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© Tutorial Written by Beverly, Copyright 2001
and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, without prior permission.

Welcome! You have reached my first tutorial, so please be kind...*Smile*. For this tutorial, you will need Paint Shop Pro 6 or 7 and Ulead Art Texture filter. You can download the Art Texture filter here. This tutorial also assumes you have a basic knowledge of PSP techniques.

Save the following Heart Template and open it in PSP.

Promote the image to a layer. Add a new raster layer. Go to Layers, Arrange, Send to bottom.

Make sure you are Layer 2, the bottom layer, and floodfill with any color. Go to your filters and open Ulead Effects - Art Texture. The following screen will open, click on Edit.

On the next screen, choose Pallet #5 and click OK.

Click on the selection I marked with red. It will change the pattern samples.

Choose the selection I marked with red and click on OK. You won't see any change in your image.

Open your layer pallet and click on Layer 1, the top layer.

Go over to the right to Layer Blend Mode and select Muliply.

Add a new layer and now You use your own creative talents and add whatever wording you like in your own favorite font. I used LokiCola and filled it with a pattern. When you are finished, go to Layers, Merge, All Flatten.

Change your foreground to Pattern and select the image "Heart Templet." (Scale 40, Angle 328)

Change your background color to white and go to Image, add Borders, symmetric 25. Using your Magic Wand (RBG Match, Tolerance 0), select your border. Floodfill your border. Go to Selections, Invert and let's apply a cutout.

Apply another cutout, changing the horizonal and vertical to -3.

This completes Your Valentine. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me. No doubt, I've forgotten something....Whew!!!!

This graphic was created by Dee of Lover's Paradise.
Thanks Dee!




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