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Galaxies with Active Nuclie

    Of all the thousands of Quasars,
    in all the thousands of galaxies,
    this show had to walk into mine!

    In this show we learn that some
    galaxies are STILL ACTIVE!!!!
    These are  peculiar galaxies that
    discharge large amonts of light and
    were first thought to be stars.

    Because cosmology uses the laws of
    physics and bases assumptions on
    data, these funny little galaxies
    which were once thought to be bright
    starts, were shown to be galaxies as
    a result of calculations of gravitational
    effect.  Thus, they were too big to be
    a star and turned out to be galaxies.

    So, as this took place in the 1960's
    and Timohty Leary was busy doing something 
    else, they named these funny galaxies
    that looked as bright as a star--
     Quasi Stelar Stars
    The contraction of which is Quasar!!!

    So, a Quasar is a a galaxy that appears
    as bright as a star.  Other than that
    the name is totally redundant.
    Stellar means STAR and STAR means STAR
    So Quasi Stellar Star means
    Almost Star Star.  
    Then again, maybe Timothy Leary did help name it.

    Now, these Quasars sure are special.
    They are billions of light years away but
    have a luminosity 100 times greater than
    a galaxy.  They were first discovered by
    Schmidt, famous for his house.
    The luminosity is observable in
    Ultraviolet, Infrared, X-ray and optical.
   (Oh, I 'll take Ultraviolet, it matches my walls)

    Quasars are actually the nucleus of a galaxy.
    Billions or years ago, like just after the 
    big Bang, there were a lot of these Quasars.
    They developed throught a normal formation
    process, grew old and died out.  Some are
    still left.  These are hold overs from the
    Big Bang.  So, if effect, when we look at
    a Quasar, we are looking at the aftermath
    of the Big Bang. Remember that the next
    time you look up at the night sky!

    Well, the guy next to me at the bar told me that
    at the center of these funky galaxies is a
    big black hole that pulls everything in to it
    and that is why we have the Quasar and why
    there is the RedShift.  
    So, I asked him what keeps the Quasar going
    and he said that it ws the gravitional 
    interaction with other galaxies.

    But then he also told me that Meg Ryan
    was really an alien.
    Go figure.

    This lesson is rated PC1613+65 because there
    is NO frontal SPECTRUM.

    You know, just yesterday I was talking to
    my friend Bruce about ACCRETION DISK
    galaxies.  You know, how they are made
    out of clouds of gas and have broad emission
    lines.  And how the gas is ionized by the
    central source and then it gets that DUSTY
    MOLECULAR TORUS a few light years is size
    which prevents us from seeing the core...
    WELL, Bruce said, "So..."
    Can you believe it?

    Then there is the SOYFERT Galaxy.
    Named after the company that makes 
    the soft one pours over white rice.
    These have broad spectral emission.
    They are less bright and are not strong
    emitters of radio waves.  But then
    no one is perfect.  

    You see, Quasars called RADIO GALAXIES
    are associated with elliptical galaxies.
    and I think that clears up the hole matter.
  Get it--hole matter---black hole--active galaxies.

    So, rather than saying that a student is
    why don't our proofs say that the student has
          "High Luminosity"?

   And why is it necessary to at use the word
         "INDEED" is every one of their sentencanes?

   And what do these profs do for fun?  
         Watch PBS or something?

   Hey, do you think the prof watched these
   shows he is making us watch?
