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Revealing a Misty-ery

Demeter watched the black and white kitten who batted the peice of tattered newspaper around. The kitten resembled a smaller female version of Mistoffelees. Bombalurina stood with her hands on Dem's shoudler. "Who is she," Bomb asked. Suddenly a stream of lightening spewed over the kittens head. The kitten rushed to the tube on the opposite side of the junkyard hissing. "Misto, why'd you do that?" Bomb asked annoyed.

"She's one of Macavity's!" Mistoffelees hissed as he enetered the clearing. "What! But she doesn't look evil," Bombalurina looked dumbfounded from the kitten to Mistoffelees.

"I know, but she is...I should know," Misto said sounding almost sad. "That's nice, but..." Bomb was cut off by a loud giggle. (I'm sure you know whos coming)

Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser had been loking for the kitten. They had heard the yelling and had decided to drop by. "What's goin' on," Mungo's accent broke down each word heavily," Hey, THERE YOU ARE!!" Mungojerrie noticed the tiny, almost invisible kitten curled up in the tube. The kitten had been quite amused at the conversation, but upon seeing Mungojerrie she ran out hissing and scratched Mungo's nose.

"I 'old ya she didn't like ya," Rumpleteaser giggled at Mungojerrie who rubbed his nose. Mungo scowled at the kitten, "Let's go, Macavity's goin' be mad as it is!" Mungojerrie looked up and saw all the jellicles surrounding him, "Did I say..M.m.m.m.Macavity, meant.. ummm.. urrr... Well, I gotta go, I mean WE," Mungojerrie gestured at the kittena dn Rumple and began pushing them all out. But the kitten hissed and raised her paw ready to strike again. "Oh your kiddin' me, Rumple," Jerrie gestured for Rumple to pick up the kitten and have them leave. Rumple picked the kitten up by the scruff of her neck and they rushed out of the junkyard.

Chapter Two
Macavity eyed the timid kitten fiercely, "Have I not warned you of the Jellicles, they're dangerous, they don't understand OUR kind," Macavity grinned evilly, " You don't wanna do that again, kitten, you may pay for it and the price may be costly." Macavity giggled to himself, then he straightened up and addressed Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser who were standing to the side.

"Mungo, be prepared to become a teacher!" Mungo looked uncomfortable. "You will teach her as a part of your qualities as a thief, cat napper, murderer, but most of all an agent to the most high class villain this world has ever known," Macavity smiled.

"I like just saying prankster, sir," Mungojerrie said under his breathe.

Misty watched the actions around her. Her unfamiliar surroundings made her uncomfortable and the large ginger tom in front of her didn't help her feel better at all. She recognized the tom and the other two. The two the tom was talking to were Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser, she had fond memories of them (especially tormenting Mungojerrie). But this cat she didn't like. She recalled the one time she had ever met him:

Mistoffelees watched his sister playfully. Then pounced causing her to fall on her back. "MISTO!!!" She cried as she fell back off the box. Mistoffelees giggled hysterically. "Oh, Shut-up," Misty said pouting.

"Sorry," Misto nuzzled her softly. Misty saw her chance, she jumped and scared the unsuspecting Misto, who also came tumbling off the box. Misty fell on her back laughing and pointing.

"OOOOO," Misto said scowling.

"Oh, come on, can't you take a joke," Misty smiled.

But Misto was focused behind her. Misty turned to see what he was staring at. When she turned all the way around she found her self facing a large Tom cat. "Hello, little ones," The tom said softly.

Misty giggled sheepishly, "Hi!!" Then she began to back off.

"Oh, don't go, I have a surprise," The tom said evilly and as he ran a claw along her face. "A big surprise," He stuck the claw into her causing her to fall back unconscious.

"I see you remember me," Macavity replied to the hiss that escaped Misty's tiny mouth. "Well, Mungo, saddle up, she might be stubborn...." Macavity smiled to himself, She might be worth this after all, He thought as he watched Rumpleteaser walk the kitten out onto the docks.

Chapter 3
"Kitten, watch," Mungojerrie instructed as he flipped backwards, but landed in the water. Rumpleteaser giggled softly, but the kitten hissed at the water that splashed up and turned to run.

Rumpleteaser sighed, "We'd better go after her, Macavity's gonna be steamed over!" She helped her brother out of the water as she watched the kitten run away, again.

****more of Chapter three later***