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Welcome Parents/Caregivers!


This is such an exciting time!  Welcome to half-day Kindergarten!  I am eager to get to know each and every family over the next few weeks.  I’m sure you have many questions about how the next eight months are going to unfold.  This newsletter will hopefully answer some of them by filling you in on what your child is doing in classroom and what you can do with them at home.


Literacy is EVERYWHERE!  From the moment your child enters the classroom they are surrounded by cubbies with their own name printed, greeting signs and a morning message.  They spend their day emerged in literacy and play is such an important part of that development.  Therefore, a majority of your child’s day is devoted to centers that will help them develop necessary everyday literacy skills.  During center time your child will be interacting and exploring through self-directed activities.  Some of these centers and key learnings include:


  • Drama Center—story telling, real world role play, menus, recipes, store items, house


  • Construction Center—talk to others about building collaboratively, planning, hands-on experience manipulating materials, work together


  • Computers and Writing Center—scribble, tracing letters, word cards, sentence strips, and online books


  • Music Center—listening and singing, chanting, reading lyrics

  • Math Center—games with partner, counting out loud, playing with money, abacus

  • Reading Center—read to self or a friend, picture reading, audio books, read along, borrow books, levelled books to meet child’s reading ability, big books


  • Art Center—sign your name to your work, oral literacy (“tell me about your picture and I’ll write it for you”)


Your child is doing more than just playing!  They’re learning through discovery!  Throughout the day your child is also engaged in story time, guided reading and writing, bubble gum spelling, counting and calendar, letter and word study.  As you can see their day is filled with reading, writing, oral expression, and listening.  


Ms. Young and Ms. Will






If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us or pop in for a visit!