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A Synopsis

Zora Dames is a writer determined to finish her overdue manuscript. Hell-bent on bringing this goal to fruition, she secludes herself in the home of Janie Biddle, a grieving widow. The two women are from very different worlds, but somehow form a friendship over the many months.

As Zora approaches the final chapters of her novel, her health begins to fail as she begin to hear falling footsteps and dismembered voices. These disturbing occurrences knocks her off kilter, as she grapples with questions of insanity. Intestinal fortitude, however, sees her through the task at hand and the manuscript is completed.

Eager to return to her family and friends, Zora plans a quick departure. It's a joyous time for the writer. However, for Janie the pending separation from her friend conjures a renewed sense of loss. In the end, Zora returns home triumphantly to begin a new chapter in her life.

Or does she?
