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Part 2

Chryssie was relaxed and cool. Then the lights that were on in Munkustrap's cave went out and she felt nothing but haze. Thunder crashed and her heart sped up. She leapt to her feet and looked around for Munkustrap. Lightning flashed and she saw him just standing there with a cruel smile on his face. He then turned his back on her and kissed Demeter. Then the light faded out and she felt hot sensations of someone with her. That cat stood very close and was holding her close and she willingly stepped to him. They embraced each other and she felt his hot kisses wild with the passion that he had bottled up inside. She felt his paws hold her close, so close she could hardly breathe. Together they started to fall to the soft ground. Lightning flashed and she saw Rawtawny with her and she was accepting and desiring him as she willed him to kiss her uncontrollably...

Chryssie woke up with a start, her breath was rapid and quick and she felt hot. She saw it was storming outside and lightning and thunder mixed in with the pounding rain. It was midnight.

She looked around for Munkustrap and saw him sleeping soundly in a corner. She crawled to him and she hoped her frightened breathing wouldn't wake him. He was peaceful. She then curled up close to him because she needed to know he was there before she could attempt to go back to sleep. She then heard

"Chryssie, Chryssie, come to me." It was so soft like an echo. She knew who it was.

"Chryssie I am ready for you now. Come to me." The darkness, his voice, the thunder, she was losing control. She felt like she had no will power. She started to climb to her feet, carelessly bumping Munkustrap in the process.

Munkustrap felt the bump and woke up. He saw Chryssie heading toward the exit of his home. It was raining and thundering, so what was she doing? Why did she act so much like a zombie? She then fell and rolled onto her back.

She must have tripped over the stones, he thought. Then he saw that she was facing him and when she looked his way, her eyes glowed and swirled with a yellow light that was almost hypnotizing. He then realized that the spell wasn't broken. He had only partially stopped it. She had her will power in the day, but not at night. He ran toward her and then tackled her.

"Let me go Munkustrap, you only care for Demeter, I finally found someone who will give me passion and real love. Something that you will never do." Her voice sounded normal and not restrained like it was on the island. Could it be that she really loved Rawtawny?

"I'm sorry Chryssie I can't let you go."

"Yes that's right, you just want me to spend the rest of my nine lives desiring something I will never get, is that true?"

"No that's not true, you'll find someone."

"Then let me go because I have."

"I'm sorry Chryssie." Chryssie scratched his face then called softly to the walls where her voice echoed,

"Rawtawny, he won't let me go, I can't come. He won't let me go. Rawtawny, make him let me come to you, make him let me go."

"Stay Chrychaesa, stay, I'll find a way to get you to me. Stay Chrychaesa stay." When the echo faded, the glow in her eyes stopped. "Munkustrap what are you doing? This is very uncomfortable. Let me up!" Munkustrap let go of his hold and then helped her up.

"What was that for? First I wake up from a nightmare, the second time I wake up, you're pinning me to the floor. What, did I toss in my sleep?" Munkustrap took her back into the deep part of the cave where he told her all that had happened.

"I have reason to believe that I didn't kill the power of the flower and that you do need to be watched at all times at night. But first, do you love Rawtawny? What did you see in your nightmare?"

"I do not love Rawtawny!" Then she quickly explained her nightmare to him.

"Most definitely the flower." He then started to rub his cheek, and she saw a little trace of blood on his paws. Chryssie saw that he had a scratch along the side of his face.

"Oh, what happened?"

"You scratched me just now."

"I did that?"

"Yes, but no worry." Chryssie then enfolded Munkustrap in a hug and cried asking him to forgive her for what she did and what she may do in the future. He only stroked her fur and told her not to worry. He rocked her back and forth and soon he realized that she was asleep in his arms. He backed up and sat with his back to a smooth slanted stone and relaxed with her still enfolded in his arms. Time passed and he laid her down then he curled up close to her and fell asleep. Munkustrap then felt a gentle shaking and looked up into the face of Demeter. He sat up and asked in a whisper

"What's the matter?"

"My place is flooded, can I stay here?"


"What's wrong with Chryssie? That's the second time I have seen her with you."

Munkustrap told her everything. He told her about how Macavity had cast a spell on Chryssie and how he'd partially stopped it. Demeter only smiled proudly when he told her that he had kissed Chryssie and said "Well, you did it because you have feelings for her, I know that. Also you did it so you could save her. I am not upset Munkustrap." Then he told her of the terrible events that were happening. Demeter had a worried look on her face when he told her that he had stopped the magic but didn't end it and how Rawtawny had finally found a way to claim Chryssie for once and for all.

"Then she should stay with you then, you are one of our best protectors."

"But I can't all the time. What should happen if one of us happens to be in trouble, I have to defend everyone, not just Chryssie."

"He's right you know Demeter, he has to go to another cat. He can't always be my guardian."

"Chryssie, you're awake?"

"Yeah, I had nightmares again. I also didn't feel that Munkustrap was close by and I heard voices. Holy Goldfish there it goes again! Munkustrap I hear voices bouncing off the walls! He wants me to come! Hold Me back! Don't let me go, no matter how I may beg you... Munkustrap.. Demeter... I'm... losing.... control" Then she collapsed and lay still for a few moments. They listened to her breathing.

"Chryssie, my sweet, come to me. Don't let them stop you, I am ready to show you other worldly paradises. Come Chrychaesa, let us combine our souls and we will explore the heavens." The glowing of her eyes had gained control and she started walking to the cave's exit. Demeter and Munkustrap both tackled her and held her down.

"Rawtawny," she called in agony,

"They won't let me go. Don't call yet, I can't break free! Rawtawny, we'll explore, just hold yourself longer, don't call yet, please!" The light faded out and left Chrychaesa lying there.

"It's OK, it's now me. I am myself." They let her up and Demeter asked,

"Why aren't you fighting? You fought against yourself the first time and you fight all the time with him."

"I don't know. Remember the haze he probably told you about? I think that sends myself that is unwilling to go into nothing, I'm just suspended. I can't gather my senses or summon my will. Everything is dark and it leads me into a state of carelessness, it's like my will has stopped working."

"We need to find a way to get your will working again." Demeter claimed. Then she took Munkustrap aside.

"We need to make her want you again. Don't you see, she doesn't have enough desire for you to make her want to stay. I mean, she loves you, but she isn't fighting herself. You can see it because when we kiss, she doesn't look like she's fighting tears."

"Do you really think that's it?"

"Yes. I think so. Do you remember when she sacrificed herself for you? She didn't want to see you unhappy and it was a way for her to fight her desire. Or when she kissed you in the dungeon when you didn't know it. She lost that fight. We need to get her fighting herself for you again."

"Yes but I don't want to hurt you or her, and I haven't the slightest idea for getting her to fight herself. I mean she needs to find that resistance because that shattered it last time but I just don't know how to do it again."

"You won't hurt me, I want you to do this. She is an important piece in my life just as you are." She then hugged him and whispered

"We'll find a way somehow."

"Oh boy, she's awfully good at finding the right times." Chryssie muttered. She studied how happy Demeter was in his arms.

Maybe Rawtawny is right, maybe I won't be able to experience passion because I am still hung up on Munkustrap.

"Boy is she Real good at finding times." She then growled. Demeter had heard.

Chryssie wanted Munkustrap's velvet touch. Demeter looked at her face and whispered, "It's working already, Munkustrap all you have to do is keep denying her what she wants. I can see she's staring at your paws so she must want to be touched by them. Don't touch her and she'll want you more then that. Notice if she's staring at you, what she is staring at, and then use it to entice her, but deny her at the same time. You have it made." He looked over at her and saw that indeed she was staring at his paws and the longing look that was in her eyes. Demeter is right, so maybe there is a chance for Chryssie after all, he thought. Thunder crashed and they heard Chryssie yelp

"Holy Goldfish!!"


"Thunderclap takes this kitty by surprise." There was a pause of silence. Munkustrap asked

"Holy Goldfish?" Munkustrap looked at her with a smile that he was struggling to hide. Chryssie's and Demeter's smiles and contained laughter wasn't helping. He then started to laugh. Chryssie looked down in a embarrassed but humorous way. Victoria, Jemima, and Etcetera asked

"Can we watch her? Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser are looking for a dry place around here. They need your help."

"All right, but if she starts panicking and telling you that she's losing it, then you had better hold her down."

"We will, we promise!" Etcetera cheered. She felt important and very high and mighty. The kittens started playing. They played for nearly a half hour when they noticed that Chryssie started to get jittery.

She started yelling out more and she was skittish. They took that as the sign of panic and they got ready to tackle her as soon as she passed out. Chryssie then collapsed. The kittens all rushed onto her and then they heard a seductive voice.

"Chryssie, you are ready now, Come to me. I'll show you everything. Come to me."

All the kittens felt as if they were sitting on top of a volcano that was ready to erupt, and it did. With a force they didn't know Chryssie was capable of, she flung them off her and ran out of the cave in the pouring rain. Victoria then ordered,

"Etcetera, go and get Munkustrap, tell him she's escaped! Jemima, go and get Rum Tug Tugger, he's the closest. Run faster then you have in your entire life! We mustn't let her leave!" The two younger kittens ran as fast as they could. Jemima reached Tugger and told him as best she could

"Chryssie, escaped." That's all Tugger needed to know. He dashed off into the storm.

"Munkustrap, Munkustrap!" Etcetera called.

"She's escaped!"

"Why didn't you hold her down?" Munkustrap yelled and immediately began racing towards Rawtawny's cave.

"We did, Munkustrap but it felt as if she was a volcano! She sent all of us cats flying!"

"I hope we're not to late." Munkustrap called. Silently he prayed, "Please Chryssie fight him off. I can't bear the thought of what may happen."

Chryssie had reduced to a walking speed. In her mind, she thought “Why am I doing this? Is it because I want love? Is it because I want to see the heavens as he promised me? Why am I so afraid if I want this? Is it because it is my real chance for physical pleasure? “

She heard a rattling bush nearby and quickly the haze got worse. She felt her mind slipping, but she held it there, just so she could witness what she was going through. If her willpower came in, she would have no knowledge of what Rawtawny may do to her.

She then saw Tugger. There was no mistake about the identity. It was Tugger and he was trying to hold her back. She wanted to go forward, but her will power wouldn't let her do anything. She had kept her willpower so low so she could use her mind. She allowed her will to make the move to go forward. To let the power take her where she was to go.

The power fought for her. She felt she was on a cloud, watching what was happening. She aimed a good scratch and Tugger fell stunned. The power let her go for a minute and she knelt beside him.

"Tugger, I am so sorry, I cannot control it, and I can't do anything. Please forgive me." She hald him for a few minutes, just cradling him in her arms, then she kissed his forehead lightly and then rose as the power took it's place, leading her on.

Munkustrap ran quickly on. He then came across Tugger who was slightly scratched but was all right.

"Rum Tug Tugger, Who scratched you?"

"Chryssie, but she also came out of it for a minute and asked for forgiveness and she kissed my forehead and then left me."

"I'll get her back." Munkustrap then continued.

Rawtawny smiled. At last he was going to get the cat of his dreams. The cat that he would pledge his life to. He would finally be happy. Macavity came from behind.

"I see you're finally getting what you want."

"Yes sir, but she is only a servant. You are my master and I will do your bidding."

"Good. Munkustrap is on his way after her. After you have collected your prize you must kill him. He has been a thorn in my side long enough and I want him disposed of."

"I will do your bidding."

"Rawtawny, this is your last chance."

"Yes sir." Rawtawny then said to himself.

"Believe me it will be a pleasure to get rid of him and get out of your service as well."

"Rawtawny?" Chryssie's small uncertain voice came echoing off the walls. Rawtawny's heart leapt and his passions stirred. A deep desire burned in him.

"Come into the darkness my darling, it is our sanctuary and they will do us no harm." He saw the yellow eyes and felt her presence. He walked closer to her, easing her nervousness. Chrychaesa's head was spinning, she was dizzy, she needed light, any light at all. She spoke out.

"Rawtawny, let me see you, I can't see you and I want to. Let me see." Had these words come from her own mouth or the spells? He twisted around and flicked his paw on a switch.

Then a small light appeared, and Chrychaesa looked at him. She saw the longing in his eyes. He saw the curiosity in hers. She stood before him and waited for him. She stared expectantly at him as if to suggest he do something. He turned the light even lower then before and she felt her mind start to become intoxicated. She felt her mouth speak words she was dreading it would say.

"Come to me Rawtawny, come to me." He looked at her as if he didn't believe it and then he came closer.

Chryssie felt the rush of emotions and the haze and faintness that was coming over her. She felt confused and lost. Rawtawny came closer and encircled her in his arms. He stroked her back and shoulders, he kissed her shoulder, her neck and her face. She looked away but held still, as if she were pinned. She couldn't move, no matter how badly she wanted to. He then kissed her lips continously. She felt him press close to her, and she then felt herself start to faint away, but then he tore away from her. She followed him and saw him attack Munkustrap who had snuck in.

He fought furiously and Munkustrap had no chance. He was on his back and Rawtawny lifted his paw for the final blow. She felt the power break. She took a deep breath and yelled

"Rawtawny don't do it!" He paused momentarily and looked at her. He saw that she didn't have the magic reflecting in her eyes.

"Rawtawny, please. If you really loved me you would spare him." Chryssie walked over and knelt next to Munkustrap. She then looked up at Rawtawny. She was still trying to catch her breath, from all the kisses he had given her.

"Please, Rawtawny. If you killed him, you would have to live with my sorrow and grief. I would neglect everything. Don't you see? Love isn't just physical pleasure and burning desires. It comes deeply from inside, it is a bond, a mutual feeling. He and I share that, Please Rawtawny, let him go." Then tears started rolling down her face. They shimmered, as the remaining magic left her mind. Rawtawny thought,

She knows I love her dearly and all the time I've known her, I've wanted to share what Munkustrap and she has. I have also wanted one to become one with. Since I love her this dearly, I have to let him go.

He lowered his paw and backed down.

Chryssie kissed Munkustrap, and Rawtawny noticed it. It was gentle, nothing wild like he had kissed her with. It was gentle, and full with the true emotion she felt for him. Munkustrap had responded to her.

Rawtawny fell back when true pain seized his heart. Chryssie and Munkustrap both looked up and saw Rawtawny, just like Chryssie was, bent and broken when she had seen Munkustrap with Demeter for the first time. A raspy voice came from the shadows

"You should had killed him Rawtawny!" Two or three guards swarmed over Rawtawny, and he was down.

Munkustrap and Chryssie furiously leapt onto the guards fighting and pushing them back. The guards scampered into the shadows and disappeared.

Chryssie and Munkustrap hurried back to Rawtawny who was lying on the floor. Chryssie felt herself break completely free from his spell. Though, she still felt like she was under it.

She crept up to Rawtawny and put his head in her lap. The tears ran down her face because she knew he had finally grasped the true meaning of love.

He smiled weakly at her and lifted a paw to wipe away her tears. "Don't cry." She realized at his touch that she wasn't afraid of him and that there was no reason why she should be.

"Oh Rawtawny, I am so sorry about this. Please get better, please?"

"I'm afraid I can't do that Chrychaesa, not this time. Macavity has done his worst. I just wish I could have shared what you two had, but I never got it."

"You are sharing it now Rawtawny, you have earned a place with us."

"At least I got that much." Chryssie held his paw to her face, allowing him to stroke it.

"You cry for me? After all I have done to you?"

"Yes, I cry for anyone who has entered my heart."

Chryssie bent her head and kissed Rawtawny. It was a real kiss, full of the love that Munkustrap and she shared. Full of love that Demeter and Munkustrap shared. It was so gentle. It was hot and cold, brave and frightened. It made him warm to his hind feet and back. He allowed one arm to go around her shoulder for support, and placed a paw on the base of her neck. Chryssie allowed her arm to go around his back and rest on a shoulder blade.

Rawtawny realized that this was nothing like what he had kissed her with, when she was under his control. But, she wasn't under his control and she was kissing him with all what was inside. She hadn't been forced. She had done it under her own will. He realized from the power of her kisses, she loved him, and if he was to live, she would be his, with no complaints. She would be with him, just as she was with Munkustrap, that in love, and that perfect a couple. Just because he understood this feeling and displayed it for her.

If Macavity hadn't had taken away this precious gift of life, he Could have been a husband and a father.

Then he felt himself leave. He fought to stay with her a few minutes more. She stopped her kiss when she noticed that he was losing life. She grabbed his paw. The tears were streaming down her face as he struggled to speak to them.

"I know you now, I know both of you. I will know you forever. Please, Chryssie, tell me what I long to hear, please. I have been yearning ever since I first met you to hear these words."

"I do, I love you Rawtawny, I hope you will finally find peace. I love you." Rawtawny sighed and said, his voice barely above a whisper

"You know I now truly love you, I always will. Don't forget me... Chryschaesa, you are my star and I will look on you always. My star.. Chrychaesa..."

Rawtawny's great head sunk down and his breathing ceased. Chryssie looked at Munkustrap who nodded sadly. The great Rawtawny was on earth no more. Chrychaesa's tear fell in a single droplet on Rawtawny's lips.

Munkustrap helped her up and put an arm around her shoulder. She then turned into him, and cried. She cried the grief that she felt inside, a cat who finally discovered love, only to lose it again.

Just by holding her close, Munkustrap could feel her pain. He stroked her head and whispered that it was all right to cry and that he knew how she felt.

Munkustrap then lowered his head and rested it on her shoulder. She reached up and stroked the fur that lined the side of his face.

She knew he cried too, because a single tear that was not her own fell on her neck. She knew he was in as much grief as she was.

"Goodbye Rawtawny." she whispered.