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Dedicated to the Memory of
Edwin Hubble Milton Humason
Einstien Olber

     When did the universe originate?
     What existed before the universe?
     Is there life on Mars?
     Can a thing be two things at once?
     Who was that woman I saw you with last night?

     This show answers these and other questions. (Expect aobut the woman)

     It all strted out with a guy named OLBER.
     Olber had tried different types of work
     but nothing seamed to work out.  He was
     a furniture maker, but the chairs broke.
     Them he became a painter.  Oh, how he could
     paint, not one coat but two!  Then he tried
     fast food and well you have heard of the
     "Plague".  So, there he was out of luck and
     out of work.  And they had not yet invented
     the Peace Corp. He was nursing a cheap bottle
     of wine one night, on the banks of the
     river, thinking dark thoughts.  When he looked
     up in to the night sky and asked the question
     out loud..."WHY IS THE SKY DARK?"  Well,
     a policeman nearby heard the question and
     stated, "BECAUSE IT'S NIGHT, FOOL"

    And that's how we found out about the 
                BIG BANG.

    See, OLBER had started a PARADOX!!!!
    And this was well before Startrek.

    The cop went home to dinner and there was
    a priest over for dinner and the cop
    recounted the question that OLBER had asked.
    Then the priest met up wit a professor and
    asked the same question.  And the professor
    asked a philosopher and we were off and running.
    Once you ask a philosopher you can't just let
    the thing go!

    You see, for the sky to be dark, the universe
    must not be infinite nor eternal.  And because
    it is not eternal it must have had a beginning.
    And if it had a beginning when and how did it

    These are the types of questions OLBER asked.
    Me, I ask if it's going to rain tommorow.

    Well, in 1929 Edwin hubble and Milton Humason
    found the evidence of an expanding universe
    the Einstein had predicted in his theory of
    realativity.  They called Albert long distance
    10-321 and told his they had found evidence.
    Albert said he was no where near the Blazer
    and they should talk to his lawyer.

    Hubble and Humason said they had a 100 inch 
    reflcetor.  Albert said he had a .357.

    Well, not making the pont clear, Hubble
    decided to go to the LAW.  The HUBBLE LAW.
    The HUBBLE LAW states that a galaxies velocity
    relates to the rate of receding.  Or, stated
    in Spanish...quando esta , never mind
    The further a galaxy is from us, the faster
    it is moving away.

    A 27" helium ballon will lift 1 pack of 
    cigarettes but not a glass of beer.  
    Napkin please.

    Now, due to Fluctuations in Temperature
    accross the sky we now can determine
             C M B R
    Using this we have developed the COBE
    fluctuations which are used in making the
    COBE MAPS.  With such maps we see that
    the universe is expanding as MASS is pulled
    into peaks.
 Well, that explains a lot, but what about the woman?

    Now, some say that before there was an universe
    there was a 24 dimensional structure that
    Others say there was just energy that got 
    excited and bumped together enough to stick
    and form mass.

    Others say it was an act of Congress.

    On the other hand, raditation creates particles.
    Protons and photons were created out of energy.
    they all got together and started making 

    The elements began to shoot out all over.
    They expanded (see BOYLE).

     Stars were formed.  Swirling disks of dust and
     gas GRAVITATED around these stars.  The dust and
     gas pulled together into planets.
     The universe cleared of so much dust and gas
     as it cooled.(lost energy)

Yes, but who was that woman?
     Now, in 1964 these two rdio astronomoers were
     knocking back coffee and doing some radio
     astronomy when they heard a hssss...hssss.

     They tried to adjust their radio but no go.
     As they could not get rid of the static,
     they named it background noise and blamed it
     on the Big Bang.  

     Robert Dicke of Princeton U. where Ms. Anthony
     attends, took these guys seriously and stated
     that "Hmm, the spectrum of energy against
           cosmic background radiation should follow
           a Planckian or black body curve.  What oh"

     Then, still taking these two guys seriously
     Robert Dicke (I wonder what his friends called
     him) invented QUANTUM PHYSICS.  And we all
     know that this invention is responsible for that
     great TV series.

     Ok, so Dicke has enough smarts to come up
     with a spin-off TV series from the QM idea.
     Not to be out done, and looking for a show
     of his own, George Lamaitre came up with the
     HOT BIG BANG theory.  Well, as the CMBR has
     a temerpature of 2.73ª above absolute 0
     the only show he was offered was the Gong SHOW.
     and George Gamov came up with the Hot Big Bang
     theory in the 1940's anyway and everything got
     all confused and....George Mamaitre stated
     he was talking about Privemal Atom theory
     and George Gamov settled out of court.

     So, once uppon a time, there was just energy.
     Then one day, it got so energetic it started
     to get real hot and bump around into itself
     and make matter, them gravity, then suns, then
     planets...and our universe.  Now, good night 
     son, sleep tite.

     Where was I, oh yes, the show answered all the
     questions human kind has been asking about
     the universe for centuries.

I know, I know, but what about the WOMAN,

     Oh, the woman,  that was no woman, that was 
           My WIFE.
