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Michele's Animal Hospitol

The place where creatures great and small come and join together to help each other

If you have any problems let me know! Here is what you need to send me if you need me to look at your animal, whether it is horse, cat, dog, bird, whatever. This is an animal hospitol and we are open to all, great and small!

In order to make an appointment just fill in the form below completely and we will treat your animals. We will drive out to your stable or you can bring them into the hospitol. Its your choice!

We have a guestbook, so just sign it and tell us what you think. We would love to hear from you! We are open to suggestions so if you have any just sign the guestbook or e-mail me at Dr. Michele

  • The hospitol would like to welcome Dr. Marisa D.V.M! We welcome her with open arms!

  • Name:
    Service needed:
    Horse's Name:
    What is his past health record?
    What you were doing when happened if it applies:
    Anything abnormal you've noticed:
    Choice of Vet:
    Dr. Michele Capamaggio D.V.M
    Dr. Marisa D.V.M

    Well, thats it. So bring in your animals great and small with whatever problems they are having!
    Vacinations  varies You have to pick what type of vacines you want. These are important. You need these to keep your horse healthy. Please specify when you fill out the form 
    Emergency Call Varies This is when the horse gets seriously hurt and I have to rush over. The price varies depending on what I have to do.
    Normal Call $20.00 This is the price that I charge for every call I make to the farm
    Neutering or Spading $75.00 This is where we de-man the men and fix the women so they cant have kittens, puppies, ect.
    Gelding $100.00 This is where we fix the colts so they cant breed
    Thats it. Give us a call, sign our guestbook, or just say hi! Michele

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    My Favorite Links

    My Stables - Spring Creek Stables
    My Import Station
    Horse Play II
