especially Katie! Remember all the chunks of fat on her, now all the chunks are gone and seems to be more protective of Katherine who now never leaves her side! And Kara *hee hee* her black spots across her nose, they weren’t there this morning and *ha ha hee hee* she is still scrubbing them and now there’s seems yellow markings on her now which is making her mom go crazy by the minute* hee hee*.” He pointed over to where Kara and Julia was sitting as Julia grabbed the paper towel, grabbed Kara’s head and started scrubbing her face but the black spots and now the yellow markings weren’t coming off and the paper towel kept on coming clean.

“Yes and also Addie and Angie they seem to be more close to each other as if they were sisters, very, very strange.” And with that their conversion stopped there as they reached the mall.

Katie looked out of the window and saw a figure run into the tree above them as the bus driver told them to make sure not to forget their stuff as they got off the bus. Jay started to call everybody and soon everyone was present and accounted for. He gave final intructions and soon they were having fun in the mall.

The youth group spilt into two groups the men went one way and the women went the other, with Julia still fussing over Kara’s face, quite confuse at it as well. “I can’t seem to get those black spots and yellow marks off of your face and I don’t know why that is.”

Wendy stopped by a clothes shop as the rest fallowed her Denise sensed something was wrong and tried to get the others to get out of there but the only one who listen was Katie. She then went to the mall’s police officer and brought him to Denise, who told him what she was sensing and then he told her not to worry and that he would check it out.

To be continue maybe.....