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MLM Scam Tips 2003

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Tired of all these Scams and Big Promises of Cash in the Bank schemes?

Tired of joining Programs that take your money?

I am and I want to do something about it.

I have seen over the years where so many people are trying in every way to make some money Fast and get Scammed in the process. They are always reaching for new programs that will promise big pay outs in a short period of time. I know. I have been there too and so have you. I know what its like. I have lost thousands of dollars and had to have my Visa cards shut down because of it.

That is why these big MLM Web Masters come up with powerful enticing offers that makes you a "Guarantee Paid Winner " when in reality all they want is your "MONEY".

About 99% of these MLM Programs Web Masters are only out to fill their pockets with Fast Cash and not yours.

It seems no matter what you tell people and try to help people they just don't get it. Time and time again they will join programs promising either big or small pay outs. They get sucked in with the hype and fancy words and later on then they see that we were right all the time. Are you one of them? Most likely because these programs are geared in such a way with hypnotic words and colors that attacks the subconscious mind that you can't help but join those programs. I know what I am talking about. I studied internet hypnoses and I know that it works very well.

We want to put a Stop to all of this and help innocent internet people see what is going on in the MLM opportunity world and expose all the information that I have received from other MLM Opportunity players from other groups over the last 3 years including myself that has experienced similar disappointments from these programs and things that they are now warning other MLM Opportunity players what to watch out for.

( MLM Scam Watch Tips: )

Warning signs for MLM Opportunity participants to watch out for.

*Avoid signing up to a Matrix Program that asks for a One Time Fee.

Reason Why: When you sign up and give the web MLM Master your fee of what ever amount you just paid someone that may never do anything to see you get a check but only send you updates reasons why they charge admin. fees, software updates costs, server costs and news letters and reasons why you position hasn’t grown. Pay me to send you letters and updates and I will be happy to let you know how you are doing for a one time fee.

*Avoid these so called Pre Launch Programs where they will put you in a down line before the launch date so you will a good chance in making big money first.

Reason Why: That’s just to get you all hyped up and get into position so they can keep sending you hyped letters and other information so that hopefully some where you will pay to secure your position when it’s launched. Again they made money and making interest on your money.

*Avoid signing up to a free web page that says “Don’t pay until you have a down line first.

Reason Why: Free web pages are ok to have and it’s nice to see your down line first but the only catch is that when they ask you to pay and then they will ask your down line to pay to complete the matrix. Lets say 10 people with only 2 say "OK I’ll pay now" they made what ever a mount from those 2 people. Still no check because most MLM masters will not send you a check until you reach a certain amount. I know some players has waited over a year before anything ever came back to them. By that time they moved on to many other cash programs. See, they know how to make money and how the system works.

*Avoid paying for your top position in a matrix that says they want secure your position while they ask people on your 1st level to activate.

Reason Why: You paid, Right! Now the ones in your down line will NOT have to pay UNTIL they have one completed Level. Then the next. That will take a long time to do. Your check could be a year or so before you will ever see it if any. When you ask about it they will likely say that they can’t get people signed up or you are not bringing referrals into the program. (They still have your money.)

*Avoid these so called Reverse Straight Down Line where they turn the down line around so people at the bottom will have a chance of making some money when they reverse it.

Reason Why: They make it sound so good that you will pay to be in the top spot. The little guy at the bottom will be lead to believe that he/she will have his/her chance to be in the top spot to make something. Sorry, it don't work the way you would like it to be. Lost your money again.

*Avoid these so called 50/50 programs where the computer picks the next ID code to award.

Reason Why: Better than the Lotteries. You have a 50/50 chance of winning when the "computer picks the next ID code" to award the funds to. A lot of these are Home Fixed Computers that they award who ever they want to win. They will award some just to it keep alive and looking real.

Example: 50/50 $40 one time cost out of the pocket. So you paid and hope that you will be the next 50% guy to win your money back. 100 people do it. 100X$40=$4000. I the MLM Master will pay 20 people so that's $800. I'm still ahead $3200 plus more people coming into the 50/50 program. I might say Hey I made $40 back and broke even. In your mind you are thinking now $40 & $40 & $40 and so on coming to you. Think again. $40 might be all you ever make. I the MLM Master is still making tons of money from people like you that will advertise the web site because now you believe that the program works.

*Avoid these so called "One time Investment $10, $20, $25 etc. and make back $40,000 $75,000, $97,000 4, 6, 8, etc. months."

Reason Why: These programs are made that way just to get your money and hopes up. They say your money is invested in some offshore or some stock market investment. They will send you e-mail updates and real addressed letters that you will receive in your regular mail box and everything looks so real but then after a time or so they use stall tactics and other reasons why your investment isn't doing that so well. All part of the game to keep your money and keep you believing that you will be making a bundle. False Hope. When the investor and his group feel that they made enough from people like $40,000 to $50,000 etc. then they shut down the web site. If you to mail a letter to them it will take weeks before you get a response back with some other ridiculous excuse why you aren't making any returns. Most of the time your letter gets thrown out or lost some how. E-mails never get answered the way they should be answered or you will get mail returned with unknown address.

Note:If you are going to invest in something that seems to be real and it looks real to you, then get them to send a legal contract signed by their lawyer and signed by your lawyer. Then they are in a binding contact with you and will have to come good for their investment word. If they won't do that, then throw it out or delete the hyped e-mail.

*Avoid these programs where they will build your down line for a monthly fee

Reason Why: Sure that sounds easy. No work on your part. You may get a few in your down line that looks good over a few months but you are well paying for them per month. Sometimes the MLM Masters will change all the rules when they see that you getting more added to your down line and say they have a better paying system now. Delays all the time and no check for you but a monthly income for them. Remember: When you read the MLM agreement, they have the right to change any rule they want and they know that many players will Not read the rules because the internet is a fast pace of life. Most players after a while will quit because of the monthly cost on their visas and often of discouragement. You lost your money again.

*Avoid these Re-entry money programs where they re enter your position to increase your income.

Reason Why: If you ever play Pull Tickets like Nevada it is much similar. You pay for a ticket and pull it and you might win like $10. So you re-enter in again buying $10 more and hoping to increase your chances and luck. Hey, You won $200 more. What is human nature telling you? "I want more money". You Re-enter again and buy $200 tickets hoping the same as your last winning but more on this round. Sorry! Nothing out of these tickets. So you made a little and now you lost a lot.

The same applies to these Re-entry Programs. They put a little cash earnings into your account BUT want to increase your earnings and complete the matrix levels. Now they want you to re-enter to the next program or level to increase your earnings by 100 to a 1000% or more. Looks good to you right! Why not! I want more money too. The trick is you may never complete the 3rd, 4th or what ever level is left to complete. Sad to say when you re-entered, that money is Locked in the game. You might have lost your 100 to 1000% of your winnings. About 99% of people do this. You might of re invested a few hundred to a few thousands of your small earnings and now you are not getting anything back in return but just updates and letters and excuses.

*Avoid these programs that says "This is not a Quick Rich program."

Reason Why:They say that because they don't want to hype people up for any fast return on the program matrix. It takes time to build a matrix so they get you to pay either a one time fee or a monthly fee and make you wait for your matrix to fill up. Months go by and still no growth or income on your investment. They give a False Hope and keep you believing that you will make money. Time deteriorates and so does your faith in the program and you simply move on to another Scam program.

This does not apply to companies or businesses that pay commissions or referrals when you join them. We are talking about other MLM opportunity programs.

In Conclusion : If you love playing with MLM Fast Cash Programs then only join the ones that the MLM Master web Site Owner is not collecting any kind of a fee or any of the above information you just read. Join programs that before you get a duplicate web site with your ID code you have to pay one or more of the MLM players first. Join the ones where there has to be a confirmation e-mail or name notifying by e-mail before you get a participating MLM ID code web site.

This way you will have more confidence and faith in the program you joined, knowing that you are Not being Scammed and felt like you have wasted your money.

Editors Note:This site is Not to offend any MLM money making programs Owner's that are on the net trying to promote a program. The statistics of legitimate MLM Opportunity Programs are about 1%. The rest are simply SCAMS and don't work. This is only to alert MLM Opportunity participants what to watch out for before they join a MLM Opportunity Money Making Program. They can join any programs they wish to. The choice is totally theirs and theirs alone.

A Real Cheat Proof Program

I have put together a of MLM Full Cheat Proof Secured program where you can participate in and knowing that each member is paid before they get a assigned duplicate web site.

This way you can be sure that when you join this program "YOU WILL BE PAID". No Scams, No Cheating. No Misleading. It will only be this Cheat Proof System program that I will be advertising to people that want to make an income on what ever amount they want to make and know that your account are truly getting deposited.

This is one that I would recommend that is a FULL CHEAT PROOF program:

This one ranks very high for fast returns

Note: If you have any problems opening the link it's because the server is over loaded with heavy traffic linking to it. Please keep trying until it opens up on your browser.

Full Proof - Cheat Proof Program

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