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From the Author

Hello, my name is Demi.

I am the author of the unfinished story entitled "Demeter's Pain". For those of you who have read "Demeter's Pain" you may have noticed I haven't been updating as often as I should.

This past week has been really hard for me. On June 13, 1999, my best friend was walking home late one night and was hit by a car. The driver called 9-1-1 and she was taken away by an ambulance and a day later, she died in the hospital. If that's not bad enough the day later my grandfather died. Some life I lead. Wait there's more; yesterday I found out that my uncle has brain cancer and only a few months to live. As you can see, my life is screwed up.

So I just want to let everyone who has patently waited for the next chapter or installment of "Demeter's Pain" that I have decided to take a break from writing. I think I will just finish it and then post it. I am very sorry for this decision, but it's just too much. I thank all of my readers out there and ask their patientence as I try to get through this. Thank you so much.

Demi >'.'<