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Drom shorty and jellicle friends

"Yeah! I'm 'ere!" Rumpleteazer yelled to Munkustrap. Once she was close enough to talk with out screaming, Rumple talked. "'i guys. Any of you seen Mungo? I've been looking for 'im. Oh well, 'e'll turn up eventually," she sighed as she sat down.

Old D heard Munku, also. He hobbled over to join the group. "Hello. Anything going on around here lately? Any news?" he asked Munkustrap. Shorty shyly hid behind Munkustrap. She was scared that the leader wouldn't like her "I see you hiding, little one!" Old D said to the new kitten. " As long as you don't help Macavity, you can live here," he explained to Shorty "New always are fun in the junkyard. I'm sure you'll find some friends here. I am sorry for not introducing myself. Of these cats, as you may know, I am leader,and to some," he said with a slight smirk "father. I am called Old Duteronomy,but you may call me Old D." Old D sat down with the group to find out what was going on and to talk a little bit. When Old D came up Munk ran to his side and rubbed him.

To answer his question he felt Shorty behind him and smiled to her and said," Yes. Some very important stuff. See for yourself. He nuged Shorty out and said," This is Shorty my new friend ! She's staying at my house. I belive she is now a Jellicle!" He purred and smiled at Shorty.

Shorty looked up at the big leader of the jellicles and smiled. She was nervous but still could look cute.

Munk is very happy. “Hi rumpleteazer! It's very good to see you again! How have you been? I hope you haven't been to much trouble! " He said with a wide smile.

In came the most brilliant and amazing of all the cats(in his opinion).

His mane was bristled and and you could tell that he was feeling quite mischevious by the smerk that he wore. Around the junkyard he strutted and vahemiently sang to announce his presence. "the rum-tum-tugger is a curious cat.....," Tugger then stopped singing when he noticed the other cats sitting and conversing aroung the Ford. He could see that Dots, Munk and many other familiar faces were there but who was the new and very cute cat sitting next to Munk. He began walking toward her and raised his tail in interest."The Rum-Tum-Tugger is a curious BEAST!"he said to the new arrival. Purhaps this would get the lady cat's attention.

Shorty looked at him and smiled, "well you must be The Rum Tum Tugger. Well nice to meet you. You are one of the hansome toms." She smiled at him one of her big cute smiles hoping to see Munkustrap's reaction.

He was obviously annoyed and jealous that the Tugger was moving in on Shorty. Munk wasn't supposed to like her but he did not want TUGGER all over her. He gave him a low and suttle hiss. He hoped no one else would notice his hiss. He also hoped that Shorty would not fall for Tugger's tricks. He was not thrilled to see the Tugger but he smiled after his hiss and said," Hello Tugger glad to see you." He gave Shorty a "yuck look" and rolled his eyes to Demeter.

Oh Shorty noticed Munk's hiss, she was rather alarmed by it, yet she was very pleased by it to. She started giggleing at his "yuck look" and started toward Tugger. She sat down next to him and nuzzled his neck, then his cheeck, she then lastly rubbed on his chest. Hopeing to catch another glimce of Munk's response.

Munk was not very happy with Shorty's response to Tugger. In fact he was hating Tugger more and more by the second! He turned away and walked to Demeter, he leaned close to her and purred softly in her ear. He rubbed her and licked her forehead gently. All this time he was still wondering ," I love them both but can't I be with them both? Can I be friends with one? I don't know!!!" He was screaming on the inside but on the outside he was showing his REAL love , that he really does have, for Demeter.But still there is someone who gives Demeter a run for her Munky, Shorty.

Shorty could see Munk's discomfort she got very worried and she didn't like him rubbing on Demeter, that did not please her at all

Yes, tugger thought. This cat really likes me. Or perhaps she is just doing this to make Munk jealous. He had seen her sitting with Munk and had seen the way she looked at him. He had also seen the passion and love in Munk's eyes. Tugger was not very perseptive but he new an unspoken attraction when he saw one. yes, if Munkustrap wanted a fight he would have one. I may be self-centered and arrogent but i can still fight, tugger thought. and i am quite handsome,maybe more so than Munk."Hey, Munk, why dont you tell your new friend here about your terrible flea promblem!?!?!" Shorty liked Tugger she liked the way he looked the way he acted, but she did not like the way he talked to Munk. She shot a glare at him but relaxed as she relized it was stupid to take on a tom. So she just ran her paw up and down his body and smiled suductively at him.

Munk knew what Tugger was doing . He knew he was trying to provoke him. He smiled keeping cool as he always did," Yy Tugger and next I'll tell them about my ear mites! " He laughed at himself . He had obviously showed up the Tugger. He walked by him sat down in front of him and began scratching vigeriously. He laughed again and under his breath he said ," Don't worry you'll be the one with maggots crawling on you when I'm done. Behind the old stove. Later."

Shorty's excellent ears picked up what munk was saying. She didn't wanna see a tom get hurt cause of her, She didn't want all the female cats to hate her cause she caused a fight between tugger and munkustrap for her affections. She pulled Munkustrap over to the side and whispered to him, "please don't do anything rash, it's stupid to fight tugger for a reason I have no idea why." she was lying she knew munk liked her, but, she couldn't let him know she knew. She wanted to see how serious this crush on her was.

"Etcy! so good to see you!" Electra says, she looks over at Shorty, and goes back to Jemima "Whos the new cat?" she looks at Shorty again, and notices Tugger! she immediately leaves her friends and starts to admire Tugger who soaks up the attention then ignores her as usual, it's ok to her though, as long as he's there!

Shorty smiled at he kitten, "hi I'm shorty the newest jellicle." She clings to Tugger and hopes to get a smile out of him

Munk saw the glace that she gave to Tugger and he knew this was not a "I love you " glance. But then he saw her rubbing him! Oh Munk was not happy . It was not all about Shorty is was also all the years that Tugger did these stupid things! He always did! Now it just all added up to to much. He heard Shorty's words but they went in one ear and easily slipped out the other. He put on a "happy face" and walked to the middle of the group. “I need to leave for a minute . Don't worry, *I'LL* be back very soon it shouldn't take to long . Just a little earrad to run.

Tugger looked at Munk.Oh, so it *was* a fight that he wanted!!! Ahhh, yes! Munk shall have his fight, he thought, but not before I have my fun as well.Tugger turned to the cute cat at his side and in a gallant and suave gesture he jealously licked her and meowed."so, why go elsewhere, Munk, if we have a score to settle lets do it here and now. I'm not above that."Tugger roared as he hurdled himself toward the waiting tabby.

Munk was a bit off guard but he was a much better and more expieranced figter. Tugger got in an excellent shot to the right side of Munk's face. Munk instantly flipped the Tugger over on his back and put his front paws on his chest. He was breathing very hard now and was in a little rage. He raised his right paw slowly extended his long claws and prepared to give the Tugger what he deserved.

"nnnoooooooo stop it," Shorty's voice could not be heard from all the gasping and hollaring.

Jemima saw her friends run over to Tugger and her eyes widened. She ran over to them and grabbed their collars, "Come on!" Jemima said, pulling at the collars, "You don't want to be around them right now..." Jemima backed up from the two cats, biting her lip nervously, wondering what Munkustrap was planning to do with that claw...

Munk hears the kittens calling to Tugger. Tugger too hears them. They are both so cought up in the moment of the fight neither one responds. Munk still holds his paw up claws extended but still a little unsure what to do.

Shorty ran in between the two raging males and stood there, "look what you too are doing your just causeing more pain to others than yourselfs. Why are you fighting anyway. I like you tugger and i like you munk your my friends and i don't wanna see my friend get hurt." She stood there and started to cry but then she stood up straight, tears still running down her calico face, "if you two need a punching bag use me." She stood and waited for any hits she may get. Jemima walked over to Shorty, whispering, "You don't think Munku would really hurt someone, do you?" she asked, her eyes wide. She hated to see anyone get hurt.

Munk knows before anyone even says anything or makes one move that he'd never hurt anyone. He lowers his paw right before Shorty gets there and he flops to the ground with a loud sound. He begins to talk to himself,"I never should of let him get the best of was stupid! I shouldn't of fought his, it wasn't even a fair fight! Oh! I'm so sorry! You know I wouldn't hurt anyone! Oh no! " Then he pulls together walks to Shorty and says," I would never hit you, or Tugger for that matter.” He rubs her and purrs to her. He looks to Demeter for a smile ...maybe.

Don't cry please! " He walks to Tugger and says " Sorry, it won't happen Ever again!" He rubs Tugger.As Munk rubbed him Tugger began to remember all of the good times that they had as kittens. he also remembered the many times that Munk had helped him in his dealings with Macavity.

"Truly, Munkustrap, i am cocky and arrogent but you must forgive a pompus fool like me. I regret having ever instigated this vidictive quarlle had i hope that we may put this behind us. I cant help but remembering the times that we sang with each other. It seemed like you could never find where or in which direction my voice was coming from but i always knew that we would end up on the same key." He exstended a paw in friendship."Shall we let bygons be bygons?" Munk gladly takes the paw and doesn't say anything but he thinks everyone knows what he is thinking.Munk forgives the Tugger.

Etcetera came out from her hiding place, and ran over to Tugger and Munkus, "Oh, I'm so happy!!" She jumped up and down and collapsed in front of Tugger's feet......

He just smiles at her innocent crush on Rum-Tum. Tugger looked down at Etcetera and smiled he was happy that she had been concerned and was glad to know that she was not mad at him."Would you like to council Munk and I and help us with our problems?"

Etcetera looked up at Tugger and said, "I'd love to help you!" She did a flip.

Munk laughs at her girly excitment over Tugger.

"Well, i am glad to see that you are so enthused. Now i will begin with my story, i mean, our story. you see, i am interested in this cute little cat named Shorty but it would seem that Munk is also interested in her."Tugger looked at Munk for a reply. He seemed to be saying," i had her first."

"Then again Demeter and Munk have this lovely little thing going on so what should i do.? Personly I think that Demeter is rather cute too soo I'll take either one.Oh, by the way,this is confindential."

Munk smiles and says (as a joke),"I should of beat you up when I had the chance! He smiles and says,"Well actually I guess I'm the one with the problem."

Etcy felt a twinge of jelousy as she thought Tugger was hers, "Well, I don'tknow how you and Munk could fight over just one cat! 'Cause you know that you both can't have her!" She got up , "So, there really is no way to settle it, it's up the the girl kitty!" then she mumbled under her breath, "Or Tugger would pick me and....."

Tugger looked at munk, "That's true you know,it is up to Shorty. "But ! I don't know who I want to be with. I need to spend more time with Shorty seeing how I know Demeter better at this point," Munkustrap exlcaimed "And i shall spend more time with the both of them." Tugger gave a rye smile. "But dont worry ,Munk, its strictly purrfesional.I think that we can all get along just being friends. Wouldnt you agree?"

" Hold on there cowboy! I think that I love them both but it's just that you can't be with two! But I do love them both," Munk pointed out

"Hold on to your diapers there Cupid! I think that its great if you love the both of them. But i just want to get to know them better. You can look you just can't touch," Tugger sneered.

"Well remember Demeter is my girlfriend right no , so if you do try something that gives me the green light to finish my job!"

Tugger looked at Ectectera, "Well all right buckaroo! Little lady, what do you think?"

Shorty just sat there, she watch the fun through tear filled eye. she was thinking about her past, her relationship with Macavity,

continued later...