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The JunkYard Jellicles II

Time has passed since the Jellicle Ball is now spring int the Junk Yard. The activity level of everyone is up. Right after dusk Munkustrap left with emeter towards Vicarage Wall to meet Old Deuteronomy. He had requested a eeting with them earlier that day.

" Ah, welcome", said Deuteronomy.

" You asked to meet with us", said Munkustrap. Deuteronomy explained he was getting worried about the fact it was getting late into spring and the Jellicle tribe yet to produce a new litter. Munkustrap looked at Demeter in surprise.

"You can stop right there! Anyone but me! Macavity would steal those kittens so fast, it wouldn't be fair to any of us", said Demeter.

Munkustrap sighed in agreement. Macavity hasn't been around since the battle at the Jellice Ball. Deuteronomy believed he was waiting to build up strength for another attack. This worried Demeter.

Back at the dump, Mistoffelees was entertaining Sootaput, Jemima, Victoria, and Etcetera by making a cricket appear and disappear. The kittens and Victoria (who was technically a teen) were mesmorized by his magic abilities. Sootaput was a new Jellicle kitten found at the dump in a trash bag by Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer.

Rum Tum Tugger and Alonzo were observing the group.

"Misto is such a kitten", observed Tugger.

"Jealous?", snickered Alonzo. Tugger hissed in response.

"Even Etcetera is with him," laughed Alonzo.

"As is Victoria",said Tugger.

"They have been friends forever, plus he knows she is mine, unlike Etcetera who is not claimed", said Alonzo.

As if on cue, Victoria hopped up next to Alonzo and gave him a nuzzle. Alonzo looked at Tugger, then at Etcetera who was still with Mistoffelees, then gave a mocking look at Tugger. At this point, Tugger left, and to his surprise, when he walked past Etcetera, she did not follow! For some reason, this worried the bad-boy cat.

Jemima, Sootaput, and Etcetera soon left in search of Electra. Electra loved to dance and sing. She would love to help teach Sootaput!

Rum Tum tugger soon walked back towards Mistoffelees.

"Looks like you stole away all my kittens," said Tugger jokingly.

"No, only one", replied Misto.

"Jemima is a good kitten. I prefer many kittens to just one," said Tugger. Misto, who never really approved of Tugger's lifestyle, decided to say something,

"It's not right to play with kitten's hearts like that, they are far too sensitive". Tugger was amazed Mistoffelees, just a teen, would tell him such a thing. And with a "thwrp" he was off looking for Etcetera. He was actually looking for Etcetera!

Misto left to watch Pouncival and Tumblebrutus practice flips. Striding through, he passed Patchabie and Quaxo. He was happy his friend found a feline to love. Quaxo was so lonely before Patchabie moved into Cassandra's old house. Suddenly, down came Tumblebrutus from a high garbage pile.

"Misto, you won't believe it! I never thought Pouncival would get over Cassandra, come look," whispered Tumblebrutus. Looking from the sides of the garbage pile, Mr. Mistoffelees spotted Pouncival. Pouncival was playing with Etcetera!

"Tugger won't like this," mumbled Tumblebrutus.

"She was too young for him anyway. I am happy for her. She found someone who truly loves her and has just as much energy. Plus, I thought Cassandra was using Pouncival. Did you notice how little upset she was about moving away from Pouncival?" asked Misto.

"Yeah, I think that's what hurt him most of all. I don't think she meant to be that way, they just weren't right for each other. The question is, who's going to tell Tugger", said Tumblebrutus.

"Tell Tugger what?" questioned the sly cat. Both Misto and Tumblebrutus jumped.

"Um, I have to go," they both said in unison as they ran off. Tugger shrugged and peered over the edge of the garbage pile. His eyes opened wide, and his blood began to boil with anger. With a loud hiss he ran down the pile towards them. Etcetera jumped in surprise.

"What do you think you are doing," yelled the very angry Tugger. Etcetera slowly backed up against Pouncival who was standing proud.

"You did not claim me, and the only attention you paid to me was out of guilt", spat the equally angry kitten. She winked at Pouncival and they were off giggling and playing, leaving Rum Tum Tugger all alone.

Laying proudly on the pillow, Alonzo and Victoria talked about their little secret. Alonzo warned Victoria she was starting to show and advised her to tell her friends soon. The only reason he was keeping the litter secret is because Victoria was afraid word might spread to Macavity. Macavity loved to go after newborn kittens. He wanted to turn them into his Henchcats. Victoria was very protective and knew Macavity's rats were spying on the Jellicles even now. She did not want her kittens to have to go through what Mungojerrie and Tumblebrutus did. At least Tumblebrutus was saved quickly before any damage was done. Mungojerrie is a Jellicle now with his love Rumpleteazer, but Victoria remembered when she was first born, Mungojerrie had just been rescued. He spent two months with that monster. She assured Alonzo it wouldn't be much longer before she was ready to tell.

Demeter was talking with Jennyanydots and Jellylorum about Munkustrap, they were looking for gossip, when she spotted her sister moon bathing on a rusty car roof. She politely asked to be excused and hopped up next to her beloved sister.

"Whatever happened to Pouncival," coaxed Demeter.

"Demeter! Pouncival is just a kitten, plus he happens to like Etcetera! Won't that upset his majesty, Rum Tum Tugger," giggled Bombalurina. Bombalurina like Tugger, but with many others. Choosing one is much harder than you think. She knew Tugger was faced with the same dilemma. As if on cue, Tugger popped up, mildly upset, and Bombalurina had a good guess as to why.

"Pouncival left me for Etcetera, and Etcetera left you for Pouncival", Bom observed.

"Don't cry over spilt milk", sneered Tugger.

"It doesn't appear that I'm the one upset", laughed Bom. Tugger answered with a "thwrp". Bombalurina moved closer to comfort him and purred. Tugger sighed.

"Could it be I'm losing my cool?" questioned Tugger.

"No, the kittens are just growing up and so are you, they want cats their own age, not just some idol," reassured Bombalurina. Tugger gave her a lick which made her smile.

"I always did like you", Tugger said for the first time showing maturity.

"Me too," soothed Bombalurina.

Victoria woke early that afternoon. She nudged Alonzo to tell him she was ready to tell. Alonzo decided Victoria should tell Old Deuteronomy, and he would tell Munkustrap, they needed to know first. So, with a quick lick, they were off.

Alonzo found Munkustrap first.

"Munkustrap, I have some great news!" Alonzo exclaimed.

"Do tell, Alonzo," replied Munkustrap.

"Victoria is expecting kittens!" Alonzo responded proudly.

"Alonzo, that is wonderful! Have you told Old Deuteronomy," Munkustrap asked.

"Victoria is on her way right now", said Alonzo. "Good. Now, go share the wonderful news with the rest of the tribe," said Munkustrap.

"Good bye, Munkustrap", said Alonzo. Then he was off in search of Pouncival and Tumblebrutus. As Victoria approached Vicarage Wall, she immediately spotted Old Deuteronomy.

"Ah, Victoria, how nice to see you," said Deuteronomy.

"Good afternoon, Deuteronomy, I have some wonderful news. I am expecting kittens!", exclaimed Victoria.

"That is superb! You have put my worries to rest. I was afraid the Jellicle tribe might not produce a new litter this year. The entire tribe thanks you and Alonzo greatly! Now go share this wonderful news", said Deuteronomy.
