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Kaitlin's Room

Welcome to my room. I am Kaitlin and I am 14. My closes familly member is Natalie. Some people say we look the same but I don't think so. I am mostly really quiate and don't talk much but I like to talk to all my sisters alot to.I am quite popular thought,I am glad I don't leave in the Orphanage anymore. I like this house it is really neet. I also like the nanny, she likes girl talk to. She says she misses being a teenager and so everyday after school me and my brothers and sisters tell her what teen thing happened that day.

Registration #:10
More about me:

  • My age: 14 yrs.
  • My full name: Kaitlin Melissa Klovance
  • My bc#: 10
  • My Birthday: December 27th
  • My favorite sport: Just like all my other sisters it is basketball!
  • My favorite food: Chow Main Noodles
  • My friends: Lissa,Cheesie, E-mail me
  • My Boyfriend: Don't have one:( Ask Me Out

    Clubs and stuff:

    I know my room is kinda boring but I like it! E-mail me to be my friend or boyfriend!

    P.S.All you boys out there, I am an old fasion girl so You gotta ask me out first!
