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Chapter Two:Strange happenings

The youth group arrived at Denver and got on a bus. They proceeded to Katie’s Grandparents house to spend the week there and start to settle down for the night.

Katie begans to remember the night before and sighed. Taking a deep breath her eyes got wider as she covered her nose and making a face. “WHOOOOOOOOOWEEEEEEEEEE!!!! What is that smell?”

Katie looked at Rachelle who was also covering her nose.”I don’t know but it stinks.”

Katie then turned to Katherine and saw that she was covering her nose as well.”I don’t know why don’t you go and find out!”

Katie sighed and took a deep breath smelling the air,she quickly ran to the window and looked outside to see a trash can across the street open, full of rotting trash. Then Katie came back with a confused look on her face as she sat down with Katherine and Rachelle who were still covering their noses.

Katherine spoes up.”So what is it?”She asked and then saw Katie’s confuse face. “What is it?”

Katie looked at them and shook her head.”You better get use to it.” She continued her explanation seeing their surprised faces. ”The smell is from across the street, a open trash can. Do you know if anybody else smells it too?” She looked around and saw that the boys didn’t seem to smell it.”It looks like the men don’t smell it but the women do, look.” Katie then pointed to Addie who was walking around with her shirt over her mouth and Kara sitting down with her mouth cupped in her hands.

Rachelle looked around, confused, because the girls were smelling the trash but not the boys. ”This is very odd, indeed very odd.” She then looked at the clock on the wall and sighed. “Oh well, I guess we’d better get ready for bed. A new day tomorrow. Talk to you guys later, good night.” Rachelle walked off leaving Katie and Katherine to ponder about what was happening.

Katie broke the silence as she looked at Katherine puzzled.”Is it just me or did our senses just get better?”

Katherinesimply replied. ”Our senses got upgraded.”

Katie nodded in agreement. ”I thought so because we wouldn’t normally smell that trash can across the street but hey it’s kinda cool. You can ease drop on people because I can hear Jay talking to Steve right now.”

The two girls looked towards the direction of their leaders, followed the sound from where they were and found out that they were outside near the fence talking to someone next door. That was about 20 feet away from the door to the fence and about ten feet from where they were to the door!

Katie looked at Katherine. ”This is too creepy. First we can smell something across the street and now we can hear someone talking 30 feet away this is sooo creepy don’t you think?” Katherine just looked back at her with a blank stare. ”Are we doing what I think are doing?” Katherine then started trembling.”What is happening to us? What are we turning into? That’s the only way this could be happening. It’s the only way.”

Katie then had a urge to protect Katherine and huged her.”No that can not be maybe tomorrow all this will go away.” She started singing because that helps Katherine get to sleep. {Which was a sleeping bag on the ground}.

”Try not to get worry,
try not to turn on two problems that upset you
ohh don’t you know that everything’s alright
yes everything’s fine and we want you to sleep well tonight.
Let the world turn without you tonight
if we try we get by so forgot all about us tonight.
Sleep and I shall calm you and anoint.
Close your eyes close your eyes relax think of nothing tonight.”
She stopped singing when she saw that her friend had fallen asleep and then yawned as her grandfather came in and shut off the light. He kisseed her on her forehead and said his good nights. ”That was very beautiful singing that you did. Grandma and I heard you and thought we heard a angel singing. Well Grandma is asleep thanks to your singing, now I better get some shut eye. Good night.” He walked off as Katie slowly closed her eye and soon fell asleep.

Five hours later Katie woke up with a jolt as she heard someone trying to get inside her grandparents house. She started breathing deeply as she heard voices outside then got up and ran, without making a sound, to the fireplace. Grabbing a poker she walked to the sleeping Katherine and started shakes her awake.

“Huh? What's going on? Is it morning yet?" Katherine asked sleepily, rubbing her eyes, then she heard the sound of someone trying to break in. She quickly grabbed her glasses and put them on then looked at Katie with fear in her eyes. "Wh..wh..what was that?"

Katie put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, no one will rob my grandparents house. to be sure." Katie showed the poker to Katherine. "I will bonk him on the head."

Katherine looked at the poker and shook her head, doubting, then looked at Katie, puzzled. "How did you know that it's a boy?"

Katie just looked back at her with her tomboy exspression."I smelled him." Katie answered."I'll be back." Then she walked off to the front door and saw that the man who was trying to break in wasn't there. Puzzled she unlocked the door and walked outside to look around. "Strange I could have sworn that I saw somebody here and not to mention smell somebody here, and why in the bloody heck am I doing this when I should be inside waking up Grandpa and the others?! Oh well I guess..." Katie turned around quickly when she heard a sound. "What was that?" She asked, as she saw the shadow. Slowly she raised the poker and moved towards the shadow, holding it above her head. "Get ready to go nighty night!" She got ready to strike it on the head when it turned and riased his hand. Katie let out scream when she saw his face."EEEEEAAACCCCCKKKK! What are you?"She yelled at the top of her lungs which woke up everyone in the house, and on the block! As she struck it on head it grabbed her. Katie fainted and it started carrying her away from the house.

As it carried her five miles from the house a young black and white cat-like being heard her cry and came to her rescue. It grabbed her from the kidnapper and started taking her back to the house but the kidnapper blocked his path.

"Where are you going with that girl, little kitten? Give her back!"He demanded as he made a grab for Katie but the cat-like being put her in a tree.

"Only if you can defeat me, Macavity!"He replied then launched forward to attack Macavity and Macavity fought back.

"Fool! I gave you a chance to turn and run! Now you shall pay!"Macavity yelled at his attacker as the two continues to fight.

Katie woke up from where she was, looked down and gasped as she watches the fight. Macavity was winning but the tables turned when more cat-like beings came to the rescue and chased off Macavity. One of them picked up the wounded one and leaned him against the tree which Katie was in. Then it looked up into the tree and started climbing it. When it saw Katie it raised a hand in the air and got ready to attack, just in chase Katie attacked. All Katie did was scream and cover her head with her hands, crying. It then lowered it's hand and touched one of her tears with it's finger tip then gently raised her head to it's eye level and looks at her with it's black eyes.

"Who are you? Where did you came from? And what did Macavity want with you?"It asked in a deep voice.

Katie could tell that it was a male as she forced out her answer." name is Katie and I come from my grandparents house where I don't know where it is and I don't know what Macav..Macavity wanted from me...hey if that was Macavity then you are..." She looked hard at him and what she saw was a large,strong looking,GRAY TABBY?!?! "Munkustrap!" The gray tabby nodded. "Munkustrap...Munkustrap..." She fainted as Munkustrap carried her down the tree and started to question Alonzo {The black and white cat-like being that rescued Katie} "Where did you find this girl? Do you know where she comes from?"

Alonzo groaned as a young brown calico male nursed him back to perfect health. Alonzo answered with a Spanish accent. "I found her in the airport in WA and fallowed her and her friend to her grandparents house. When Macavity kidnapped her I fallowed him to here and Munkustrap..." Alonzo then smiles."I have found them. Fallow me to her grandparents house."

Munkustrap just smiled and nodded as they took Katie back to the house but before they did the brown calico whose name was Coricopat put a sleep spell on Katie. When they arrived at the house police cars parked in the front of the house as the cat-like beings took Katie to the back yard and dropped her off there. They then disappeared into the darkness as Katie slowly woke up.

to be continue maybe......