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chapter 5

1 year later

WinterLite smiled down at Mistoffelees. She knew what he was thinking and she oh so wished for it to come true. Winter and Misto. WinterLite sighed and waved her hand to stop the mirror. Winter looked around the cavern. It was once dark and gloomy but now the maze of mirrors made it glow with dark moonlight from the above.

The above. Winter missed her once shiny life onabove ground in the sunlight. But now she knew that light could hurt, it’d show the truth and sometimes was better not shown. For in the darkness it was easy to pretend and she liked pretending. Also, in the above ground people knew her and shunned her for something that wasn’t her fault even. Winter shook her head and thought, “no, think of the dreams.” Another reason she loved darkness. Dreams could happen and you could do whatever you wanted. She had only traveled to the Above ground a couple times and that was on moonless nights so no one could see her.

Here below the surface, she had discovered her magic powers. Probably her strongest power was in blending in. Winter’s coat was a mirror and reflected everything around her so she looked like the background. Her other power, maybe not as strong but close, also had to do with mirrors. Winter’s cavern was full of mirrors that formed a maze so that any stranger would get lost instantly. But besides that, her mirrors could see the Above and anywhere else. Mirrors, she’d learn, could use and bend truth. his is how she was involved with Mistoffelees’s life. Winter sighed and wondered if she could every go up to the surface. “hey! wait a second! That’s the answer!” she exclaimed.

Her involvement with Misto’s dreams. She had controlled his dreams, every night, he thought he had danced with a silvery-tinted Queen, who was smaller than him. Misto remembered everything as he woke up, but he could never see the Queen’s face or most her body. The lady cat wore a white mask that covered her eye and down one cheek. But Misto knew that the dream girl was wonderfully musically talented. Dream-cat-girl played flutes, pianos, you name it, but best of all her voice was like an angel. So Misto would call her as Angel of Music or Angel for short.

Winter began forming a plan in her head and smiled contently as she realized a dream was to come true. her mirrors could see the Above and anywhere else. Mirrors, she’d learn, could use and bend truth.

Misto yawned and stretched. He dreamed again of Angel, again. Nothing new but she was like the closest friend he’d ever had. Angel knew everything about him but he knew nothing about her, except that she loved him. And that was A-OK with Misto. (tee hee) This time, he dreamed of them waltzing in a some deserted yet romantical forest. There they danced and sang in purrfect harmony to songs like “Think of me Fondly” and “Tonight” (from West Side Story.) Misto didn’t care about never seeing her face, since he knew that beauty was only skin deep and he’d also learned that from Grizabella. Mistoffelees closed his eyes and the dream came back to him crystal clear…..

2 dark almost black figures stood with their arms wrapped around each other. A thin female voice rang out shyly, “Tonight, tonight. There’s only you tonight. With suns and moons all over the place…”

Misto stopped her and said no one was watching and that she should sing her little heart out. Angel answered that she’d pull her heart out for him and Misto answered he’d do the same. Angel took a deep breath and started more surely, pulled her dark cloak around her and this time to a new song. “In sleep you’ve sang with me. In dreams I’ve came. Your voice holds to me and speaks my name. And do you dream again for now you’ve found, The Phantom of the Opera-”

“Hey! Angel o’ Music, you are no phantom of any opera. You’re a Phantomess of the Jellicles!”

Angel smiled and deep organ music seemed to accompany her. “The Phantom of the Jellicles is there… inside your mind.”

Misto: “Sing once again with me. Our strange duet. Your power over me grows stronger yet. And though I’ve turned from you to glance behind… The Phantomess of the Jellicles is there inside my mind.”

The couple danced and sang through the rest of the song. Then, Misto just woke up. (Darn it!)

Once back to reality, the black and white magician climbed out permanent file his hideout and sat on top of the old Ford’s roof.

“Hey Mr. Misto!” yelled Etcetera. He greeted in return and laughed to himself as Etcetera dashed off to find her new mate, Tumblebrutus. Misto sighed and rolled over. He longed for a mate. Victoria may have been his once but now Vicky belonged to Plato. The magic cat yawned and all of a sudden felt sleepy. ‘Well,’ he thought, ‘a quick cat-nap isn’t going to hurt and I’m gonna be up all night for the Ball.’ Mistoffelees tucked his white paws underneath himself and closed his eyes.

Misto jerked awake at the touch of some one’s paw. He looked up and saw (you guessed it!) his Angel. She smiled at him and said he’d learn some thing tonight. He followed the cloaked feline out of the junkyard, through the city and out into a small field. Once there Angel lead him to a small shiny object that laid on the ground.

“Look at your face in mirror and I’m there inside.”

With that she seemed to phase out like smoke. Mistofflees did as he was told. In the mirror he saw Queen smiling at him in some alien surroundings. “Oh Angel, I wish I really knew you.” he whispered at the image. Then only a white-blue light filled hisvision.

Chapter 6

Angel pulled a confused Misto to his feet. “Huh? where am I? Angel, what happened? Where are we?”

“We’re at my home. My only safe refuge from the world above.” She motioned to the stone walls that were covered in mirrors. “My love, you are not dreaming. This is as real as me. And yes I am real… more or less the way you think I am.” Angel grabbed Misto’s paw before he could comment and lead him into the mirrors. “Don’t go through her without me. This is my maze and you’d never find your way out.”

“Wanna bet?” He mumbled.

“No, but I thought it’d be funny to se your reaction” Angel ran ceaselessly through the labyrinth and Misto barely a step behind her. Finally she stopped at a dark cavern, while Misto didn’t halt in time and plowed into the Phantomess. Both laughed as they got back up. “Misto please I know you may not like it down here-”

“I Like it down here. It’s really interesting.” The Tom eyed a pile of tools, instruments, and papers. But what amazed him was a huge pile of books. He remembered one Cat who loved to read and she disappeared not long ago, but he couldn’t think of her name.

“Will you sing with me?” Angel interrupted his thoughts.

“yes of course.”

The two stood paw in paw and danced. Suddenly, Misto began to wonder what was under her mask, why she wore it, and why she didn’t take I off. Misto placed his paw behind her head and drew her close. Then whipped off her guise. Angel screamed and tried to hide her face but to late.

“Wha-what happened to you?” The black and white Tom asked.

Angel choked back tears long enough to answer. “I- I was hurt.”

“Well that’s obvious. How where you hurt?”

And Angel began. “My name’s not Angel. It’s WinterLite. You may have heard-”

“Heard?!?” Misto screamed. “You are Macvity’s sister! Of course I’d hear about you! I danced with you before and we all thought you were deaf then you disappeared and everyone assumed you were dead.”

Winter nodded. “Yes. My life story in a nutshell.”

Misto was flabbergasted. His wonderful Angel of Music. His one love and she was Macvity’s sister! He shook his head. “Why didn’t you say before?”

“I.. I.. I wanted you to love me and-“

“How can I love some one who isn’t who she says she is?” Winter blinked her big purple eyes full of tears and ran back into her maze of mirrors. “No wait! An- I mean Winter! I’m sorry!” he called back but there was nothing but silence. “Winty? please come out.” He began singing, almost subconsciously. “Jellicle Cats come out tonight. Jellicle Cats come one come all…”

“The Jellicle Moon is shinning bright! Jellicles come to the Jellicle Bal.” finished Winter. “Misto, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lie to you. It’s just that I’ve been like this for a year and I loved you the first time we danced at the Jellicle Ball.” Winter padded over to Misto and rubbed cheeks with the smaller Tom.

“WinterLite, make the music of the night,” he purred.

Winter smiled and began to sing. “You were once my one companion. You were all that mattered..” The 2 put on a performance better than any other Jellicle has before.



“Will you…. will you come with me to the Ball? this year, something is going to happen.”

“Really? But, no. My face-”

Misto ran his white hand over her face and traced the scars, murmuring. “You’ll go now. Look in the mirror.”

Winter peered into the looking glass and gasped. Her swollen and nasty looking scars where not so outrageous as before. “Misto.. I can’t believe..” She threw her arms around him and kissed the surprised Tom passionately.

After he broke from the kiss, Mistoffelees wondered out loud, “How are we going to get out of here?”

“You worry too much.”

“But-” Winter simply waved her paw over a mirror and a picture of the Junkyard appeared with all the Cats assembling together for the Ball.

“Look at your face in the mirror and you’ll be there.”

Misto did as Winter instructed him to and in a flash of white light, we was in the Junkyard.

Winter stared at the mirror for a moment before placing a clear collar over her neck. “Purrfect. Ready and rearing to go.” She crossed through the mirror and tumble head over heels enthusiastically.

Misto took a moment to collect his thoughts. Winter somersaulted into the Yard with a smile on her pretty face. Other Cats whispered about this new strange Cat, but assumed she was to become a Jellicle that night. Misto rubbed checks with his girl and pulled her off to dance with the Jellicles.

Winter danced her heart out with the Cats, but she avoided Bombalurina. Soon, Tantomile and Corpitat announced, “I believe it is Old Deuteronomy. “ Winter knew now or never. She trotted over to the yard’s entranced before others could get there and met the Jellicle Leader.

The Old gray Cat stared at a gold and black Cat heading towards him. The Queen spoke, “Old Deuteronomy, sir, you may not remember me but I’m WinterLite, AKA Winger. I’m may not appear to be who I am.” The lady torn off her collar and a silvery cat woman dressed in black and a scarred face was shown. “I couldn’t lie to you. But none of the other Cats would accept me before. I didn’t want to leave them but I knew, since I’m.. Macvity’s litter mate.. they’d hate me.”

Old Duet chuckled and rubbed Winter’s head. “My dear, I know. You did nothing and tonight will be your night. Hurry back, Misto clearly hasn’t known your disguise.”

Winter looked shocked. “How’d you know that Mist and I-”

“Winter, I know almost everything about my followers. Of course I would about Misto and you together. Now go!” He pushed the collar back onto Winter’s slender neck and shoved her to the dancing.

Chapter 7

Winter danced and talked and played with every Cat and Kitten at the dancing-party. At the choosing of the mates, Misto and her were the stars and they picked each other. No Macvity showed up and nothing unexpected happened. The end of all this fun came all too son and just before dawn, Old Deuteronomy, stood on the old tire and announced he’d soon pick the Jellicle Choice. “But wait! We have a guest.”

Misto sprang up at these words and attacked his new mate. Winter screamed and threw him off. “WinterLite, show yourself.” He used his magic to undo the clear collar and Winter was exposed.

“Oh my goodness! It’s her!” Jellyorum exclaimed. Other Jellicles cried out in surprise and Winter trembled with fear.

“Get her!! Macvity’s big sister, she’s just like him!” Alonzo screamed. Many Cats agreed and stalked the frightened feline.

“No, stop. I’m nothing like-”

“Stuff it, traitor. You’re still young and she must have tricked you into thinking she was a Jellicle.” snapped Tugger.

“But-but I never did anything.” Winter cried out. The Cats laughed and advanced. Winter ran. Another flashback of the night of her lost past. No, they couldn’t catch her, they wouldn’t. She glanced back to see Electra, Etcetera, and Victoria coming after her. ‘Where are the others?’ she thought. Demeter and Tugger popped out nearly getting their paws on her. ‘oh great! They have their better runners further away so they’ll wear me out!’ Winter dodged Tumblebrutus and Pouncival before doing a 180 degree turn. She ran toward the cats this time and leaped over their heads at the last second. Finally after an eternity of racing, Winter stopped at the Junkyard. “No, they betrayed me, now I’ll never come back.” she vowed and looked into a broken mirror. “Look at my face in the mirror and home’s inside.”

Munkustrap arrived only to see the Queen disappear in a flash of white light. But he’d heard more….

Misto looked at Winter from the maze entrance as the silver lady came into view. “Hold still, Alonzo.”

Winter whirled toward the sound and panicked. Off through a dark tunnel. ‘Never find me. Please they can’t.’

“Good going, Misto!” Alonzo hissed and chased after her. Alonzo stumbled down the tunnel and could barely keep up with WinterLite. Further and further but both Cats were equally matched. Both were great runners and could endure a lot, both could see in the dark, and neither knew the tunnel well. Winter never bothered to explore down here and Alonzo never had been there.

‘Daylight! ahead!’ Winter through and ran to a small opening into the Above, which she barely managed to squeeze through. Now she dashed across the field, Alonzo on her heels. “You traitor! Twin of the fiend in Feline shape! how dare you call yourself a cat!?” he chase went on for miles and back into the city.

Misto sat on the bridge and looked down at the river as he tossed little stones in the water. “She hates me now. I didn’t want to hurt her, just let everyone know who my mate was,” he whispered to Etcetera. He had explained how good of a soul Winter was and that she was all Macvity wasn’t and better.

Etcetera listened and understood. “I know, no one can learn.” ‘Cety sighed and rubber Mr. Mistoffelees’s shoulder.

“No! please, I didn’t do anything, let me be!” some one cried out. Winter dashed onto the bridge and stopped to look at Misto and ’Cety. “Misto, dearie, why?” she panted and barely was able to get onto the railing beside her new companion. ‘ Cety felt this was a good time to leave an padded back to the Yard.

“I- I’m sorry. I thought you-you would never take your guise off and- and-and remain unknown to everyone.” The black and white Tom kissed and her and said. “You compose the music off the night..” he partly sang.

Winter stayed frozen and stared back into her lover’s eyes. Her pulse was above the roof and she muscles ached and hurt with every beta of her heart. Her chest rose in little gasps. “M-m-Misto, I love you.”

“Touching, surely. Tugger couldn’t closer to a female.” Macvity grabbed WinterLite her the scruff of her neck and pushed a knife at her throat. The pursuing Cats just arrived and halted in their tracks, watching.

“Oh the Magical Mister Mistoffelees, the original conjuring Cat, now how about that! Either desert you’re tribe, join me and feel how my sister did or watch your lover die.” Macvity cackled.

Misto sat thinking, my tribe or my love…. He sat deep in thought.

“My patience grows thin. Chose or you’ll go too.” Macvity pushed the knife against Winter gleaming throat drawing blood.

Winter began to saw, “Pitiful creature of darkness, what kind of life have you known?” “Shad’dap!” he jerked her head, the knife sinking deeper.

The magical cat man watched Winter who eyes read, freedom is better. “Macvity, I’ll leave my tribe.” The Jellicles gasped in surprise. Macvity laughed and pushed Winter roughly away.

The bloodied Queen felt her pulse and heart beat even faster, her head pounded and gore dribbled down her neck. Misto was able to lead her down the bridge and stroked her face. “Shh. It’s over. I’d be miserable with you dead anyway.” he cooed.

“M… Misto.. I’ll always .. love you.” Winter gasped.

“See!” Alonzo screamed. “She’s the reason Misto can’t be part of the Jellicles. She should have died!” The crowd of Cats began slowly ascending toward the couple.

“Misto, forget all of this. Go now, to your world.” Winter said. “Never forget the music of the night.” Winter bounded onto the bridge railing, she was moreproud than before. Graceful and wounded, she looked at the Jellicles, she smiled and said, “Good bye, I love you all.“ Then, her heart burst. Winter’s violet eyes rolled back and she flowingly dived into the water. Never seen again.

“NO!!! My Angel!” Misto screamed and gaped in horror at the currant. She was gone.. gone.. gone forever..never to be seen again. No more moonlight dances, no more warm nights in dreams. All swept away.

Alonzo gawked at the river as well. “What have I done?” The Cats didn’t move and the Jellicles thought about how cruelly they had treated this Queen. She’d saved Sassafras, didn’t harm any of them, and freed Mistoffelees.

Tumblebrutus and Plato found her body down shore. They laid her back on the ground, beside the tire and Old Deuteronomy spoke. “Jellicles, WinterLite was one of a kind and we shall never forget her. Winter, AKA Winger saved some and touched us all. We treated this girl badly but she never slashed back out.”

Females and male, both, cried.

“No, I shall never forget her. I’m sorry I did what I did but, I’m sorry,” Macvity posed on the Old Ford. No one cared.

Demeter said between sobs, “She saved my kitten. She never caused trouble and-”

“I loved her. Oh well, there never was there ever a Cat so wonderful as Mirroring WinterLite” That of course was from Mistoffelees. Other Cats added comments. Old Deuteronomy said that tomorrow would be the real funeral.

Misto sat on the drain pipe with his arms around his knees. He sang and spoke to himself, “WinterLite, come out tonightI’ll never stop missing you. We’ll never dance or sing Our songs will never ring. WinterLite come out tonight.” Misto collapsed in tears. But then he remembered, one Cat a year is sent to the Heavyside Layer to be reborn again. No one was sent, so that meant…….. “WINTER’S COMING BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

the end