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Drom shorty and jellicle friends

Rumpleteazer ran as fast as she could away from the human house toward the junkyard. She hoped they wouldn't catch her. These new pearls around her neck were just so much prettier! As soon as she reached the junkyard, she called, "Is there anyone 'ere? 'ey Mungo, come look what I got!"

Unknown to the mischievous cat, from the shadows of a dark alley, someone observed her entering the Junkyard. Two sad, green eyes. Eyes that had once known luster and sparkling innocence regarded the retreating form closely. Only after the owner of those eyes was sure that no other cat was in sight,she stepped from the shadows. The ragged old feline sat there, in front of the alleyway opposite to the entrance of the junkyard. Staring at the pile of junk in the distance around which the cat with the pearls had disappeared. And sighed, a muted, sterile hiss that spoke of unknown depths loneiness. Grizabella hung her head, shaking it slowly, before she looked back up. The glamour cat used to come here a lot in the last couple of weeks. At first she did not know why she would come here, except that she could not resist it. But after she knew. She knew that she simply had to see. Even if it made her feel so much more lonely, for all she had lost. She had to see a living, vital cat. A tiny, fragile straw that she could cling to. Just a little memory."Are they all like that. Do all kittens hold that innocence? That mischief."Grizabella silently whispered to the drooping, dark walls of the houses surrounding the street. Her whiskers twitched for an instant as the glamour cat revealed in the sound of her own voice, in the sound of the words as she spoke them. It was the only voice Grizabella had heard for more than seven years. But every time she used to speak lately, the words seemed more foreign and came to her with difficulty.Would she lose that ability too, as she had lost every aspect of her former life? Every little memory that used to give her enough strength to prevail in the face of her empty, brutal existance. This she feared greatly, for without her voice she would truly be alone .. and dead. She wanted to go in there. That she could not deny, she had wanted to go in there for more than two years now. She wanted to jump up and run through that gate, find that young cat with the pearl necklace and give herself over for whatever judgment that one would find fair. Perhaps this one she never had known would accept her, unlike the others. Perhaps this one would see Grizabella for what she truly was. And even if there were no Jellicles there she might still be there and remember.

But she could not, her instincts prevented Grizabella from moving one step. The glamour cat was caught in the grips of a very real paralasys that prevented her from raising her paw. Her own self could not rush in there and surrender in the hopes of mercy, for she knew herself that it would probably end up like it had always been. The Jellicles would chase her away. They would deny her, despise her, and Grizabella was not sure she could take any more of that at this moment. Not now, she did not need any more failure to let them understand that she was not who or what they made hereto be.It was not fear. Oh no, she did not fear them. Grizabella did notfear much of anything in this defeated state she was in. But she wasnot sure whether this came from something as ungraspable as courage or from simple apathy about living.Perhaps survival was not enough.

She shook her head as she retreated back into the shadows, she sat there for a long time. Silently staring, remembering of howdifferent things could have gone. Waiting .. watching .. forwhat?

Munkustrap saw it all. After all wasn't that what he was supposed to do? He saw Rumpleteazer running with her pearls and he let out a low laugh at her. But more important he saw those eyes. He knew he didn't want his tribe (mostly the kittens) to have anything to do with those eyes. He stood up very confident in himself , he walked to where she thought she was hiding. But most know not much escapes Munk. He looked her right in those sad eyes and said , " Stay away." He was calm for the time..

Grizabella felt foolish. She saw Munkustrap approaching as he exited the junkyard. He had seen her, she knew it from the deliberate way he approached. Of course he had seen her, she should have realized that when she had stepped from the shadows. Still, even though every ragged instinct screamed at her to leave, she did not. She stayed hidden in the shadows, even as she could see him approach.Grizabella truly did not know why she stayed, but she could not deny that something made her so.

He approached and stopped before her, and even before he spoke the two words she could see it in his eyes. And she hungher head, not looking at him. "Stay away."

"Please .. " was the only thing Grizabella could say, her voice trailed away though, as the glamour cat had nothing more she could say to him. Her words faded away to her in the light of the harsh voice ofthe grey and black tabby. She knew that whatever she said here and now would be meaningless in the light of the intense despise heheld for her. She looked him in the eyes and saw the uncompromising gaze there.Grizabella wanted to scream out for all the world to hear. She wanted to spring over somehow in reckless impulse and slash him with her ruby red claws. Deny the words and the idea behind it with sheerforce. But she could not. She had to sublimate her grief once again,had to take the rejection, that so clearly shone from him, as well as she could with the realization that she knew the truth of what layin her heart. She saw his angry scowl and sighed.

Grizabella was not surprisedat his reaction, how could she have been? She just looked at him,as if saying without words .. How can you be so cruel? .. she hung her head and started to stumble away, past Munkus for the shadows near the walls of the junkyard. She ignored the new voice, she ignored Munkus' reaction to that new voice. All she knew was that she had been foolish in coming here.She had probably been foolish in coming here with hope. Now she turned to the emptiness of the dark street. A street she saw for a moment through a mist of tears.

Munkusrap entered the Junkyard hoping to get everyone together. He sniffs the air, and twitches his whiskers . He hopes to find Demeter, it's been to long. He thinks of all the fun times they've had together. He also wants to find the Kittens so Grizablla won't bother them. He must also not let anything happen to Demeter.There is so much! He clears his mind and calls out , "It's me, Munkustrap! Please if you hear me come out. I need to talk to you! " After this he sits down, stretches and lays his head on his front paws and wonders what to do with Grizabella. He knows all the things about her, but is she really all that bad?can cats change for the better Shorty plopped down next to her favorite cat, "Munky do you like me even if i'm blind in one eye." She looked at the floor then back at munkustrap waiting for a reponse.

Munk lifts his head and looks at Shorty. " How could I not like you?" He smiles slowly and shakes his head with a laugh,"I sure hope we find some more Jellicles soon. You'd listen to me if I told you something real important , right?" As Munk waits for Shorty to respond he hears sounds of small kitten voices. He's not sure who but he's very pleased that the Jellicles are coming together. He looks at Shorty and smiles, "I guess you'd better answer quick 'cause I think we're getting some company!" He raises up and yells in the direction of the voices , " Hey! It's me Munkustrap." he glances at Shorty and adds , " With my good friend Shorty." He hoped it would lift Shorty's feelings. How could Shorty think that Munk didn't like her? Of course he did! In fact he hoped they could become good friends. He lies back down next to Shorty with a sigh and a smile. "We can talk some other time if we don't have enough time before they get here." He purrs to let her know he's happy.

Munk purrs some more after he was done yelling for the other kittens. he doesn't think the other kittens will come for awhile so he starts talking to his newly found friend. " We're going to be friends,right? Let's get to know eachother"There is an awkward pause then Munk looks down at his collar then notices Shorty's bare neck. " Do you have a family? Please Shorty , don't go near that old grey cat. I believe she is trouble. I wouldn't want you to get hurt or misled." He nuzzles her and purrs louder. Munk suddenly thinks of a question he simply must know . So he quickly adds, "Shorty how old are you ? Are you close to my age?" He purrs again , then he thinks " What does it really matter?"

Shorty looked at the ground then back up at what she could see of Munkustrap, " i don't have a family I used to but they beat me so i took off., yes i think i'm about your age i'm about 2-4 yrs old why?"

Munk looked at Shorty and said" You know, if you wanted I ...ummm....I have a nice family, and i'm sure they would just love you. And be glad to have you. How couldn't they? Your so pret..." He stopped and thought of Demeter, but....He decided to change the subject, "Where do you sleep at night when it is cold? Come with me and we'll get some warm milk together." He purrs as loud as he can and smiles. were his feelings wrong?

"That would be great, i sleep in the old ford curled up in ball," she started to follow him hoping he didn't notice how much she liked him. How could she? How could she fall for a tom who's taken, Shorty knocked herself in the head mently.

Munk led the way to his house. He was in deep thought the whole way and didn't say much of anything. Was this wrong? Maybe he should of just kept his mouth shut. But these feelings were just so strong! When they reached his house he stopped. He said with a laugh, "Now be cute." The house was on the nice end of town a two story with a few small trees because it was in town. It was victorian style and was well kept up. "Let's go in through the cat door." They entered and Munk told Shorty to follow him . He was very nervous but hoped it didn't show. He walked up to his owner let out a small meow and rubbed her legs.

She looked down and smiled, " Who'd you bring me Munk?" Your new girlfriend?" Munk just meowed again.

He said under his breath to Shorty ," This looks good. We can go back to the junkyard in just a little bit." He smiled at her again and hoped she would act cute.

Shorty was a bit nervous herself but still put on show. She rubbed on the ladies leg and meowed softly. Her leg were sore because of an attack by a pollicle dog yesterday, she winced a little but still tried her best to look as cute as possible. Finnaly her leg got the best of her and she collapsed, "Munkustrap help it hurts so bad." She held onto her leg and yowled in pain.

Munk was surprised. He felt bad. He felt like it was his fault, he should of noticed sooner! He rushed over before his owner even noticed she was down . He began licking the sore very quickly. It was the only thing he could think to do. His owner looked surprised but went and got the first aid kit and began to work on the damaged leg. While she did this Munk sat near Shorty's head and asked her, " Who was bothering you? What were you doing to make him do this? We have to get back to the junkyard as soon as she's done...Grizabella might show up."

Shorty looked into his eyes and tried hard to speak, "pollicle dog......i..was..walking by..and..attacked me it hurts so bad. Yes we need to get back to the junkyard." She tried to get up but fell back down, "you go ahead Munk, when i'm better i'll follow."

Munk does not want to leave Shorty this way, but he is the protector of the Jellicles and he must protect them. He leans very close to Shorty and says softly," I will go, Iwill wait for you on the car bumper. I will move for no less than Grizabella. Please come , but, not until you can. don't worry." He said with a grin." I'm very patient and I'll wait." He leaned even closer and gave her a soft lick on her forehead.

He got up slowly and walk towards the catdoor. He turned and gave her a "be brave" smile and left through the cat door. When he reached the junkyard he slumped onto his car bumper to wait sadly. His excellent ears picked up a stirring sound in the junkyard . He figured it wasprobably a kitten , maybe someone else. Feeling sorry for himself he said. " It's Munk and I sure could use some company,,, please....”

30 minutes later...

horty felt a lot better, since the ladie was nice enough to fix her leg. Silently she slinked into the junkyard looking everywhere for Munkustrap, she walked over to the Ford and smiled. She liked seeing Munkustrap just sitting there he looked so cute. She decided not to go up just yet, so she sat there and stared at him one of the other Jellicles ever showed and Munk was getting VERY bored. He sarted to jump down off the bumper but remembered his promise and laid back down turned over on his back . He decided to take a little snooze..... Right beforehe went to sleep he thought," The only other cat I've seen besides Shorty was Grizabella, hmmm very strange. " He let out a long sigh worrying about Shorty.

horty took this time to come in. She walked up to Munkustrap and watched him for a minute finally she called out, "Munk I'm back." She smiled and waited for him to hear or look at her Jemima and Electra explored a little bit, looking at all of the fun things to play with, when Electra sees somebody sitting on the old ford, she asks who itmight be, and she decides to go check it out. "Why it's Munkustrap!" Electra nuzzles him and curls up with him, she is so happy.

She calls for Jemima "Look who I found!!!"

When Munk heard Shorty's voice he was sound asleep. He jumped straight up in the air . When he came back down he felt foolish. Munk told Shorty how happy he was to see her by purring very loud and rubbing her, "I'm so glad your back!"Are you okay?" As they sit back down Munk hears a sound he's been waitind to hear for along time! Another Jellicle! And noless a kitten! He rubs Electra and purrs greeting to her. ,"Have you seen anyone else? I sure would like to see everyone!" Munk rubs her again still purring.," I tryed to find you when you first arrived . I heard you hiss for help. " He smiles at Shorty and asks them both, "I found a house I wanan inpect wanna come?." They left to explore the old house.

As Munkustrap and Shorty were inspecting the old house, a beautiful little cat crept up behind Munkustrap and slipped her paw into his. Munk looked startled for a while, but relaxed as he saw who it was.

"Hey, Munkie!" said Demeter. She rubbed her soft head against his cheek. "Who's this?" she asked, motioning towards the cat who was standing beside him.

Munk was startled he did not know who that was . When he saw it was Demeter he lept up in the air in pure happiness. "Demeter! I've missed you so much !" He purred and rubbed her until he remembered Shorty. "Demeter this is Shorty . She is new around here . I think you two will like eachother, your about the same age. And of course you know little Electra here." Munk smilies at them all. His mind is screaming at him. Now he has Demeter and Shorty.

Shorty just smiled at Demeter, "well this is the cat i hear so much about." She laid down, she knew she was lieing but she hadn't heard anything about Demeter but she just assumed she was munkustrap's g/f that everyone was yakking about. well i guess i can't win them all she thought to herself. She then remembered what she was doing, "munkustrap always talks about you it's as if i know you already."

Now Munk is just to the point of being thrilled! Finally everyone is coming togther!!!! He thought about each new face there. There was him, Shorty, Demeter, Electra, Jemima, Jennyanydots! He is one happy cat! He looks fondly at Shorty and says, " Everyone this is my new good friend, Shorty. She will be staying with me and is a full Jellicle." He flashes her a smile and looks to Jennyanydots," It's so good to see you Dots! Is all well with you? " He looks to Jemima," and hows my littlest kitten doin?" He rubs all of them purring loudly, he's just so HAPPY! He yells again for more Jellicles that maybe no one has seen. He asks," Has anyone seen anybody who is not here?" He yells ," Any Jellicles around here?!?!" He smiles at them all.

Shorty smiles at everyone, she was one happy kitty she's always wanted to be a Jellicle cat but all she ever heard was they were evil. Now she had to go back to the one place she hasn't been in a while. Back to Macavity. She decided to go after Munkustrap left, dang it she forgot that she was staying with him. So she decide maybe she'd slip off after he's gone to sleep. She had to tell Macavity she was quiting his tribe for another.