Barens Magic: Gathering Hall
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Barens Magic: Gathering Hall

Thanks for coming to "The Hall"! Enjoy your visit!
Hello, Im sorry for all my regular veiwers, as you may have noticed i have not updated this page in a long time, I was working on a remake but just stoped, I wont have time to do anything with the page for the forseeable future. So, ill leave it here so people can go though what is here. If i feel like it I may open it back up at the end of summer.

Tournament & Strategy Stuff

Strategy Articals-Heres some articals written bye me! To help out the beginners and more experienced players!

Mox Monkey tourniment reports-Well me and my team have been gaining steam lately so ive decided to add a tournie report page as our trophie room! Reports here will be bye either me, fallen, Jermey, Matt, or our newest member Griffin!

Decks-Come visit decks constructed by me and others! Or Submit a deck!

Other tourney reports-Check out other peoples reports! Or Send me your report.

Michigan Tournament Info-Heres a listing of all tourneys I know about in Michigan! If you know about any that I dont have listed email it to me.

Stuff to do.

Message Board-I finnally got around to fixing this! Go post on it to fill it up agian!

Card of the Month-See what you the readers think is the best card this month! Also Vote on what you think should be card of the month.

Guestbook-Please sign my guestbook.

Goblin Chat Pub-This chatter was set up my Magic: the Internet Club as a huge Mtg chat exchange!

The Chatter-This is the Best Chatter for Netscape users. Not Magic Related.

Download Apprentice 32 v1.2 now!-This is the best mtg playing program there is! And the latest version!

Download Decks for Apprentice-Ive uploaded some of my decks from apprentice! There ziped though so you'll have to unzip them!

Mail Form-Vote on card of the month, submit decks, exchange links, or give me comments or questions about my page or magic!

Other misc. stuff.

News-Come check out new news!

Mox Monkeys Trade List-Check out my teams trade list.

Links-Please visit some of my friends pages.

Webrings-Well webrings take forever to load so I put it them on a seperate page!

Pictures of me and my team-I just got my scanner and put some pictures of me and my team up! Go check them out!

Dont know what a card mentioned here does? Find out here!
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