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This is the site where you can slug your most hated celebrities in the face.
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If you ever need a pickup line, this is the site to look at.


Steve Duncan.....My best friend since 1987. He is awesome. He's hip, cool, 18, and SINGLE (for all you ladies out there--e-mail him at "". If you are having problems with your car, talk to him. He'll fix it in no time flat. In the fall of 1998, Steve will be going to WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY(WMU)

Jeremy Kahn.....My other best friend. He's one of the few guys I know that can give me a challange in basketball. He also likes baseball. He's just like Mark McGuire...pitch him the ball, and watch him smash it out of the park.

Nathan Kolbe.....Another guy I know that can give me a challange in basketball. Nate is a good friend from school. This guy can rock the rink when he plays ice hockey. He's also a watch out ladies!!!!!

Anne Schlueter.....A great friend. She has a great personality and a great character. Whenever I talk to her, she makes me happy. She's the sweetest person I know. She loves the Detroit Red Wings. One word to describe her.....BEAUTIFUL.

Jon Berman.....This guy loves to run. At North Farmington High, he set tons of records for Cross Country. In 2002, you'll probably see him win all the gold medals for running in the Olympics.

David Houser.....He knows his stuff about foreign and american cars. One day, you'll probably be driving one of his car designs. In the fall of 1998, David will be going to MICHIGAN TECHNICAL INSTITUTE (MTI)

Hans Chen.....Hans knows everything there is to know about computers. In the near future, don't be surprised to be using one of his operating systems for your computer. He's going to be the next Bill Gates.

Rachel Kent.....Rachel is a good friend. She plays the clarinet and is going to major in music. She'll probably be conducting her own symphony in the next few years. She also knows a little french (but don't ask her, because she doesn't remember much).

Natalie Zien.....Natalie is a good friend with a good attitude of life. She loves her dalmation, Dottie. She's one of the nicest people I know. In the fall of 1998, Natalie will be going to MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY(MSU)

Samer Elfallal.....Samer is my best foreign friend (come to think of it, he's my only foreign friend). We became great friends in 8th grade when he came to America. He's a pimp. In the fall of 1998, Samer will be going to WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY(WSU)

Josh Litman.....Josh is basically a walking music store. He has thousands upon thousands of cd's. So far, he's the only friend that can tie or beat my bowling scores. He loves him Mercury Sable.

Jenny Granat.....During our whole senior year, Jenny and I would compete to get the best grades in our Med. Skills class. We are about even inour medical knowledge. She's a good friend. Jenny was voted "most shy" in our senior mock elections. In the fall of 1998, Jenny will be going to MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY(MSU)

Mike Givental.....Mike is a cool friend. He's a black belt in Karate, and knows a thing or two about playing pool.

Rachel Williams.....Rachel is a good friend of mine. She likes hockey. I hardly ever get to see her, but when I do....I always have a good time with her.

Andrew Grier.....Andy is an avid basketball player. He also used to play soccer. Every time I play "horse" with him, he makes me lose, because he always puts in a soccer move or two. Right now, Andrew is going to CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY(CMU)

Fred Boxley.....Fred is friend of mine from work. He likes to bowl. When we go bowling, we end up having our scores tied. I was on 2 leagues, so I had practice. Fred is just a natural. Fred and I are good at picking up foreign ladies.

Scott Dixon.....Scott is a workaholic. Every chance he gets, he goes in to work. I guess he doesn't know the old saying, "all work and no play make ??? a dull person". He is a good friend.

Cat Bergmann.....Cat's a good friend. She likes to go to Rams Horn. She likes the Bare Naked Ladies.

Sam Lin.....Sam is my friend with all the answers. He's like the "magic 8 ball", but only smarter. Sam is the only other friend that gives me a challange in basketball. But, that's because he's been on intramurals for North Farmington High. He's had a lot more practice and experience than me in playing team basketball. He's fixated on aliens.

Matt Adler.....Matt is the king of all people in his band class at North Farmington High. North was very lucky in recieving Matt as a band member. He loves Jewel.

Jodi Sklarski.....Jodi is an old friend of mine from way back in the days of elementary school. She's very humerous and is a very big fan of Matt Adler (from what I heard). Jodi is a good friend.

INFO ABOUT ME: name is Carey. I was born in Royal Oak, MI on May 16, 1980..........So, that would make me 18. Yeah....I'm legal now!!!!!!!! When I was 5, I moved to Farmington Hills.

I have a kitty. Her name is Pouncy. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Whenever I feel down and in the dumps, she's always there to pick me up. I love her with all my heart. Pouncy is 2 years old. Her birthday is March 10.

I have a sister, Laurie, who is 22 years old. She goes to Wayne State. She's getting married this April. Soon, I'll have a bro-in-law. I never had a brother, but it'll be cool to have someone show me the ropes.

My hobbies: basketball, baseball, weight lifting, eating, making people laugh (even though I'm not really good at it), and driving my mom's Sebring Convertible.

My profile: I'm 6'3" and weigh 160 lbs. To some, that might be considered really skinny, but I work out a lot, so I'm toned. I'm semi-muscular. I have huge feet (size 14, 4E width).

I work at K-mart. They almost lost me as an employee last month, but they coaxed me to stay when they offered me a department (Electronics).

In the fall of 1998, I will be a freshman in college. I'm going to OCC (Orchard Ridge Campus) for only 1 year. I hope to transfer to MTI, Western, Eastern, or Wayne State.


Saving Private Ryan

Lethal Weapon 4

Disturbing Behavior



Out Of Site

There's Something About Mary

The Mask Of Zorro

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