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The Junkyard Jellicles

After the long awaited Jellicle Ball all the cats , even though, like most who had homes chose to spend the night in the Junk Yard. They were all far to tired to walk home. Mr. Mistoffelees woke first. He had been lying on the top of a drier with the door broken off , inside was his friend, Quaxo. He started to move when he noticed Jemima was lying next to him. Hoping not to disturb her he laid back down.

Munkustrap and Demeter were lying near the tire, " one day he will make a great leader" thought Mistoffelees. Bustopher Jones and Jennyanydots along with Jellylorum and Skimbleshanks were curled up on the couch. Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer laid in old box (looking mischievous) and Coricopat and Tantomile where asleep in the pipe. It looked as if Etcetera had laid with Tugger after he fell asleep atop a car roof , boy won't he be surprised! Misto knew even though Tugger would never admit it he kinda liked the little kitten. Mistoffelees saw Victoria go off with Alonzo licking his wounds from Macavity last night. He was pretty sure they were laying on the old pillow over the garbage ridge. Electra and Tumblebrutus plus Cassandra and Pouncival were on the chair. Finally, Bombalurina chose Plato to sleep with that night. Mistofelees looked at Jemima once again. He was very proud of her and though it was marvelous that Grizabella was chosen to go to the Heavy Side. Victoria, Jemima and Mr. Mistofelees best friend, also was brave in many ways last night.

Just then he heard a hiss. "Etcetera, stop pouncing on me!" screamed Tugger. This woke Demeter and Munkustrap who observed Tugger chasing Etcetera across the Junk Yard.

Demeter turned to Munkustrap with a smile. He had saved her from Macavity. She felt safe with him. What was she thinking getting mixed up with that monster? She knew Munkustrap would protect her.

"Good morning Munkustrap," Demeter said.

"Hello, Demeter," responded Munkustrap.

"Did you enjoy the Ball?" asked Munkustrap.

"Yes, Grizabella was so happy, but I liked it most when you saved me," said Demeter.

"It wasn't just me, Alonzo helped a lot," said Munkustrap.

"Well, then I thank him too, but especially you," said Demeter.

Just then Munkustrap heard a notorious giggle followed by a "SHH!". He rolled his eyes and left to walk Demeter back to her master, then he'll head home himself.

"We're missing breakfast. Hurry up," said Rumpleteazer.

"I'm coming," yelled Mungojerrie.

They raced through the Junk Yard heading for Victoria Grove. As soon as they arrived. their masters started to pet them, wondering where they had been. Of course, the first thing Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer did was jump onto the kitchen table and knock breakfast on the floor. Soon they found themselves outside and heading back to the dump.

At the Junk Yard, Jemima woke to find Misto had discovered her, embarrassed, she ran to find Victoria. Jemima didn't know, but Mistofelees liked her, too.

Jemima found Victoria talking to Alonzo, they've liked each other ever since they met each other. Victoria was Mr. Mistofelees' best friend. She would know what to do.

"Excuse me Alonzo, but could I talk to Victoria in private real quick," said Jemima.

"Okay Jemima," Alonzo replied.

Jemima explained to Victoria how Misto had found her sleeping next to him. Victoria couldn't help but giggle. She told Jemima she would help. Then Victoria licked Alonzo and went off to find Mistofelees. Jemima just wanted to be alone. So Alonzo went to find Tumblebrutus and Pouncival to practice backflips.

Victoria found Mr. Mistofelees talking to Quaxo.

"Hi Misto, can I talk to you about Jemima," asked Victoria.

"I'll just go talk to Plato about the Jellicle Ball," said Quaxo. Quaxo walked off to find Plato.

"Poor Quaxo, he needs to find a female cat. He is so lonely," said Mistofelees.

"Speaking of which, do you have anyone in mind," asked Victoria with a smile.

"Um, Victoria, we are such good friends. I'd hate to ruin that. Plus, Alonzo is my friend," Misto said quietly.

Victoria hit Mistofelees playfully.

"Not me, silly! Jemima," she yelled.

"Jemima?" Mr. Mistofelees questioned, "she likes me?"

"Of course, why wouldn't she? What do you think of her?" asked Victoria being quite pushy.

"Well, I like her too. I just didn't think she liked me much. Do you know where she is?" asked Misto.

"She is sitting by herself over the garbage ridge," said Victoria. Mistofelees headed off, looking for his new love. Misto almost ran directly into Jennyanydots, but he stopped just in time.

"Watch out Mistofelees!" she wailed as he passed her.

Jennyanydots was headed to a local pub to meet Bustopher Jones for a late day snack. He had left midday to meet his master at the Scottsman Pub. Shortly after that, Jellylorum left with Skimbleshanks for the train station. After the mouse's afternoon sewing lesson, the poor Gumbie cat had no one to play with, that's when she decided to visit her love at one of his favorite pubs.

Mr. Mistofelees reached the top of the ridge to find no Jemima. Instead he spotted Demeter. She was waiting for Munkustrap to return from his visit with Old Deuteronomy. Misto has noticed how close the two had grown recently.

"Demeter, have you seen Jemima?" asked Mistofelees.

"She left sometime ago looking for you after talking to Victoria," said Demeter. Mr. Mistofelees suddenly got a huge smile on his face, "Thanks Demeter".

"Hey, tell me!" pleaded Demeter.

"I will later, but first I have to find Jemima!" Misto yelled as he ran off to find Jemima, his heart was beating so fast. As he turned the corner, past the tire, heading toward the drier, something pounced on him! Misto and the other creature rolled down the garbage pile, when he landed, he realized it was Jemima! He ran up and nuzzled her neck. She licked his face, then they ran back to lay together atop the dryer where Misto groomed Jemima's head until the two were asleep.

Munkustrap spotted Demeter waiting patiently for him before she saw him. He came up from behind and proceeded to pounce on her , when she turned and pounced on him first! When they landed, she asked what Old Deuteronomy said. Munkustrap explained, after talking to Old Deuteronomy, that Macavity was severely injured, but not dead. That meant the next attack would be even worse. A cold shiver ran down her back and she let out a kittenish whimper. Munkustrap tried to comfort her.

Just before dusk most cats take a nap because they only sleep during the early morning hours and their daily catnaps differ from each cat. The just before dusk catnap is the only one they all take. Staying up all night and most of the day is tiring, even for a cat. Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer even take a just before dusk nap at Victoria Grove. And just as Mr. Mistofelees closed his eyes, Tugger let out a terrible yell that woke Misto, Jemima, and Quaxo.

"You stupid little kitten! No one likes you! Especially me! Leave me alone," yelled Tugger.

Poor Etcetera was so hurt she got all teary-eyed, whimpered, the ran off. Rum Tum Tugger knew he didn't mean what he said and that it had hurt her.

"I'm sorry Etcetera, wait!" yelled Tugger as he took off after her. He finally cornered her in a remote area.

"Etcetera, I am sorry. I didn't mean it. I was just mad that you kept following me", and with his to-cool-for-you smile, he said, "You are kinda cute". Then he walked up and gave her a slight nuzzle and laid down next to her. Then she laid down too, and bad boy Tugger licked away her tears.

By Demeter ^--^
