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A Tender Moment in Chaos II

"Yeah that's because she is obsessed with Munkustrap."

"You know, I think you're right. Why else would she rather have Munkustrap carry her instead of the one who volunteered?"

"It's all Jemima. Now we had better get out of here."


"Well this soft sand is made by an animal and I think he will be very unhappy if he found somebody's taken his bed."

"OK, come on." They walked back to camp. They found Munkustrap with his head in his hand and Jemima rattling on and on. She looked up and saw Tugger and Chryssie. Chryssie whispered "Why not go and explain to her about the animal nest thing?"

"All right, I'll find out if it was a mistake or on purpose."

"Thanks Tugger." He then said "Jemima, I need to talk with you." Jemima rose to her feet and followed Tugger.

Chryssie then sat down next to Munkustrap. She looked at his face and held down a mass of giggles. He was fast asleep. She pulled him down and put his head in her lap. She then stroked his cheek affectionately. He woke up instantly and backed up saying "Jemima what has gotten into you?!" She looked at him as he looked up and stopped.

"Chryssie. Oh, I thought you were Jemima."

"Bored you to sleep did she?"

"Better believe it." He then sat back down and winced for his body that was resting was not used to whirling to the feet that quickly.

"Poor thing." Chryssie said and nuzzled his shoulder, just a simple friendly gesture. He nodded and lay back, so he was in her lap again. He was fell asleep quickly. She crawled out from underneath his head and stood up. Then Tugger and Jemima came back. She looked at Munkustrap and then at Chryssie and asked "Why'd you put him to sleep?"

"He fell asleep shortly after you left. You might want to lie down." Jemima knew she couldn't stay with Munkustrap. Chryssie would probably get back with her if she did, so she decided to curl up just by the edge. Then Chryssie's words came back to her. She knew that Chryssie was calling her a baby, and she wanted to prove that she wasn't the one who was worthless. She'd show her. She lay down in a corner and slept for a short while. Chryssie saw that Jemima was asleep so she curled up by Munkustrap. Munkustrap could sense she was there and woke just a slight bit. He saw her smiling at him and then he saw her lie down close by. He moved close, but not touching her. She put her arm around him and allowed him to lay his head on her heart. Tugger saw them and just stood by.

"Tugger, we have room, come lie with us, it's a good way to stay warm too." Tugger lay down and put his head on her stomach. She stroked his hair and he too soon fell asleep. Jemima woke up then and saw the three. She slightly growled at Chryssie and said, "I wonder what you'd do when I return from the heart with the flower. Munkustrap will be so surprised and honored that he was loved by such a brave kitten that he'd leave Demeter and you and love me instead." With a smug little giggle, she turned and started traveling to the west.

Chryssie woke with the sun like always and looked around. Tugger had put his arm around her middle and was asleep. She also noticed that instead of Munkustrap listening to her heart, she was now listening to his. She looked around and saw nothing of Jemima. She smelt the air and looked around as far as her eyes could see and yet still nothing. She couldn't even smell her. Quickly she turned and woke up Munkustrap and Tugger.

"What is it?" Munkustrap asked when he noticed how frantic Chryssie was.

"Yes tell us what is it?"

"Where is Jemima?" Chryssie asked.

"Jemima's missing?"

"Oh no, where could she have gone?"

"Let me up Tugger." Tugger released his hold on her form which he had been sleeping and let her up. Then he stood up and stretched. Munkustrap did the same and then he started to look around for Jemima. Chryssie searched the ground and saw Jemima's footprints. They told her that there was not a struggle and that she left before sun up. The tracks led west.

"Oh guys, I'm afraid that I pushed her too far. She has gone to retrieve the flower herself."

"Oh no!"

"Well now what?"

"I purpose that we should go on at a double pace and try to catch up to her. By the look of it, she'd probably be at the mountain by now."

"We are going to have to catch up to her. We can't do it alone. We have to try and catch up to her." Then they all started off.

Macavity and his henchmen were rounding the bend. Jemima was furiously climbing. Never had she had to do so much work. She came upon a ledge and looked out. She looked to the great lake that was in the distance and she looked to where she had camped. She couldn't see them. That means that they had already discovered her. Then she looked to a bend and saw cats. When she realized who they were, her blood ran cold and she whitened. Macavity was here. She began climbing down the mountain She didn't care that the others may reprimand her for running off, she just had to tell the others that he was here. She knew that if she could convince them then they would hurry. They would get the flower and then she'd get them off the island. Her feet touched the ground and she raced to the others. She ran all the way and then she collided with Chryssie.

"Jemima, are you OK?"

"Jemima you should have stayed with us. You could have.."

"Guys Guys you have to listen to me. I saw, I saw..."

"Saw what Jemima?" Chryssie asked.

"Macavity, I saw Macavity. He is here. I think he wants the flower too."

"That's silly Jemima, why would Macavity be here?" Tugger asked.

"Tugger, I think Jemima's right." Chryssie said quietly. Tugger looked at her. Jemima was panting and looked scared.

"Jemima, I believe you, honest honey I do." Chryssie said comfortingly. Jemima looked into Chryssie's eyes and saw that she was telling the truth

. "Oh Chryssie thank you, I really want you to know that, I have been terrible to you and I hope you can forgive me. I'll try to be a better kitten I promise." Then she burst into tears.

"It's all right Jemima. Do you want to help us get the flower before they do? We can do it if you help us."

"I'll help in anyway possible."

"There's a good girl." Munkustrap praised.

"Come on. Lets go." Jemima said and stood up.

"You lead the way." Chryssie told her. Jemima took her hand and lead her. Munkustrap and Tugger followed. They all seemed to fly. Soon they were at the mountains foot.

"There is the ledge that I saw him from."

"All right, lets climb up." They all started to climb. They soon reach the ledge. They looked at the bend that Jemima showed them and they saw some of Macavity's agents.

"She was telling the truth all right." Tugger said. "They still have a long way to go. We do too. They have to go around this mountain and climb up a hill on the other side. All we have to do is get around this mountain."

The cats climbed the mountain all day, and the night erupted around them, but still they climbed on until they reached the top. They all were exhausted. So exhausted in fact that once they found a place to sleep they just slept and didn't eat.

Chryssie woke in the middle of the night because she was cold. She saw that Tugger was keeping her company and Jemima and Munkustrap were away from each other and both shivering. Chryssie then crawled to Jemima and dragged her toward Tugger, then she grabbed Munkustrap and pulled him towards the rest. Jemima woke and saw herself close to Tugger and saw Chryssie struggling with a shivering Munkustrap. She then saw her drag Munkustrap close to herself and then she saw Chryssie lie down again, next to her.

"Cold?" She whispered.

"Jemima what are you doing up?"

"Nothing, I just woke up because I felt Tugger."

"Well I think no cat has the right to freeze. I don't think Tugger has a problem one way or another though, and yes I am cold."

"Me too. Thanks Chryssie."

"You're welcome Jemima. Lets try and get some sleep OK? We have a really long day ahead of us tomorrow."

"yes we do." Jemima said and settled down to sleep. Soon she had stopped shivering and was warmly nestled with Tugger who didn't care one way or another just as long as everyone was happy.

Then Chryssie scooted over to Munkustrap who was still shivering. She noticed he wasn't close enough to them to have warmth. She shook him gently. He woke up and saw Chryssie bent over him.

"Cold are you?"

"Yes, freezing actually."

"Would you like warmth?"

"Very much so."

"Then here, lie here." He slid over to where she was and saw himself between her and Jemima. She was at the end, receiving most of the cold. "Are you going to be all right?"

"Yes as long as you don't mind me getting a little close." Chryssie snuggled up to him and soon they were all in a closed up bunch. But all of them were warm and could sleep well. Chryssie awoke with the dawn and saw herself close indeed with Munkustrap who was close with Jemima who was close with Tugger who was lying there comfortably. Munkustrap felt her stir and opened his eyes to see her staring right back at him.

"Good Morning." he whispered.

"I'm sorry I woke you up but Good Morning."

"No I was ready to get up." Chryssie sat up and stretched. Munkustrap also sat up.

"Ready to get that flower my friend?" Chryssie asked him.

"Yes. Can you see Macavity from here?"

"Well let me look. Yes I can. His party is still asleep."

"Good then that's to our advantage. Wake up Tugger, I tried already and he won't budge."

"You wake up Jemima. I don't have the heart." Chryssie stepped over Jemima and started to shake Tugger. He just groaned and said "Go away. It's not dark thirty yet."

"You're right, it's dawn." She said.

"What?" he said sitting up. "Oh and I was happily asleep too."

"Oh well. We have to get the flower for Demeter."

"Yep, that's right, come on Tugger." he said as he struggled to wake up his mind and body. Munkustrap was bent over Jemima who was then awake. She then smiled and sat up.

"Good Morning Jemima."

"Good Morning Chryssie. Come on we have to move. Do we have time to eat? I'm hungry. Can we have some of that stuff you like so much again?"

"Well I don't know if the island thinks we deserve it or not."

"My little ones. My little ones. Look at the moon that has not yet set. You'll see knowledge." All of the cats looked at the setting moon.

"Do you see this cave?" An image came into view with the moon, and in it's pale sphere was a cave surrounded in greens.

"This cave is at the foot of the mountain. If you seek the Henjeneous flower then you must enter here. Be warned, you will face time in there for your rival already knows of the cave. Good luck be with you, you have an oracles blessing, and remember, any of the flower's power that has been used for an evil purpose can be overcome with the power of love." Then the image vanished as the moon disappeared from view.

"We may be heading into something dangerous." Munkustrap warned.

"Yes but we'll do it for Demeter."

"Right Chryssie," said Jemima.

"We'll do it for Demeter." Then they turned around and saw their breakfast laid out for them. It was the same stuff they had used for dinner. They hurriedly ate and then looked to Macavity's camp. They were still asleep.

"Come on." Munkustrap said and they started down the mountain. They came to a steep cliff where they had to climb down like mountain climbers. They started down. Chryssie went first followed by Tugger and then Jemima and then Munkustrap. All went well until Jemima got to the center. Tugger was three fourths of the way down and Chryssie was at the bottom where it ended into nothing but cliff. There they would have to move sideways where there was something to climb on. Munkustrap was right above her.

Suddenly she slipped and started sliding down. Munkustrap turned and knew that if Tugger or Chryssie couldn't catch her, Jemima would not survive the fall. Tugger looked up and saw Jemima slide past. He realized that she was going to die if Chryssie didn't catch her. Chryssie looked up and saw Jemima sliding down. She got ready to catch her. She did but slipped over herself. She caught hold of something and used all her strength to hold onto Jemima. They had to wait until the boys got down there. Chryssie yelled, "Come on you guys get down here! I'm losing my grip!" Tugger and Munkustrap speedily climbed down.

"We can't reach her! Try to get her up here!" Chryssie used her upper body strength and managed to get Jemima to a sturdy part of the ledge. Then the boys lifted Jemima up. Suddenly the rock began to crumble underneath Chryssie's fingertips. She tried to hold as still as possible. Tugger and Munkustrap started to reach for her but the rock crumbled and Chryssie began to fall.

Suddenly Jemima shot forward and caught Chryssie, so she was only dangling by Jemima. The boys then reached down and hauled Chryssie up. Chryssie hugged Jemima and cried.

"Thank you Jemima for saving my life."

"Thank you for saving mine." Jemima then hugged Tugger and then hugged Munkustrap. While she was hugging Munkustrap Chryssie hugged Tugger. Tugger could feel Chryssie's heart beating frantically and he said soothing words to her like he said to Jemima. Then Chryssie withdrew her hug and then hugged Munkustrap. He just hugged her for he was as relieved as she since both kittens had survived. He ran his paw down the fur of her head. She calmed at both his and Tugger's touch.

Then they started on their way again. Being careful they climbed down to the foot of the mountain. They found the cave underneath the ledge of the mountain that Jemima had almost fallen from. Soon they were inside.

It was dark and cool, but scary. The wind howled through and made it seem like ghosts were present. Little rays of light that bounced off the water made white glimmers on the limestone walls. Jemima walked closer to Chryssie for she had never seen a place as frightening as this. Carefully they picked their way when Jemima whispered "What's that?" Chryssie followed her gaze and saw a blue glimmer of light dancing on the walls. It was strange because there was no water around, and there wasn't enough light to create such a light. Chryssie tapped Munkustrap's shoulder and pointed out the blue light. He tapped Tugger and did the same.

"Shh, do you hear that?" Tugger whispered. They became silent and they heard something. The thumping of Chryssie's heart. Munkustrap put an arm around her shoulders and whispered

"A little nervous?"

"Yes, mostly because I heard what Tugger was talking about. Listen carefully, don't listen to the wind. Concentrate on the blue light." Munkustrap and Jemima both listened and then paled. They had heard it. It was a whisper.

"My dear ones. My little ones. Please help me. Please help me."

"It's the spirit that helped us in our journey here."

"Please my dear ones. I am trapped in here. Help me out. Help me out." Jemima walked up to the blue light dancing on the wall.

"What can we do?"

"Put your fingers to the stone. Please. Help me be free again."

"How did you get in there."

"A hundred years ago, a witch got jealous of how people came to me, instead of her. She then made a deal with the Evil One. She bargained more power for her soul. He agreed and she then used her new power to put me into this limestone. Here I have remained helping people on their way. But no one ever listens to my request to watch the setting moon. Please my dear little ones help me be free." Jemima pressed her hands to the limestone. The blue light flew onto her hands where a little fairy took shape. Then the fairy exploded into a thousand pieces and a beautiful feline oracle appeared.

"Thank you my children, now I will take you to the flower. I will also grant you a wish. You do not have to make the wish now. Here, take this silver bell and ring it when you are ready to make the wish. I am an oracle and I have no limits." Jemima took the silver bell and then the oracle lead them through the limestone.

"Tell me oracle, do you have a name?"

"I have."

"What is it?"

"Angelina. What are your names."

"Which one, family name or the name we are known by?"

"Both if you will."

"All right. I am as my family name Tugger which I prefer and my full name is Rum Tug Tugger."

"I am as my family name Silabub, and my real name is Jemima which I prefer to go by."

"My name is as my family uses is Munk and my full name is Munkustrap which I prefer."

"My family name is Chryssie as I prefer it and my full name is Chrychaesa."

"Pleasure to meet you in cats." the oracle said and then said,

"This way. Go straight down that corridor. You will then come upon the great hall. There in the heart of the hall is the flower. Take it and do as you will with it for it is yours."

"Angelina, won't you be there?"

"I can't. I had spent years developing my power in the limestone for I didn't think that I would ever get out. I must refresh myself. Please ring the bell if you need me or if you have decided on your wish." Then Angelina disappeared into the wall.

"Come on. We need to get that flower. I don't know what I'd do if Demeter can't make it."

"I have already got a wish in order. It's not for me, it's for all of us." Jemima said. They all dashed into the great hall where they saw Macavity with the precious flower.

"Give us the flower Macavity."

"What are you doing here!?"

"Please Macavity, we need the flower for Demeter. She's sick and may be dying right now."

"Don't' forget master, you have the power to call back the dead in your hands."

"Demeter will not get the flower. Look at it, marvel at it's splendor, but it's mine! Seize her, I have a promise to overcome." The guards rushed forward and seized them all. The cats fought desperately but there was too many. They were all seized by seven or eight guards alone. The guards held on tight to Chryssie and turned their heads.

The flower in Macavity's head began to glow and a yellow mist steamed from it and started towards Chryssie. She tried to turn away but the mist just surrounded her head. She closed her eyes but a cat made a loud clap which made her open her eyes. Then the yellow mist swirled into her eyes. She fell to her knees and then drifted to unconsciousness. She heard the tinkle of a bell somewhere far off and then heard screaming and shouting. She heard "No this can't be, I haven't completed the spell!" Chryssie rose up and opened her eyes like in a trance. Her eyes glowed yellow as she stood.

"Love Rawtawny!" Macavity yelled.

Chryssie's eyes flashed and she began seeing images and shapes. Then she felt her feelings change and she couldn't help it. She remained in the trance.

"Jemima! hold Chryssie back, keep her from going to Rawtawny!" Tugger yelled as both he and Munkustrap swarmed over Macavity, struggling for the flower. Munkustrap grabbed it and then carefully took off the amulet off of the entranced Chryssie's neck.

"Let me go Jemima. Let me go to the one I love." She said it slowly and monotonously as if she wasn't where she should be.

"Who do you love Chryssie?" Jemima questioned.

"Rawtawny." her mouth said. Inside her mind was screaming, No I love Munkustrap, not Rawtawny, Munkustrap!

Munkustrap was busy grinding the flower into the dust while Tugger was taking care of Macavity. Munkustrap finished and put the dust in the center jewel of the amulet. Guards were running everywhere. Macavity then escaped from Tugger. He screamed,

"I have lost my dreams and I have lost everything! Only Rawtawny got what he wanted! Might as well let him have it, though he had better repay me! Go to your love!" he yelled at Chryssie.

Chryssie felt her body throw off Jemima and felt herself moving towards the direction Macavity had headed. Jemima screamed at Munkustrap then took on the guard that he was fighting. He then ran after Chryssie. What could he do? He had to show Chryssie that he loved her somehow. He got in front of Chryssie and started speaking to her.

"Chryssie, I know that's not you. I know it's you inside but you can't break free. Chryssie do you remember when I said I wasn't jealous of Tugger? Well I lied. I was jealous, very jealous. Please Chryssie, Please come back to us. Chryssie?" She felt her head slowly turn towards him and felt herself saying "Munkustrap, get out of my way." She screamed desperately inside, knowing that he would not hear. He stepped aside and seemed dazed. She kept screaming when her sound blasted through the magic "Munkustrap don't let me go to him, Help me Munkustrap please!" Then she felt her mind being fogged again. She had to think straight and keep trying. She then felt Munkustrap bound up to her. In the Corner of her mind she saw mist coming all around in the room. It was so misty everyone couldn't see anything. She felt her body stop as Munkustrap stood in front of her in the mist. She heard Macavity's ragged voice shout "Come on Come on she cat hurry up!" She fought with all her might to put on her brakes and it seemed to be working. The magic wanted her to go forward, her will and Munkustrap did not.

Gently, so gently she could feel his great arms around her, She could feel his velvety paws. The spell began dying, she could think straight, and move her lower body on her own free will. If only her eyes would clear. She felt the velvet paw on her face. She was surprised because such a powerful and massive paw could be so gentle and loving.

The magic made her arms go upward to his throat to strangle him, but the magic weakened again and she had control of her arms and she willfully wrapped them around his shoulders. Munkustrap could feel that the magic was weakening because she wouldn't move to him like that. It was wearing off.

Chryssie could feel his arm tighten around her and that velvet paw of his tilt her chin up. The magic shattered even more and she could see partially through her eyes. Yellow magic still swirled in them but she could see his tender loving face. She closed her eyes.

Gently so gently he bent his head and kissed her, but then it grew passionate, so passionate that she had to rely on him to keep her standing upright. He then withdrew his kiss and held her close. So close she could feel his heart beating wildly against his ribs. She knew how he felt. He then took her by the shoulders and looked in her eyes. They were clear.

"What happened?" Chryssie said because she felt as if she had come from a dream.

"You know. Deep within you you know." Jemima saw them.

"Is she all right?"

"Yes she is. Macavity's magic wore off as soon as the amulet left his possession."

"All right." And she rung the little bell.

"Yes Jemima?"

"I wish that all of us were transported home with the flower."

"It is done." and a mist swirled over them. Soon they found themselves back home. Old Deuteronomy used the power of the flower and healed Demeter. She woke up saying "Oh I had the strangest dream that I was sick and you saved me."

"Why would you dream anything like that Demeter?"

"I don't know." Laughing they all hugged Demeter and told her all that happened.

Munkustrap then took Chryssie to a private place and explained to her what had happened.

"Jemima rung the bell and said that she needed help scaring the guards into a confusion. So Angelina whipped up some ghost that did the trick."

He then told her about the kiss.

"Well Munkustrap, a very wise cat once told me that the smallest of feelings is worth more then the most beautiful thoughts. What you did was brave and I thank you for it." They then returned to Demeter and Bombalurina and watched the moonrise. In that light, Munkustrap, Chryssie, Jemima and Tugger saw Angelina's image in the sky.