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The Planet EARTH

   THIS WAS THE BEST-BEST-BEST show so far!!!!
   This show had ethos, it had pathos, it
   validates the value of PBS delivered courses.
   Here we have a collection of the BEST
   scientists from several various fields
   sharing insight THAT MAKES SENSE!
   Besides, I got to me my mother on TV!!!!
              Mother Earth.
   Well, our Earth started millions (10) of years
   ago.  There was this big old gas and dust cloud.
   The gas and dust started to stick together and
   pulled itself into the Earth.  First, and gas and
   dust made a small ball, then it grew bigger and
   bigger.  The stuff in the middle began to get 
   compressed by the weight and the heavy stuff 
   settled down while  the light stuff rose up.
   As a result, the CORE of the Earth is mostly
   IRON.  And it is so compressed that it is HOT.
   And because it is HOT it is liquid.  Like hot
   tar.  And because some parts of the core
   are hotter than others the core spins.
   (You get the same effect when boiling soup
    in a pot on the can see the
    soup circulating)  This is called CONVECTION.
   Because the core circulates the iron makes
   a magnetic field around our Earth.  Like
   all magnets (I know of at least) there is a
   Possitive(North) and negative(South) pole.
   This convection caused Earth's core generated
   magnetic field is named that DYNAMO EFFECT!!!
   (This show puts things together real nice.)

   Well, the Earth is really like alive, see.
   The core spews out hot rock and gas, this
   causes volcanos.  The volcanos make mountains.
   Weather wears down the by erosion.  And the
   Earth remains pretty dog gone livable.

         The Earth RE-CYCLES!!! 
   Long before environmentalists got on the band 
   wagon, the Earth was re-cylcing.  Through 
   PLATE TECTONICS the Earth sucks down parts
   of the crust and spews out more crust.
   Now, we find the new stuff coming forming on
   the bottom of the oceans, and the old stuff
   going down on the continental ridges, like
   CALIFORNIA.  California--oh no...I have
   a boy friend there.  I should call and see if
   he's alright.  

   So, while the Earth had some heavy duty 
   comet hits when it was new, most of the
   craters have been erased because of this
   plate tectonic recylcing.
      Come on, comets are what cause chuck holes!

   And another thing, this one I have always
   wondered about...kind of like the chicken
   and egg thing.  Which came first, plants
   or animals?  When the Earth was still
   pretty new, its atmosphere was He, H and CO2
   Ah, He-lium an H-ydrogen C-arbon di-Oxide.
   Well, there was a lot of CO2 in the air but
   very little O.  But, the Earth had OCEANS.
   The CO2 did not block the ultraviolet sun rays
   and we were doing the old scortched Earch
   routine.  But, in the oceans, the water was
   effective in filtering out some UV and
   the CO2 turned into LIMESTONE and that left
   a lot of HO2 with some CO2 and pretty soon,
   on July 5th, -60,000BCT a plant grew underwater.
   It was Kelp I think.  Because I lke to eat Kelp.
   Well, with plants and that photosynthesis thing
   they do, they sucked up the water-born co2,
   imagine a whole ocean of fiz water, and they
   exhailed O-xygen.  Of course the O-xygen
   rose a bubble and made its way to our atmosphere.
   And then we had an atmosphere of O-xygen which
   could and did support AnIMAL life.  So, plants
   came first and prepared the way for animals.

   With the O-xygen came a GREENHOUSE effect
   which allows enough UV in from the sun
   to warm the ground and keeps enough warmth
   under the atmosphere to keep us from
   freezng.  Thank you Mr. Ozone.

  "Spock-Fastenating, Captain."

   Well, our planet Earth is the product of
   four major systems.  They are:
          Iron-Core Dynamo Effect
          Plate Tectonics.

   We are EARTHLings--be proud!!!          

