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Movie Review

Over all I believe the movie was great! It had it's moments and the dancing and singing was great. Everyone played thier part and it flowed well. Geez! I sound really OLD! It was great, yes? Yes!


-Dancing! The choriography was spectacular! Absolutly loved Victoria's solo dance! I wish I could do that!

-variety of accents. The accents of the different cats stretched from English to American. Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser was my favorite.

-zooming in of the camera's. Since it was filmed in a stage without a crowd you could accually see the facial exspressions much better which added a really cool effect. I think the camera men got a little happy during "Macvity, the Mystery Cat" though! ~LOL~

-Addition of the Cats names and Stage names after the movie! (Can't seem to find the interviews Jellylorum talked about)


-They didn't do GrowlTiger's last stand! That was one of the coolest parts of the musical on stage! ~Pouts~ GROWLTIGER WAS A BRAVO CAT WHO TRAVELED ON A BARGE!

-In the pictures of all the cats at the end one of the male cats was left out. His name is Plato! He had no real markings on his face and he preformed the one dance with Victoria during the Jellical Ball where he lifted her over his head!

-Gus the Theatre Cat's name was Asparagus. One of the male cats was also called Asparagus. I thought they said "Never the same"!

-I found ANOTHER cat that wasn't mentioned in the credits! ~Snorts~ His name's Admetus. He sat to Dueteronomy's left during "Gus, The Theatre Cat" and "Skimbleshanks." he was neat looking too! He had a raccoon look about him though.

-A couple small complaints about Mr.Mistoffelees' number! What was with the lightning? Exploasions fine but lightning?! And what happened to the Conjuring Turn? I'm sure that was equally hard but I like the one I saw on stage much better!

I found a picture at the Cats Video Webpage that included both cats that wern't mentioned! It's kinda a large pic so click Here to see it. (From left to right)Coricopat, Admetus, Rum Tum Tugger, then Plato! And for gods sake YES! I know it's Macavity and the Rumpus cat! Before anyone else gets it in thier heads to enlighten me! I KNOW! ~Huff puff~ Sorry, a bit of an out burst there...I apologise...

This is a message to those that didn't like John Partridge as Rum Tum Tugger!
