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The Story Of Little Midnight: Ch.2 Misto's Secret

Kitty Kibbles:(Authors Note": This Chapter is a little long, enjoy!
The suns' rays shot brightly through the window of the living room part of the house. Blinking, Victoria squinted her eyes and looked out the window. She was at home, lying on her Master's seat cushion for a chair, which is right below the large bay windows in the front of the living room. The white cat yawned. It was mid afternoon and the sun was still high. Victoria yawned again, and retracted her claws as she stretched out her legs, which were stiff because she had stayed in one place for so long.

Victoria got up and jumped off the chair cushion. She trotted over to her water bowl and took a few laps. Her ears perked up at the sound of her mother scolding her older sister Etcetra.

"Now what did Etcy do?" Victoria mumbled. She got up and started to walk into the master bedroom, were she found Jellylorum, Etcetra, and a flower pot on the floor, that was shattered. The pieces lay scattered everywhere. It was a mess.

Jellylorum looked over at Victoria as she came in. "Hi Momma," Victoria said, "what happened?"

"Well," Jellylorum started, "your sister just happened to be running around the house like a mad cat, when she knocked over the Master's flower pot."

"It was an accident," Etcetra said in her own defense. She was trying to make herself look as small as possible.

"It was pure recklessness, that's what it was," Jellylorum turned away from her older daughter. "And I would tell you to stay home tonight and not go to the junkyard . . . . ," Etcetra gave a small whimper, her eyes were glossy with tears, " . . . . but, Munkustrap called a meeting and he wants the whole tribe there, and that means you." Jellylorum finished.

"Yes!" Etcetra cried in a whisper. Jellylorum scowled at her. Etcetra shrank to a smaller size again.

"I don't think that the Master and the Mistress will be that mad at Etcy, Momma," Victoria said trying to shed some light on her sister, "they know she's just a kitten."

"That's not the point Victoria dear," Jelly said looking over at Etcetra, "your sister needs to be more careful, and not so reckless."

Etcetra hung her head. Vicki felt sorry for her. It seemed as if Etcy got in to more trouble then Victoria did with Jemima. Jellylorum would say that Etcetra was spending to much time around Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer or Rum Tum Tugger. Victoria didn't think so. All she thought was her older sister was beginning to turn into a teen-adult. She remembered her Mother and Jennyanydots once talking about how some kittens that were starting to grow up didn't know how to react to the sudden changes happening in their body's, making them react in strange ways. Victoria knew that, that was exactly what was happening with Etcy. She hoped that her Mother would go easy on Etcetra, because she didn't like seeing her older sister get into so much trouble.

"Now," Jellylorum looked at Victoria, "I have to go out for a while, but I'll be back soon. In the mean time," she looked at Etcetra, "Try to stay out of trouble."

Etcetra nodded. Jellylorum rubbed up against her and purred. Etcetra purred back. Jelly started to walk out of the room, swishing her tail at Victoria. "Be good you two," the calico called at the door, then headed for the cat door. When Jelly was gone Victoria turned to Etcetra.

"What was that all about?" Victoria asked as she yawned. Etcetra shrugged.

"I was bored and I saw a fly," she said. Victoria made a face at her. "What?" Etcetra squealed.

It made Victoria laugh. "Nothing, I just can't see you getting bored."

Etcetra snorted at her. "Well you've been sleeping all day! I haven't had anyone to play with."

"Sorry. I'm just tired that's all." Victoria yawned again. "Wake me up next time."

Etcetra giggled. "I tried, but you just grumbled and told me to go away."

"Oh," Victoria also giggled, "I don't even remember."

Etcetra trotted out of the room, and made her way to the dining room. Victoria followed her.

"Man that was a close one," Etcetra said looking behind her. "I really thought Mom was going to say I couldn't go to the junkyard. Oh thank the Heaviside for the meeting." She stopped at her food bowl. "Bless the cat for calling a meeting, who ever did call it." Etcetra looked back at Victoria who had settled herself on the arm of a chair.

"Do you know who called the meeting?" Etcetra asked.

Victoria nodded. Her tail was twitching uncomfortably. "Mistoffelees," she answered.

"Really?" Etcetra gave her a weird face. "Why?"

Victoria shrugged. "He wants to introduce someone."

Etcy looked surprised. "Who?"

"I don't know!" Victoria jumped over to a window. "He wouldn't tell me anything last night."

Etcetra looked at her younger sister. "Victoria looks so confused," she thought.

Victoria was indeed confused. She wanted to see Misto, and see what was going on. He wouldn't tell her anything last night when he came to the junkyard and asked Munkustrap to call a meeting, with Old Deuteronomy there no less. He didn't give anyone any clues about what he planed for tonight. She didn't know about any of the other jellicles, but Victoria was personally going to find this meeting very interesting.

Victoria gazed out the window and watched the sun, hoping that night would soon fall.

"Tiger? Tiger? Oh come on, Tiger where are you?"

Munkustrap's ears perked at the sound of his young Master calling his name. Munk had made himself comfortable under one of the beds in the young Master and Mistress's room. He got up and stretched. His silver tiger-tabby coat was glossy even in the dark. He made his way out from under the bed. Munk squinted his eyes, letting the adjust to the change in the light. Then went to find his owner that was calling him.

"Tiger," Munkustrap whispered to himself. He gave a short laugh. He acutely found his family name amusing. Because of his tiger-like stripes and his serious manner the name fit him well. But of course, he himself preferred his real jellicle name, Munkustrap.

Walking into the living room, Munk spotted his younger Master looking under a chair for him. Munkustrap chuckled. He walked up behind the young boy and meowed. The boy looked back to find the tabby sitting at his heals.

"Oh there you are, Tiger," the boy picked Munk up and stroked his back. "Why is it whenever I look for you, you're never there, but when I'm busy you want attention." The boy laughed and scratched Munk behind the ears. Munkustrap purred playfully. The boy put him down and Munk walked into the kitchen to find his food bowl.

"Oh," the boy chuckled, "I suppose you want food now, huh?" Munkustrap meowed in reply. "OK, hang on." The boy started to get the hard flavored pebbles the humans like to call 'Dry cat food'. Munkustrap himself preferred a tasty mouse or bird. Munkustrap patiently waited for his young master when he noticed outside. The sun! It was getting lower in the sky, and soon it would be sundown.

"Oh man, the meeting!" Munkustrap ran for the open window that the family always kept open for him. As soon as he was outside he started to head for the junkyard. Munk felt it was his responsibility to be at the junkyard first, being the future leader of the tribe and all.

Munkustrap was lucky, his home was very close to the junkyard. As soon as he got there, he entered the tire area. Of cores no one was there. It was too early for the jellicles to gather. Munk desiccated to wait for a while before he went to help Old Deuteronomy get there. He made himself comfortable on the tire, and drifted in and out of cat naps for a good 15 minutes.

He didn't have to wait long before the first few cats arrived. The sun hadn't set yet, but from behind the old rusted car came Skimbleshanks, Agustus, Alonzo, Tumblebrutus and Pouncival.

The two younger toms, Tumblebrutus and Pouncival rushed out and started to do flips and somersault. Alonzo came out behind them, laughed every time they fell. Skimble and Agustus walked out shaking their heads and chuckling at the younger toms.

Munkustrap smiled at the two older jellicles. "Hello Skimble, Agustus," he said as he got up to greet them, "What are all of you doing here so early?"

"We could be asken' you the same thing lad," Skimble smiled, "Ah, I was on my way here, be'en that I have to walk past the theater, I got old Agustus to come with me." Agustus smiled. Being that his father Asparegus, or Gus as the jellicles like to call him, lived at the theater, Agustus got a brake and was able to stay too. "And we ran into these lads," Skimble pointed to the three younger toms.

Alonzo walked over. "Hi Munk," he said as he stretched, "so when's this meeting that's supposed to take place?"

"An hour after sundown," Munk answered, "and it looks like it will be soon."

"Hey, I was wondering," Agustus scratched his head, "who did call the meeting?"

"Well," Munk scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably, "last night Mistoffelees asked me to call one."

"Why in the world would Misto want to call a meeting?" Alonzo asked with a short laugh.

Munk shrugged. "He said he wanted to introduces someone."

"Really?" Skimble couldn't help but smile. "Who?"

"I have no idea!" Munkustrap had spent most of last night pondering over that particular subject. "He said it was a surprise."

"Well that sounds like Mistoffelees," Alonzo chuckled, "Always full of surprise's."

"He probably has a girl friend or somethin'," Tumblebrutus piped up. He had gotten a free moment from the tumbling, but it didn't last long. Pouncival jumped on his tail.

"Oh I doubt that lad," Skimble pondered, "He and that pretty Lass, Victoria have been very close lately. No, if you be asken' Old Skimble Mistoffelees is going to give us quite a surprise tonight."

"A surprise?" A new voice was heard. "I love surprise's." A black, brown, and tan leopard like beast swaggered out into view. Rum Tum Tugger's thick mane blew gently in the small breeze. He had one of his 'to cool for you' smiles on his face. Behind him a slim female joined them. The white female, with her gray and black tabby stripes, gave him a small push. Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled as she giggled.

"Tugger, the only surprise you like to hear about is which female is going to glue themselves to you today." She shook her small black and gray mane.

"That's not true Nina," Tugger shot back, "I enjoy any surprise that involves me," Nina rolled her eyes, "But you were an exemption." Tugger laughed at his dumb joke.

"Oh haha Tugger, your real funny," She gave him a swab at the ear.

Munkustrap smiled. Lavara Nina didn't really look related to Rum Tum Tugger. After all she was a white, gray, and black tabby, not a leopard like beast. But they sure did act like brother and sister.

Tugger wasn't the sentimental type, but Munk knew he was happy to have his little sister back in the tribe. Nina had run away from her home and from the jellicles when Nina and Tugger were only kittens. She had been on her own since then. Until she decided to come back to the tribe. It had been a struggle but in the end, Munk felt like he made the right choice, by allowing Nina to come back to the jellicles.

Nina's tail waved lightly in front of Tugger. She smiled at the four toms. "Hello Munkustrap, Agustus, Skimbleshanks," she jumped up on to the tire and sat next to Alonzo, who was purring at her. "Alonzo," She rubbed up against him and purred.

"Hello Nina," Munkustrap and Agustus said in unison.

"Hello there, lass," Skimble smiled, "How are you today?"

"Much better now," She said as she looked at Alonzo. The black and white tom had a silly smile on his face.

"Hey!" Impatiently, Tugger jumped in-between the two love birds, forcing them apart. "What am I? Chopped liver?!"

"You will be if you don't move," Alonzo growled at him. Nina just laughed and pushed Tugger over to Munkustrap.

"So I see you and your sister are getting along just fine Tugger," Skimble laughed.

"Oh yeah," Tugger grinned, "Ya' know? For a spoiled, inconsiderate, immature, brat, Nina is actually really easy to get along........owe!" Tugger felt a sudden pain in his tail. Nina had dug her sharp claws into it. "Geez Nina!" he wined.

"Oh Tugger, don't be such a kitten," Nina pointed a claw at him, "And don't get me started on immature! The stories I could tell."

"Oh shut up," Tugger mumbled as he rubbed his hurt tail.

Munkustrap, Agustus, and Skimble all chuckled. Nina resumed her place next to Alonzo.

Munkustrap looked up at the sky. The sun was begin to set fast. He raised himself from his seat and jumped off the tire.

"Hey, Munk," Tugger called, still tending to his hurt tail, "where are you going now?"

"The suns setting pretty fast. I should go get Old Deuteronomy." With that Munkustrap disappeared behind a few trash cans.

Tugger shook his head. "Man, is it just me or does Munkustrap need some sleep or something?"

"I think your right," Agustus agreed, "Munk has been kind of out-of-it, lately."

"Ah, the lads just has a lot on his mind," Skimble said.

"Maybe," Agustus looked after Munk, who was no where to be seen, "I still say he should relax."

"So," Nina said changing the subject, "What's this meeting about?"

"Our Magician has some surprise for us," Alonzo answered.



Nina had a crush on Misto for a while, even though she was a little older then him. But Alonzo had shown the he truly loved her, and her crush disappeared. She and Misto were still good friends.

"Well," she said as she made herself comfortable in Alonzo's arms, "This will certainly be exciting."

Skimbleshanks nodded in agreement. He looked up at the sky. It was getting darker and darker. So it would be nightfall and the jellicles would start to come.

"Well Misto, lad," Skimble thought, "Tonight's your night. I just hope you know what your doing, whatever it is that your doing."

**** It was officially night time, only 30 minutes after sundown. All the jellicles had gathered. They had made themselves comfortable around the junkyard, patiently waiting for the meeting to start.

When it was time for the meeting, Old Deuteronomy appeared, leaning on Munkustrap's arm for support (he was getting old). All of the tribe greeted him cheerfully. When Old Deut had made himself a set on the tire, Munkustrap turned to the jellicles.

"Well as you all know, a jellicle approached me last night, asking if I would call a meeting. I'm glad to see that you are all here," Munkustrap searched through the crowed of cats, "But I do not see, the jellicle who requested this meeting."

"I'm right here," a voice called from atop a trash can. All the jellicles looked up to find Mistoffelees looking down on them. His blue, almost black eyes were sparkling with excitement.

"Sorry I'm late," he said as he jumped down, "Master trouble," He smiled and looked at Deuteronomy, "Thank you for coming, Old Deuteronmoy."

Deut smiled at him. "My pleasure Mistoffelees. I wouldn't miss this for the world."

Mistoffelees smiled.

"Well Misto," Munkustrap said, "You called the meeting. Would you like to take over from here?"

"Uh...sure," he said turning to the tribe, "Well, I would like to thank all of you for coming first of all." He was not used to being the center of attention often. "And the reason I called this meeting is because there is someone who I think everyone should meet."

He looked at Munkustrap. "Here we go," he said. Munk nodded, letting him know it was OK. Mistoffelees held up a paw as if to say 'stay here', then turned away from the jellicles and trotted to a trash can and looked behind it. For a few seconds he just stared behind the trash can. All the cats were silent. Tugger was starting to get impatient, and was about to say something, when Mistoffelees spoke. But not to them, he spoke to whatever was behind the trash can.

"Are you going to come out?" Misto's voice was surprisingly soft and warm. A rustle of fur moving was hear from behind the trash can. "Why not?" Misto asked. All was silent. "Oh come on, you know very well no one will hurt you." More rustle of fur was heard.

"What's wrong?" Munkustrap asked.

"Shy," Mistoffelees said with a smile. He looked back behind the trash can. "Come on. I promise no one will hurt you, OK?" There was a pause, then another rustle of fur. "OK," Misto said with one of his warm smiles, "Come on." He started to walk back over to the tribe, which had been silently watching. Mistoffelees looked back. "Come on," he said again.

It was to quick to see in detail, but a very small figure of black fur rushed from behind the trash can, to behind Misto. Munkustrap's whiskers twitched. The small body was small enough to fully hide behind Mistoffelees! Well right there, Munkustrap was impressed. Misto was one of the smallest jellicles in the tribe, and even if there was a jellicle smaller then him, they never could hide behind Misto like that.