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Hi people and such. This is my page with my dancing red dot

Here's places to go that are worth your while:)

Nike- better than AND1- go here!
Kelly's page
My hockey team's page
Phene's page
Click here to go to page 2 (pictures!)

Hello. My name is Alissa. I am 16 years old and I am 5 feet and 5 inches tall. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I love basketball, running, golf, hockey and swimming. It is very much fun and I like it a lot. My summer job is the coolest... I get paid to eat, sleep, and play outside. I also love banjos, cheese, magical plastic jeeps, and kermit the frog in his underwear. I have a best friend whose name is Kelly, who lives in a cardboard box by a sewer with Leo, and I can tell her anything. Someday we are going to go to a deserted island and paddle back in a banjo. Yves mick is also great. Yay and Woohoo are the oldest things to say. My new favorite things to say are too bad and good thing. I have a boyfriend, his name is Ryan Burgess. He is a sweetie and I love him. Deans page is much better that mine. Everyone should go there. It is linked to here, so I guess that makes mine not too shabby as well. Sign the guestbook. My guestbook is broken. I have other links on this page, they are very great. Especially the college one. mIRC is a good chat room. So is AOL instant messenger.So is ICQ. My AIM screen name is LissyGirl30. My ICQ # is 11436182, and in mIRC #bung is best chat room there. My nickname is agent_SKAchick. Be sure to visit there. This is really dumb stuff, but I feel better now that you know all about me. Okay.Bye
