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A Struggle Worth While II

"They went down the passage way!"

"Find them!"

"Don't let them get away!"

"We want them dead or alive!"

"And this little one isn't going to last much longer if we don't move quickly." Munkustrap warned Demeter.

"Well we are at the fork. We need to go right."

"Lets go."

"It should take us into the wilderness. I hope we can find everyone." Chryssie said and then passed out. Demeter and Munkustrap hurried through the passage. It seemed endless. Then they felt fresh air, and quickened their pace. They then found themselves in a forest with tall trees.

"Mistoffelees, Skimble and Tugger are by the lake, Mungojerrie, Rumpleteaser and Electra are by the Glenn, Victoria Plato and Cassandra are by the meadow and Jennyanydots, Jellylorum and Bombalurina are our best bet."

"What about Tumblebrutus, Pouncival and Admetus or Coricopat, Tantomile, Pouncival, Etcetera, Asparagus, Exotica or Alonzo?" Demeter asked.

"No, too far away."

"Well come on then." They started dashing through the trees. They saw Jellylorum looking anxiously out. They called to her. She lit up and immediately began running toward them.

Jennyanydots, and Bombalurina followed close behind. They all stopped short when they saw Chryssie. Jennyanydots worried and then said to Bombalurina

"Go to all the sites that are close and tell everyone to get back to the Jellicle site, it is safest there. Go Bombalurina!" She took off at once.

Then Jellylorum said "Come we must go to the Jellicle ball site." She and Jennyanydots led the way. Soon they came to the site where they set her down in Jennyanydots' trunk.

Soon all the cats were present and they rejoiced at seeing Demeter and Munkustrap safe, but their joy turned to sorrow when Jennyanydots showed them what had happened to Chryssie. She was very pale, and she was scarcely breathing. They feared they had lost her already.

Skimble rushed in. "Where is she m'dears? I have brought someone who might help." Then Old Deuteronomy appeared. All the cats were happy but couldn't express it. Old Deuteronomy walked to the trunk.

"Get her home. See her farmer. He healed my Grandson a while ago, He will do the same for his cat. Mistoffelees. Your magic is strong enough to transport her and yourself to her farm. The rest of us will travel there. Get her home and have her farmer see to her." Mistoffelees bowed and then blew his magic over her and himself. They then began to glow and soon only their forms were visible. Then their forms shattered into pieces.

"Come my friends, we walk. If you wish to go now. If you'd just assume to go later, rest until daybreak." Old Deuteronomy the started walking in the direction of her farm. All the cats had no desire to wait so they started towards her farm.

Mistoffelees, by that time was furiously pounding on the door of the garage, in which, Chryssie's parents lived. Father opened the door and came face to face with Mistoffelees.

"Who the devil are you and what do you want at such a late hour of the night?"

"I am Mr. Mistoffelees and I come here on an important matter. It's about your daughter."

"My daughter! Quick speak!" Chryssie's mother came rushing to the door.

"Chyssie has been injured in a terrible fight. She is in critical condition and I need your farmer to do what he can."

"Where is she?"

"Right here." Mr. Mistoffelees said and stepped aside to where Chryssie was laying on the ground. She was paler but still breathing.

"Chrychaesa, our dear Chrychaesa! Mr. Mistoffelees, who sent you?"

"Old Deuteronomy and Munkustrap... His Grandson."

"Was he the same Munkustrap that..?"

"Yes he was."

"Goodness Gracious."

Chryssie's father then started to the house and climbed to the window where he started howling loudly. Chryssie's mother joined him. Soon the light was on and the farmer still in his nightclothes rushed outside.

"What is the matter?" The cats took him to the garage where he saw Chrychaesa.

"Oh poor Puss, come come we have work to do." He then reached to a little cupboard and took out some bandages and medicine. He also took some warm water. He proceeded to wash Chryssie and then applied some Medicine.

"Here you go, Puss. This will keep it from scarring, and it will make it feel better. Yes I know it doesn't smell the nicest but it will do." Then he wrapped up her scratches with bandages. He wrapped her in a blanket and put her on her pillow.

"There you go, Puss, nice and warm." Then he went into the house and soon returned with some cream.

"All right you two, watch over her and keep her warm and happy." Then sensing that they understood he went back inside saying "Wake me up if you need anything."

"Mrs. Cat you might want to expect a lot of visitors. The whole Jellicle tribe is coming to see her. Old Deuteronomy is with them." Mistoffelees said then went outside.

"Oh my. Dear, Old Deuteronomy's coming."

"Well I suppose we might want to tidy up a bit." They started cleaning the place up a tad, then went outside as well to wait for Old Deuteronomy.

"Mistoffelees, what happened with our daughter?"

"Well she went as Demeter for Demeter when Macavity wanted to trade Demeter for Munkustrap. She then was kept as Demeter. But then a cat named Rawtawny discovered that two henchmen disguised as agents of Macavity was going to rescue Demeter who was really Chryssie. One of the disguised agents was really Demeter and so they learned that Demeter was really Chryssie. From what Munkustrap tells me, she was attacked by Rawtawny. That's how she came to be like this."

"Trust Mr. Mistoffelees. He said right." Old Deuteronomy's voice sounded behind him. The cats bowed to him. Then every other cat appeared.

Munkustrap stayed with Demeter, for they had been separated enough. Bombalurina, Etcetera and Skimble begged to see Chryssie. They started to sneak in one by one, just to check on her. They would talk with her for a little while if she was awake, and they just watched over her if she wasn't. All the cats whom she wasn't awake to see, got to see her again until she talked to them.

Old Deuteronomy entered the garage. Chryssie looked at him and smiled.

"Hello Old Deuteronomy. I feel better and not in as much pain."

"That's good to hear, my child."

"How did I get home?"

"Mr. Mistoffelees transported you."

"OK. I miss everyone."

"We're all going to talk to you. My time is up. Bombalurina wishes to see you badly."

"Let her come in." Bombalurina rushed in and grabbed her paw and held it.

"Chryssie, I want to thank you for what you did, for Demeter and Munkustrap. That was so brave and kind of you. I had no idea that Demeter meant that much to you."

"Well lets just say that I believe in them. Oh No Bombalurina, don't cry."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just wanted to thank you and let you know that you are very special to us and thank you so much." Bombalurina then left and Rum Tug Tugger came in.

"Hey Chryssie girl."

"Hey Tugger."

"Well look at you. You're looking great, and all ready to dance."

"Well lets wait a little on that OK?"

"OK, hey would you do that for me?"

"Yes, I would Tugger, I'd do it for every single one here."

"Chryssie, you're something special to us all." He bent down and kissed her forehead then walked out. Chryssie could see Munkustrap's outline on the wall and he looked as if he had stiffened. Tugger stepped aside, allowing Skimble to come in. She smiled when she saw the joyful tears streaming down his face.

"Oh, Skimble don't cry, I am going to be fine. I'll be fine Skimble, really I will"

"I know lass. But you're just so brave. I've seen you grow from a wee thing to a fine young dame. Ah lass, you give Jellicles pride in their names." He kissed her forehead too. She saw Munkustrap's outline flinch again.

"Uncle Skimble."

"you also proved another thing, you'll never be old enough when you should stop calling me Uncle Skimble." Then he let Rumpleteaser and Mungojerrie come in.

"Hello, have you gotten better at not jumping on unsuspecting cats in the forest yet?"

"Ha, ha, ha. Oh, I'd like to show you wha' I've learned!"

"Easy 'Teaser! How you feelin'? Any better? You know you can keep on goin' teasin' 'Teaser 'cause she ain't goin' to do nothin' to you."

"Right, I'm just goin' to take it out on you!"

"Boy! is she 'aving a casket o' what Chryssie?"

"You two are funny."

"Well, shou' we take tha' as a compliment?"

"Yes I think so, I mean it fits you two well. You're silly enough."

"Well thank you." They bounded out. Then Jennyanydots came to see her.

"Make yourself comfortable, Gumby cat."

" Well thank you my dear. Now, that was a very serious thing you did and we are all proud of you for it. I am glad we have courageous cats around."

"Just doing it for them."

"Well you have gone down in Cats history for it."

"I wasn't asking that much. I simply wanted to show how much they mean to me."

"We think you are a fine cat, my dear."

"Thank you" then Jennyanydots left. All the other cats got to see her. It was on Mr. Mistoffelees' turn that she fell asleep. He was talking to her and then she was out cold. He stayed the remainder of his time and then told Demeter and Munkustrap to wait.

"She'd asleep. She has been gone since half the time I had stayed in there."

"Thank you Mistoffelees."

"Munkustrap, I think we should see her separately. Just to give personal thanks to her."

"Right. But you'll go first. I still need to think of what to say."

Soon Mistoffelees came to them and said "She is awake and ready to see who wants to see her first."

"I'll go." Demeter said and entered the garage.

"Hello Demeter. I'm sorry I fell asleep before I saw you and Munkustrap but the medicine that he put on me started to work."

"Think nothing of it. Chryssie, I need to ask you something important. Why did you really take my place?"

"I did it because I encourage you two completely. It was all for you. You know I am constantly fighting myself over Munkustrap. So I did it because you can be happy with him and I wouldn't get in the way. Munkustrap understands. Maybe he can explain it better."

"No, I understand what you mean and I know how hard it is for you. But you are strong, and you do the right thing. That's why I look up to you Chryssie. You know how to handle yourself so much that you even fight yourself. But you are a noble cat, you really don't deserve Bombalurina or me to be your friends. She feels the same way."

"Demeter, you said that through anything you'd be my friend, and I feel strongly about that. I will be your friend Demeter, even if it kills me."

" I don't know what to say, because you have certainly proved it."

"Well there is nothing to say. Only to feel."

"You'll never know how much you mean to me."

"Or you, me." Demeter gently stroked Chryssie's head and then walked out. She had tears in her eyes. Tumblebrutus silently went in.


"Oh, Tumblebrutus?"

"Yeah hi. I wanted to make my feelings known."

"What feelings are these?"

"Well, I don't know how to explain them really, they just ,well, lift lets say when I am with you."

"Are you trying to say that you like me?"

"Yeah, but not that serious. I mean well.. Oh I have trouble getting this out."

"You just want to get to know me better?"


"Oh, you silly thing. I would like to get to know you as a friend."

"Yeah same here!"

"Good." she said and playfully nudged his elbow. He smiled. Then they both looked up and saw Munkustrap glaring.

"You'd better go."

"Right, I'll see you later." Tumblebrutus walked past Munkustrap and then hurried out of there.


"Of Tumblebrutus?"



"Liar." Munkustrap shook his head. She only smiled at him.

"I wanted to thank you."

"No need."

"Yes there is. If it wasn't for you then I would have lost Demeter or my life."

"Well some friends go to desperate measures."

"Demeter knows."

"Yes she does but she also knows why I did it."

"Because you believe in Demeter and Me."

"Yes. That's why I should leave you two be."

"No, you stay with us. After what we have been through, we should always be with one another." She started to feel a longing for him.

"You know we can't get too close."

"We are already close."

"Munkustrap I am losing a battle here, you'd better let me be."

"I'll stay right here." he said and sat down by a corner.

"You don't help very much."

"Well would it be better if I were right here?" He said and scooted so he was arm distance away. He had saved her a battle by making her laugh.

"You nut."

"I am not a nut, I am just happy."

"That this is all over."

"No that it's begun."

"What's begun?"

"A true friendship." Then he kissed her on her forehead, stood up and walked out. She gazed after him and said under her breath

"Munkustrap it's not that easy." Then drifted away to sleep. The next morning Mistoffelees sprinkled magic on her while she was asleep. Old Deuteronomy had asked him to try to speed up the healing process. Then he left.

Chryssie woke up with the sunrise and saw Rum Tug Tugger with his head on her back, sleeping.

Victoria was in a corner with Plato and Coricopat and Tantomile was in another corner.

Bombalurina was close to Tugger, and as soon as drowsiness left her eyes she saw her head had been resting on Skimble's belly.

She was stifling giggles at his snoring for during his Railroad song he had only been Snoozing. Here he was practically a log.

Then she saw Demeter and Munkustrap in the doorway, in a passionate embrace. Sighing she allowed her head to rest on Skimble again, frustrated at them for not choosing another place to do their thing. Then she saw all her scars were healed and all she felt was a dull ache in her body instead of a searing pain.

She looked down and saw the silly Etcetera entangled in the crook of Chryssie's arm and saw Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser entangled with her legs.

She started to giggle slightly because she knew she was trapped in sleeping bodies. She lifted her head again and then moved out from underneath Tugger's head.

He murmured a little but was still in sleep.

She de-tangled herself from Etcetera, Rumpleteaser and Mungojerrie then started gingerly stepping over cats to reach the door. She then stepped outside and yawned.

She stretched and shook herself awake. Then she started doing dancing excersizes to help her body wake up. She felt better then wondered where Demeter and Munkustrap went.

She wandered down to the lake. She saw her tree that she hadn't climbed for six months. She watched the sun and thought it was good to be home. She thought it was nice to see every one and then she saw Munkustrap and Demeter coming from behind the house.

They saw her in the tree and joined her. She just sighed a little. She was happy to be with him and sad at the same time.

Munkustrap put a paw on her shoulder and whispered a good morning pleasantry. She acknowledged it and then climbed down from the tree and returned to her friends.

Cats is created by T.S Elliot and all the characters are with the acception of Chrychaesa/Chryssie, Mother and Father cat, Rawtawny, and Nakcheem. The idea is TS Eliots and the story is mine.