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Welcome to 322 Saxe!

Greetings! Welcome to the wonderful world of 322 Saxe Eventually, the three of us: Karen Garity, Tina Wojno (Why-no) and Michele Bartlett will all share a room at Central Michigan University , located in beautiful Mt. Pleasant, MI! Karen and Michele are originally from RIVERVIEW (Go BUCS!) & Tina resides in the the neighboring town, SOUTHGATE .


Michele, Karen, and Jodi will be in their second year and Tina in her third. At the current moment Tina is a Special Edu. major, Karen and Jodi are Elementary Edu. major and Michele has been bouncing back and forth from Business to Education. Our Hobbies and interests include the following: JODI likes babysitting, sleeping, hanging out in the hoe room, and drinking pepperment patties on the way to class. MICHELE likes spending money, U2, and Barenaked Ladies (the band). She is currently employed at Riverview Highlands Golf Course as a cart girl, but sometimes she gets to wear a safari hat and drive around the concession cart! TINA enjoys chatting on AOL, mashed potatoes for dinner in the dining commons and searching CMU for her future husband. She is also a big U2 and Suicide Machines fan. KAREN loves Pooh Bear, Dave Matthews, Rusted Root and preppy boys who wear fishing hats and GAP. Her favorite fast food is SUBWAY . Karen also works at Record Town. Michele and Karen both play Rugby for CMU. If you don't know what Rugby is all about or how it is played the only way we can describe it is a cross between football and soccer except without any padding and a bigger ball. I think Michele's friend described it best when he said it was like "smear the queer" except with rules!

At CMU, the party starts on Thurs. night. This is the big "bar night" @ CMU. We try our hardest to avoid the "Wayside" (GAYSIDE), a popular bar here @ CMU, which caters to underage drinkers. Basically, this is where the Upperclassmen guys go to get the "freshmen meat" drunk to take them home for some action! It is a SKINFEST! All the "Canada pants" (the black sorority chick pants) are in effect! Every once in a while we can be seen at The Pub Shaboom. This is a little more high class compared to The Wayside and it was also listed in Playboy's "Top 100 College Bars!" At least CMU is notorious for something.

Ok, so CMU is supposedly a "party school", so lets get to the partying! We can usually be seen drinking the following beers: Rolling Rock, Labatt's , and when we are desperately broke and in need of some brew... BUD LIGHT . Hey, when you are a desperate, broke college student anything goes, especially when we drink that wet stuff from the keg! Michele isn't a big beer fan, therefore she can be seen sipping those tasty Jack Daniel's wine coolers, preferably Downhome Punch flavored. Michele also has a taste for Jeagermiester. Tina likes anything that gets her drunk and Karen is the beer lover.

Mt. Pleasant, our current residence, is a pretty boring place. The only thing to do is party or blow your money at the Casino (you only have to be 18 here because it is on an indian reservation and they don't serve alcohol until JULY 4th). We try to avoid the frat's here at CMU, but every so often they throw decent parties. We hope you didn't get the wrong impression by reading about all of our drinking preferences. We are all hard-working students who know when it is time to get serious! We'd also like to introduce you to our friends...Mandy, Allan, Mat, Andrea, Heather, Nick, Chuck, Marty, Pete, Scott, and Craig R. Gates. These people know how to party! Just sign the stupid guestbook so we can feel important PLEASE!!!

Fun Events/facts from the week of 01/17/99