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Cats 9:Arsenic's Last Breath (II)

Who was it? Chryssie looked over at Munkustrap and saw him holding her and staring right at her. She gasped and jumped a little. "You-You gave me a scare Munkustrap."

"Well that's odd, usually you scare me."

"Well I was just concentrating on Growltiger."

"Oh, all right."

He ran his paw up and down her arm. This was her enemy, though why was she enjoying his touch, she felt a sense of familiarity with it. She smiled at him and lost her desire to kill him, but replaced it with a heated desire, which she didn't know.

Why did it feel like years since she last experience this? Why did it feel so right, but so wrong, not only on orders? She felt herself lean closer to him, and she felt his paw holding hers. He took her face in her paw and turned it toward him. She closed her eyes but then looked away.

"What is it? Why do you turn away?" Munkustrap asked her with a hurt and puzzled tone.

"I don't know, I just feel so unfamiliar with this, it's crazy I know, but, it's just so.." she said and faced him again and melted under his touch. He came close again, "Tempting." she whispered, and then closed her eyes as she prepared herself for a kiss from her enemy.

Nakcheem sensed something wrong with the magic around Chryssie and sent her a shock to remind her to stay on task.

Chryssie felt Munkustrap's face close to hers and she just wanted to have him hold her forever. Then an image of Nakcheem's angry snarling face appeared in her mind as she gasped in shock, surprise and pain. She jumped and then tore herself from Munkustrap's arms saying,

"I'm sorry, I can't do this, I'm sorry." Then she got up and disappeared into the shadows.

"What is the matter with her?" Munkustrap asked, confused. Skimbleshanks began his audition and all the cats danced and sang merrily.

"Has she done it yet?" Arsenic asked with a touch of impatience in her voice.

"No, I had to send her a "reminder."

"Well now that isn't good."

"No it isn't."

"Shh, where's Macavity?"

"Who knows." Thunder struck and all the cats surrounded Old Deuteronomy. Macavity appeared and found himself in a muddle of cats.

Chryssie looked left and right to make sure no one was watching her. She quickly rigged the lighting so that they flashed on and off at a rapid pace. She then wrestled Macavity away from the cats that held him.

Unknown to her, Munkustrap was watching her. He realized that she was working for Macavity and that he wanted her to kill him. He got close enough to hear her whisper urgently to Macavity

"Get out of here! Now go!" He then escaped with ease and she pretended to go into a faint.

Munkustrap would not reveal her yet. The lights had stopped flashing and all was darkness. Chryssie slipped into the shadows and watch Mistoffelees use his magic. Chryssie was more and more confused as it was.

She took a seat next to Bombalurina and watched. She then began to think. When the choosing of the Everlasting cat she crept into the shadows where she just sat to sort herself out.

She couldn't betray Macavity, the one who had rescued her from the Jellicle kind could she? Yet there was something untruthful about his story. She felt it when the mists inside her head parted a little so she could see. Soon she heard joyful voices and she realized she had missed the crowning of the Everlasting Cat.

She stepped into the yard and Munkustrap stepped up to her. He said in a knowing tone,

"You missed the end of the Jellicle ball."

"So I did. Fancy that." She said, growing cold.

"Planning. Aye Chryssie?" He said getting a little challenging.

"Yes, Munkustrap."

"The perfect death. Who are you going to start on?"

"I think I'll start on you if you don't mind." she said, and took a vicious swipe at him.

Then Arsenic and Nakcheem appeared. She then smiled smugly at him. They then started to trap him.

"Remember now, he's mine." Chryssie said. Then all the Jellicle cats surrounded the three.

"You were saying?" Munkustrap said with the same smug smile that she had given him. Her smile had turned into an evil glare.

"We shall end this." She said. She raised her paw and soldiers of Macavity, equal to the number of Jellicles appeared then lined up for attack. She egotistically smiled at him.

"Don't hurt any of them, we just want the leader." Chryssie ordered, then started attacking Munkustrap.

"What makes you think that killing is right?" He asked as they battled.

"It's the only way to get things done." she answered and then said "You have chosen a good place to die, in front of all your friends."

"What makes you so sure that I am going to die?" Munkustrap asked as he circled her.

"Because it's me."

"The same one who I have come to love? The same one that has saved my life out of belief for love?"

"What are you talking about?" Chryssie asked lowering her guard. Munkustrap came close to her and dropped his guard. She then backed up and raised hers again. He still came towards her with his guard down.

"Why are you lowering your guard?" She asked puzzled.

"Because I know you won't hurt me."

"Want to bet?" She asked and raised her guard again.

"No, I won't raise my guard because I trust you. I trust you like I always have and I always will. Touch me Chryssie." he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"You are unwise." She said but she would not make a move. She stood there staring, and watching him. He noticed her breathing grew heavy, and there was something in it. He noticed that she also looked at him with a desire in her eyes, and it was all heat.

Arsenic threw herself at Munkustrap's feet and knocked him over. Chryssie then hovered over him, and smiled.

"You are unwise." She said and then raised her claws. Munkustrap lay there. He didn't try to get away, he trusted her. The smile that painted Chryssie's face melted away and replaced was a menacing stare. Expressionless, yet it was all in the eyes. She tensed herself and prepared to take the final swoop. Then realization dawned on her. She was standing amidst her friends with her love at her death grasp.

"What am I doing?" She said and lowered her claw. She knocked a guard that was fighting behind her away snarling

"You're distracting me you lowlife!" She then turned back to Munkustrap. She put down a paw for him and motioned for him to take it. He did and she helped him to his feet.

She felt Nakcheem's magic breaking like glass around her. "Munkustrap, you are in danger."

"I know, but nothing matters. I feel happy here, with you."

"Amidst chaos?" she asked.

"Anywhere, because you have returned."

"Munkustrap I missed you." She said and flung herself into his arms. They wrapped each other in a passionate embrace. They felt complete again, the both of them and they just stood there.

Arsenic amid battle looked up and saw Chryssie holding Munkustrap. She knelt on one knee and laughed. So the little one was a traitor. Something must have went wrong in Nakcheem's magic. Suddenly worried, she looked to see where he was. She saw him, standing in a corner, zapping all the cats who came near him.

Maybe Munkustrap if by her hand died, then Macavity would reward her, and if she brought Chryssie back after killing Munkustrap, she could expose Chryssie's treachery and Macavity would kill her himself. Then that would fit in with their plans.

Chryssie, Munkustrap and Macavity would be out of the way. It was wise of Nakcheem to get rid of Rawtawny. That also fit in nicely. They also promised the soldiers plenty of she-cats in return for revolting against Macavity. Another smart move. But she had to get rid of Munkustrap and Chryssie.

Munkustrap held Chryssie in his arms a little bit, and stroked the fur at the base of her neck. She looked up at him. True gladness was in her eyes and there was a desirable question of her eyes. It was a longing look, full of yearning. Her head was slightly cocked and her chin was already tilted up to look into his eyes. He knew what she wanted, he had wanted her to do this for so long. He bowed his head and kissed her.

Arsenic noticed that Munkustrap and Chryssie were kissing now, and each kiss grew more passionate and involved.

Arsenic once again laughed, knowing that Macavity would never spare Munkustrap for her very own, but what did she care?

"Let the traitor parish." she murmured then got ready for an attack.

Chryssie before she had time to realize it had instinctively gone to holding Munkustrap as she kissed him. She held him so close as he kissed her that she could feel their hearts beat together, in the same rapid rhythm. She felt herself give him what she had been hiding in herself for so long. She felt like she never wanted to leave his embrace, and that they could bury her in it.

They withdrew their kisses and just stood in each other's arms amid fighting and battle.

She then felt Arsenic getting angry and charging. She saw Arsenic, crouched like a lioness and waiting for the attack instinct. Chryssie stiffened and waited.

Munkustrap felt something was wrong and he looked down at her. She was concentrating deeply on a sight. By her tension, he realized his life was in danger, so he waited with her.

Arsenic then began the run. Quicker and quicker she ran and soon she got to the leaping point. Quick as a flash Chryssie pushed Munkustrap down and held out her claws as a receiver.

Arsenic had no time to stop.

Nakcheem saw Arsenic fly through the air and land on Chryssie's claws, deeply scratching her chest down to the soft fur of her stomach. He screeched and then ran towards her, flinging cats out of the way and plowing right through battles until he reached her.

Chryssie looked at her stained paw and then used her clean one to help Munkustrap to his feet and hurry away with him.

"The cats, Nakcheem isn't going to be happy about this. Did I murder her? Am I a killer?"

"We have to go back." Chryssie took a deep breath and nodded. They turned back and hurried to the site.

There they saw Nakcheem bent over the drooping form of Arsenic. Tears filled Chryssie's eyes for she felt responsible for it, and she was sorry that she did it. Even out of defense for another.

Nakcheem's eyes then blazed as he laid down Arsenic. He then roared and angrily sought out Chryssie. He saw her standing with Munkustrap, looking at him. He then started throwing magic at her.

Chryssie pushed Munkustrap into safety then started to desperately dodge the flying bolts.

Mistoffelees saw the sparks and saw they were aimed at Chryssie. He assumed that she was under attack and then flung a ball of Magic right into Nakcheem. He then cringed.

"Hear me yet, you murderous queen. I will take revenge for myself and for Arsenic! This is not the last time you have heard from me!" He then vanished in a mist of smoke.

When it finally cleared, Chryssie ran back to the hiding place of Munkustrap. She entered and found him pacing.

"Chryssie! Thank the everlasting cat you're safe." He shouted, and then rushed to her, to hold her, and comfort her.

She nearly fainted in his arms, so many things had happened and they all happened to her.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

"Munkustrap just stay with me, please I beg you, I need to know you're here with me. I want you to stay with me, please Munkustrap stay. I want you to stay with me."

He cradled her and allowed her to hang onto him. Her breathing was fast and violent. They came out in small raspy gasps. Soon she fell into a doze.

"Munkustrap, are you still with me?"

"I'm here."

"I missed you, even when I couldn't remember you. I missed all the feelings you give me and all the sensations. I could remember, it felt like nothing and everything at the same time."

"Oh I know, I missed you, and everything you gave me to hold onto."

"Munkustrap, I want you to know, that throughout anything, and everything I will always love you. You will be special to me always."

"You are special to me too, and I am always here." She leaned her back against a slanted stone and just sat with an expression of gratefulness.

He then leaned against her, but his arms around her shoulders and kissed her. He hoped he wasn't trapping her against the stone, but if he was, she'd certainly let him know. But right now, she was too hard to resist.

Chryssie felt like she was set on fire, and soon she felt like she was drowning in it. She couldn't move, for her back was against the stone, and Munkustrap was leaning against her, on it. She had no desire to move or to be moved. She wanted to stay right there, with him, every hour of everyday, and she wished that she was completely paralyzed. Why was he always this intoxicating? He just did it to spite her, to make her want him when he had Demeter. But she then remember that he had her too, and she had better savor what he gave her while she can. He made her heart pound and her breath when she had time to collect it, quicken. All she wanted to feel was him now, and she couldn't have it by any other means. She wanted all that he wanted to give her.

Soon his kisses ceased and he just lay there with her. They were trying to regain their composure, and their breath, which came out in heaves. When they regained themselves, Chryssie remembered the others.

"We might want to go around and check for injuries." She said and then stood up.

"We might." And he stood up and followed her out of the hiding place.

"Well. Pouncival, was there anyone hurt?"

"No sir, I don't think so. Everyone seems to be fine."

"Run and double check will you?"

"Right chief." And he scampered off. It was a while.

"Chryssie, do you feel like we can never make this work and yet it does?"

"All the time Munkustrap. Tell me now honestly. Do you still feel safe with me? This could be the second time I've tried to kill you."

"Chryssie, I will always feel safe with you because when you try to hurt me, you are usually against your will. I see it in that way."

Chryssie sighed in relief. He still loved and trusted her.

Soon Pouncival returned, barely managing to keep the grin off his face.

"One casualty reporting sir, Cassandra broke a nail." Then he collapsed into laughter.

"Is that all, All the kittens are OK, the adults are all OK?"

"Well Mistoffelees is tired, and Plato just is lying down for a little. He said that he was tired. Mostly everyone is tired sir."

"Thank you Pouncival."

"No problem chief, now should I go and get some nail glue for Cassandra to glue her nail back on?" And he exploded into laughter again.

Chryssie smiled and shook her head. She then took Munkustrap's arm as she walked beside him through the site.