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Without a trace



 (Mulders sat at his desk, Scully enters)



Scully: Sorry I’m late, traffic.



Mulder: Traffic? Or you had a date last night.



Scully: No Mulder I didn’t. And IF I did, I wouldn't have been at his on the first night.



Mulder: (Teases) Course not Scully.



Scully: (Gives him the evils) so what’s the case?



Mulder: We’re after a criminal.



Scully: (sits down) isn’t that our job Mulder?



Mulder: Sarcasm not needed. And, despite the way you just treated me I have been an amazing partner, as per usual, and brought you breakfast knowing your alarm didn't go off early enough this morning.



Scully: And how would you know that Mulder?



Mulder: I knocked it on the floor last night and it broke, forgot to tell you.



Scully: (Un- believable) Mulder.



Mulder: Sorry. (Passes Scully a muffin and coffee) better?



Scully: Yeah, need a new alarm clock though.



Mulder: not going to argue with that. (Passes her the file) that’s the case.



Scully: (drinks coffee while reading)



Mulder: (Ignores the fact she’s reading) Three females. First victim, 22 years old, Martha Leon, she lived in California, she was abducted from an ally way near the building block in which twenty four hours later she was found dead- having had experiments on her- with a Knicks t-shirt next to her, at the time it meant nothing but then then the next victim was from New York, with each victim he let be found he left a simple clue for the next- 21 year old Anna Wallop, she was taken from a car park, she was found dead experimented on and she had had been violently treated. Anna was found with a pack of pencils, after loads of ‘smart’ people trying to find the deep meaning to it they finally figured out Pennsylvania, which was correct, however where she would be found was unknown to them.  Each woman was taken at an exact month difference, the first day of each month. In Pennsylvania a Lucy Smitherman was found dead, in the position she was left in. He had abused her, studied her and-



Scully: Raped her. It’s the next logical thing; he’s escalating each time…



Mulder: Yeah, but not any rape, he took something from this 18 year old girl. Leaving the next legitimate option here in Virginia.



Scully: Certainly we’re too late for the case Mulder? There’s less than a week left until the first. Why are we involved?



Mulder: Agent Scott Andrews asked for our assistance. When the case was being dished out a few months back he jumped and volunteered for it. He wants our help, but he has a crush on you so that’s obviously the main reason.



Scully: No he doesn’t Mulder, he’s just nice. And you wouldn’t accept a case like this; it’s not in our specific field. Mulder you’re leaving something out… (She carried on reading)



Mulder: Well what would I be leaving out Scully?



Scully: (Huffs) How about all these women were abductees. You said they were experimented on? Elaborate.



Mulder: I don’t know, I just know this sick-in the head man is after abductees and is studying them. But he seems to have a good idea on who his victims are and where and when to get them.



(Agent Andrews enters)



Andrews: Morning Agents, how are you this morning?



Mulder: I’m great thanks.



Scully: I’m good.



Andrews: (To Scully) thought you might need some wakening up so I got you some coffee, its low fat because I know you’re on a diet.



(Mulder rolls his eyes.)



(Scully awkwardly accepts the coffee nudging the coffee Mulder got her to the side)



Scully: Thank you Agent… I’m flattered.



Mulder: (whispers) sorry, I hope my non-non-fat coffee didn’t offend you.



(Scully kicks Mulder, he raises an eyebrow)



Andrews: You’re welcome Agent Scully. So have you both agreed to help me? I'm desperate. I mean Agent Scully, you’ve been abducted enough haven’t you to know how it feels.



(Sully looks down; Mulder looks at her and gets defensive.)



Mulder: We agree, no emotional blackmail needed Andrews.



Andrews: Oh I didn’t mean for it to come across that way.



Scully: It’s fine.




(SCENE CHANGE- looking up abductees in the database)




Scully: So you’re going to call up all these women and just be like ‘hi I know aliens have abducted you, we need to protect you for a few days’, don’t you think that’s a bit…odd?



Andrews: We’re do the men too if you want? It’s just he tends to go for women.



Scully: No I don’t mean that just, there are a lot of abductees in Virginia I bet.



Mulder: Is there any relation at all to the women? To narrow it down.



Andrews: He knew them all, quite well, that’s about it.



Scully: That’s not much to go on.



Andrews: He doesn’t really give us much to go on.



Mulder: An agent per woman?



Scully: In Virginia 29 people have been reported to have been abducted by aliens. (Pauses) what if it’s just a coincidence?



Andrews: What if what is just a coincidence?



Scully: All three women being abductees.



Mulder: Why would he study the women then Scully?



Scully: Look, he was obviously a sick man, maybe he’s interested in the human body or it’s a hobby, or something. You just don’t know what’s inside his head. And as bad as this will sound, after three occurrences you can’t predict what he’ll do next.



Andrews: I think three is enough.



Scully: Yeah, more than enough, it’s just you’re both acting like you know his tactics when he’s new in the game. You can’t just guess anything.



Mulder: Yeah but the human brain functions quite similar, I’m sure we know our way around a criminal.



Scully: I went to med school Mulder, and I can assure you, yeah we have the same make up but to hell with our brains function the same way because they do not. That’s why you can’t make assumptions on this man, I mean for all we know we could be in the wrong place.



Andrews: I’ve been at all three crime scenes. I know this man, I know how he thinks. It’s all a game for him. It’s in fact fun; he’ll laugh at our struggle. Somehow any evidence or anything is removed, it’s like he knows how to erase himself, and it’s like he knows us better than we know him. I am certain Virginia is the right place. He doesn’t want us looking in the wrong place; he wants us trailing behind him. Dealing with his leftovers, without a trace.



Scully: I do not doubt you; I just don’t want to get ahead of ourselves. This is a sensitive case.



Mulder: (Touches Scully’s arm) Scully, I know what you’re like on these cases. If you’d like you can sit out, don’t take part if it’s going to affect you the way the Donny Pfaster case did.



Scully: Mulder, I don’t know how many times I need to say it but I’m fine with these cases.



Mulder: (stokes his hand down her arm) you don’t have to do anything alright.



(Scully smiles and nods. Andrews awkwardly butts in)



Andrews: When are we dishing out the agents then?



Scully: Well what are you going to say to the women that for a few days are going to be watched?



Andrews: Well they reported being abducted so just tell them the truth, they’d believe it.



Scully: I wouldn’t believe it.



Mulder: It doesn’t matter whether they believe it or not, they need protection. Yeah it’ll be a waste of a lot of time because he’s only after one woman, but it’ll save that woman and her family’s life.



Andrews: (Points to screen) done. I’ll ask Skinner to call in a briefing.




(SCENE CHANGE- briefing room)



Skinner: Agents Andrews, Scully and Mulder need you all to help participate in a case they’re on.



(People mumble that Spooky Mulder is at it again)



 It’s a serious case, these people need protection. Over to you Agents.



(Skinner walks off giving Mulder a don’t disappoint me look)



Andrews: I’ve already called on a meeting on this case; you know what it is about. He’s now in Virginia though, there are twenty nine women that have reported to be ‘abductees’. Whether they are or not doesn’t matter, what does matter is that this man is after ‘abductees’.  I just need an agent per woman. I’m going to hand you in a brief profile of a woman off the database; she’ll be yours until the second. The killer waits exactly twenty four hours before giving back the bodies for our finding.   (Hands out files)



Agent Watt: Where’s Agent Mason?



Andrews: my partner is on vacation, he’ll be back in two days.



Agent Watt: How will he feel that you’ve perused the case without him?



Mulder: Pleased. That his partner has saved a life.




(SCENE CHANGE- Andrews is driving, Scully in front seat, Mulder in back. On their way to locations.)



Andrews: Don’t forget to always stick to your woman, just in case someone needs to contact you.



Mulder: Yeah, who’s mine again?



Andrews: Agent Scully, pass Agent Mulder his file please?



(Scully passes back the file)



Mulder: (mumbles sort of) Joanne Smith, forty nine, divorced, three children, two grand-children. Hm, okay. Who do you have Scully?



Scully: Urm, a Sally Michael, thirty six, single.



Mulder: Look, it’s your twin. (Scully smiles) Who’ve you got then Andrews?



Andrews: Talia Dorset. She lives next door to Sally Michael; they’ve been preaching their abductee stories for a while now, should be interesting.



(Mulder leans forward and whispers into Scully’s ear)



Mulder: You get lover boy next door.



Scully: (Ignores Mulder) So do we need to be glued to the women?



Andrews: No, I’ve organised shifts, those women are just who we’re starting with.




(SCENE CHANGE- Agent Andrews with Talia Dorset)



Talia: Would you like another drink sir? You may help yourself; you have been here a few hours.



Andrews: Please, call me Scott Miss Dorset. And a glass of water would be grand thank you.



(She goes in the kitchen and gets a glass of water with some biscuits, Andrews looks around the place.)



Talia: I got a little snack too.



Andrews: Thank you Miss Dorset.



Talia: Oh my, no call me Talia! I’d hate to be reminded I'm still a miss every other second!



Andrews: (Pretend surprised voice) a woman like you is single?



Talia: Oh, why I’m absolutely flattered at that- Scott! Are you single yourself?



Andrews: Yes, I’m afraid my job takes up my life.



Talia: Oh, what a shame.



Andrews: Yeah… So you were abducted?



Talia: Yes, it all began when I was at the age on 7. Me and my sister were playing hide and seek in the woods, she was eleven, and all the sudden a light took me. I got taken seventeen times, Sally was taken twenty two times! They do horrible tests, un-speak able pain Scott.



Andrews: Yeah, a friend of mine was… abducted too.



Talia: Oh the poor child.



Andrews: No, she was an adult; it was a few years ago, it gave her cancer. Many people were devastated by the event.



Talia: May she rest in peace.



(Andrews laughs)



Andrews: Talia, she’s alive, in fact she’s next door!



Talia: Oh, I must go and see her… You’re free to leave Scott, I’ll be staying at Sally’s tonight, and it’s a Wednesday thing! I’ll see you soon; it was a pleasure meeting you.



(They shake hands.)



Andrews: Likewise Talia.



(Talia leaves and enters into Sally’s home. Andrews gets into his car and drives off)






(SCENE CHANGE- Scully is leaving the home and entering her car, so is Mulder, phone call)



Scully: (mimics) I’m a fellow abductee! The tests are dreadful aren’t they! With our sisterhood we’ll win the battle! Yeah with my sisterhood my a-



(Phone rings)



Scully: Scully.



Mulder: Yeah Scully it’s me, you on duty now?



Scully: I’m just about to be driving home Mulder, why?



Mulder: Because well I realized something, something we all already knew but didn’t think to act on it.



Scully: And what is that Mulder?



Mulder: You’re an abductee.  Scully you could be in danger too.



Scully: Mulder, I am armed; I can assure you I’m fine.



Mulder: I just... Just be careful alright?



Scully: Yeah I will, Mulder I’m going to go now, catch you later.



Mulder: Alright, bye.



(Phone is put down. Mulder walks up to his apartment, takes the elevator and enters into his apartment, scene change once his door shuts.)




(SCENE CHANGE- Scully enters her apartment, enters her room and begins to undress. Her phone rings)



Scully: Scully.



Andrews: Make your way down to 22 Gunsdown Avenue, there’s been a murder.



Scully: What? I’m on my way.




(SCENE CHANGE- Scully arrives at crime scene)



Scully: How did this happen? I thought all the women were protected. Who was on call to protect her?



Andrews: Agent Coole, he was found dead too though.



Scully: Well was there any evidence of a struggle?



Andrews: none. No foul play either, it was almost like he trusted the person who came in, and the man shot him then just threw around the victim a bit before killing her- and look, with one of her paint brushes in her blood…



(The cycle isn’t complete; the next victim will come forth)



Scully: Does Mulder know?



Andrews: Not yet. I thought that it could be just me and you on this one.



Scully: I’ll give him a call. (Dials Mulder)



Mulder: Mulder.



Scully: Mulder it’s me, there’s been two murders. I need you to come here and take the body to Quantico, get someone to perform an autopsy on both the bodies, find out whose gun the bullet belongs to. Me and… Agent Andrews are going to look, possibly drive around and ask around if anyone’s seen anything.



Mulder: You and Andrews? Alright. I‘ll be right there.



(They both hang up.)



(Ship off the bodies, Scully and Andrews leave the house)



Scully: Who’s going to tell Agent Coole family then?



Andrews: Me and Mason will pass the news, unless you want to accompany me of course.



Scully: No, it’s fine. When is Agent Mason due back?



Andrews: He got back this morning, I just called him, and he’s on his way to Quantico right now to assist Agent Mulder.




(SCENE CHANGE- Mulder and Mason at Quantico)



Mason: Hi, Agent Mulder?



Mulder: Yeah.



Mason: I’m Agent Mason



Mulder: Oh hey, the autopsy is in process however we’ve been given the bullets from both the bodies. We’re going to look at one each, get it done double as fast, and then we’re catching our killer.



(Mulder and Mason go into a lab and study bullets)



Mason: It’s a Glock 19, 40 caliber round.



Mulder: FBI issued I’ll presume.



Mason: Wow, so one of our own is at this.



Mulder: It makes sense though doesn’t it? Andrews said he’d leave without a trace, he’d know how to do it, and if there was a trace, he’d cover that himself when investigating the crime scene.



Mason: There are a lot of experienced agents with a Glock 19; we just need to find out who it was issued to.



Mulder: The perfect crime.



(Mason looks up concerned.)



Mason: The perfect crime…



Mulder: out of interest, what’s your firearm?



(Takes out his gun, holds it for Mulder to see)



Mason: Glock 17, 40 caliber.



Mulder: Ah, I used to have one, they’re good.



Mason: They’re alright, yours?



Mulder: it’s a Smith and Wesson model 1076.



Mason: Sweet.






(SCENE CHANGE- Scully gets in the car with Andrews)



Scully: Where we going?



Andrews: No-one around knew anything, go for a drive, see what we’ll find.



Scully: What if they need us here? We’re the Special agents’ in-charge of the crime scene.



Andrews: I’m certain they won’t Agent Scully, want to get some coffee?



(She gives him a bizarre look)






(SCENE CHANGE- back to Agents Mason and Mulder in the lab)



Mason: Did Andrews find anything while I was gone? Called me up two days ago saying nothing, wondering if there was any recent evidence.



Mulder: Not that I’m aware of, but then again it’s Scully he works with not me.



Mason: Yeah, seems to have a thing for her!



Mulder: (laughs) yeah, and the only thing he gave us to go on was he knew all the victims, but of course you already knew that.



Mason: No I didn’t…



(They look at each other in shock; especially Mason as Andrews is his partner)



Mulder: What gun does Andrews use?



(The gun owner in FBI database is loading)



Mason: Glock 19. We got ours differently so we wouldn’t get them muddled up…



Mulder: Andrews… Andrews volunteered for this case because he could save himself.



Mason: Andrews and I have known each other fifteen years… I can’t be him Agent Mulder.



Mulder: He knew all the victims quite well…






(Mulder looks up extremely concerned and picks up his phone while running to the car, Mason trails behind him. Just as they leave the database finishes loading proving that it is Andrews with his profile)




(SCENE CHANGE- Andrews pulls up at an old house.)



Scully: This place looks abandoned, where the hell are we Agent Andrews?



Andrews: As you work with Agent Mulder I thought you’d want to check out my research on abductees.



Scully: (shocked) The timing of this is- is offensive! I can’t believe that we’re supposed to investigating two murders and you take me to your house to look at pictures of UFOs?



Andrews: You’d do it with Agent Mulder! And this isn’t my house, this is my office.



Scully: (raised voice) no, I wouldn’t do this with Mulder because he wouldn’t act so inappropriately towards a situation like this! Damn it Andrews what’s gotten into you?



(Andrews enters the house)



(Scully sees her phone in the car as she shuts the door, she realises he has the keys and scurries after him going inside the house, the wind blows the door shut.)



Scully: Keys.



Andrews: No.



Scully: Excuse me?



Andrews: It’s my car Dana.



Scully: Scully, It’s Agent Scully.



Andrews: Here take a look. (Pauses) Agent Scully.



Scully: No, I’ll return the car just give me your keys.



Andrews: That’s no way to talk to me.



Scully: I’ll talk to you however way I want thank you.



(Andrews full on smacks Scully round the face, she touches her nose, and she has a nose bleed, she looks up)




(SCENE CHANGE- Mulder in the passenger seat frantically trying to get hold of Scully, Mason is speeding to the crime scene)



Mulder: C’mon Scully pick up. (Re-dials) Scully, come on, pick up, pick up.



Mason: She not answering?



Mulder: No. She’s gone off with Andrews though. (Calls her again) Scully c’mon! (Smacks the car)




(SCENE CHANGE- Scully with blood on her face, he pushes her over, she gets up he grabs her)



Scully: Get- get- get off me! (Pushes Andrews off.) What the hell has gotten into you?



Andrews: Looks like Agent Mulder was right when he suggested you to sit out on this one eh.



Scully: This… all of this is you? Is it why you’ve been ‘crushing on me’ you knew I'm an abductee, you…? You must have walked in on Agent Coole, he trusted you so he didn’t do anything but you killed him along with the woman. We don’t have much evidence because it’s been your game all along, and you got front row tickets.



Andrews: You’re known to be smart Scully; just you’re not smart enough. (Leans towards her, turns her over and scans her. Ill study you dead, first we need to do something, quite alive.



Scully: You dare.



(She backs away, he grabs her they fight, she loses, and they’re in the bathroom)



Andrews: I know Donny Pfaster bathed his women before killing them, let me put the bath on for you. (Andrews ties her up, turns of the tap and starts to try and get off with Scully- forcefully, she refrains)




(SCENE CHANGE- Mulder and Mason arrive at crime scene)



Mulder: (panicked, annoyed) Where’s Scully?



Agent 1: (tiered) She’s gone with off with Agent Andrews.



Mulder: (frustrated) I know that. Where the hell did they go?



Agent 1: (tiered) they had a look around the neighbourhood, asked questions, and then Andrews took her for a drive.



Mason: Where’d he take her?



(Agent 1 gets butted in by agent 2)



Agent 2: Hey Paul, how was Portugal? Bet the Mrs and the kids loved it!



Mason: Yeah, it was beautiful, they enjoyed it, especially Holly, practically lived on the beach through-out it!



Agent 2: Ah sounds great!



(Agent 2 is interrupted by Mulder)



Mulder: Where did he take her Agent?



(Agent 2 butts in)



Agent 2: Who?



Agent 1: I don’t know, they just got in his car and left.



(Mulder looks around worried, Mason looks at him with sympathy)



Agent 2: You talking about Scott and Agent Scully?



Mason: Yeah.



Agent 2: (rolls his eyes and smirks to Agent 1, Agent 1 walks off to help zip the body up) I heard him asking her to get some coffee, should have seen the look on her face!



Mulder: They went for coffee?



Agent 2: I don’t know, but whatever they’re doing I’m guessing has nothing to do with the case! (Nudges Mason)



(Mulder grabs Agent 2 by the shirt)



Mulder: Don’t give me crap Agent, if you know where he took her you tell me now.



Agent 2: (Tugs off Mulder) why is this so important anyways?



Mason: I think I might have an idea. It’s just a guess.



(They run and get in the car)




(SCENE CHANGE- Scully on the floor with Andrews, he lifts her up, un-dresses her and chucks her into the bath, he’s tied her mouth shut and her hands to the taps- loads of bubbles in the bath)



Andrews: Don’t resist me Dana; it’ll only get worse for you.



(Strokes her hair- because of her resistance he’s very wet.)



(Minute scene of her struggling in the bathtub, she’s teary, you see Andrews tranquillity towards the situation though- juxtaposition)




(SCENE CHANGE- Mason and Mulder driving down the road that Andrew’s office is on)



Mulder: So where are we actually going?



Mason: about 9 years ago Agent Andrews’ grandfather passed away, he left Scott his house but Scott lives in an apartment about a fifteen minute drive from here so Scott decided to use his Grandfather’s house as an office. Not many people know about it, but me and Scott have been friends for years, I was even in his Grandfather’s will. I have a feeling if Scott’s our man, he would have taken Scully here.



(Pull into an old drive way)



Mulder: That’s Andrews car. Good work Mason.



(They get out the car and bang on the door)




(SCENE CHANGE- Andrews dunks Scully one more time. Gets up and leaves her bathroom but as soon as he closes the door his front door is kicked open and in enter Mulder and Mason)



Andrews: Agent Mulder, Paul, it’s great to see you. Could have waited until I opened the door though. How was Portugal Paul?



Mulder: (blanks what Andrews said) Where’s Scully?



Andrews: Agent Scully isn’t here Agent Mulder.




(SCENE CHANGE- Scully in the bath trying to scream for Mulder)




(SCENE CHANGE- Back to the previous positions in Andrews’s front room)



Mulder: What’s with all that UFO stuff?



Andrews: I invited Agent Scully in to look at my work, she denied my request though.



Mulder: I don’t believe you! Where’s Scully? (Starts to look around)



Andrews: She’s not here.



Mulder: (Pauses) why are you wet?



Andrews: Oh, I’m washing the dog.



Mason: Scott… you’re allergic to dogs…






Mason: Agent Scully where are you? - The bathroom. (Turns to Mulder)



Mulder: Call for back up.



Mason: I sent the signal in the car.



Mulder: Agent Andrews, I suggest you move away from that door before I make you.



Andrews: No. (Draws out his gun) Step away Agents.



Mason: Andrews don’t do this. (Mason and Mulder draw out weapons also)



Mulder: Tell me she’s alive in there… because I don’t hear anything.









Mason: Andrews, let him through, this isn’t you.



Andrews: Paul, you don’t know me.



Mason: Scott, don’t make us do anything we’ll regret.



Mulder: I’ll shoot you.



Andrews: If you shoot me, I’ll shoot Mason.



Mason: You wouldn’t do that Scott, not to me. (They move towards him)



Andrews: Back away.



Mulder: (Yells) is Agent Scully in there? Is she alive?



Andrews: How would I know?



(Back up arrive, Andrews shoots Mason in the leg, Agent 2 shoots at Andrews chest, he collapses. Mulder runs into the bathroom.)



Mulder: (relieved) Scully.



(She looks up at him. He rushes over and un-ties her from the tap, grabs a towel and wraps it around her as he lifts her out the water un-tying her mouth. She coughs and chokes. They look at each other and he pulls her into a hug.)



Mulder: Dana, you okay?



(Scully pulls away)



Scully: (weakly) I’m cold.



(Mulder smiles.)



Mulder: What did he do to you?



(Scully looks up at him then buries her head in shame, she starts to cry, and then Mulder embraces her.)



Mulder: You’re safe now. It’s okay.



(He stokes her hair)



Yeah, you really are cold.



(They chuckle.)



Scully: How did you find me?



Mulder: Once me and Mason figured Andrews was guilty we went over to the crime scene, they said you went off with him, Mason knew where to come.



Scully: You know what Mulder?



Mulder: What?



Scully: I wish he would have killed me first, instead on humiliate me the way he did, he could have killed me. And left me my dignity. 



(Mulder tears up, holds her cheeks and kisses her on the forehead. Then hugs her even tighter.)




(SCENE CHANGE- Scully walks into the hospital, outside Mason’s room- which Mulder is in with him- Scully sees AD Skinner)



Scully: How is he?



Skinner: He’s making a miraculous recovery the doctors say.



Scully: That’s great.



Skinner: Are you okay Agent Scully?



Scully: I’m recovering.



Skinner: (Concerned) you told Mulder you were okay.



Scully: I am.



Skinner: I watched the surveillance tape. Looks like Grandpa was cautious. I haven’t shown Mulder, and on your behalf I’m not going to, just if you need anyone to talk to, you know where to find me.



(They hug)



Scully: Thanks sir.



(Mulder comes out)



Mulder: Want to come in?



Scully:  Yeah.



(Walk in the room)



Mason: It’s good to see you up on your feet Agent Scully.



Scully: And I’m waiting the day I can say that back Agent Mason. (Pauses) I’m sorry about Agent Andrews, despite everything; to you he was your friend. I’m sorry things had to go down that way.



Mason: He wasn’t my friend Agent Scully; he was a character in a game he liked, a game he’d always win. But we’ve won this time, and it was for the best.




(SCENE CHANGE- Mulder and Scully’s office.)



Mulder: Think that’s the last time I’ve ever helping some-one out on a case.



(They laugh)



Scully: Yeah right!



Mulder: I was talking to Skinner you know, when we left you with Mason earlier.



Scully: (looks guilty) Oh yeah… what did he say?



Mulder: That you’re doing just fine.



Scully: (relived, smiles) Yeah I am.



Mulder: But…



Scully: (smiles and rolls her eyes) what Mulder?



Mulder: Me being the fantastic Mr Fox- do you see what I did there?



Scully: Yeah, and don’t ever do that again.



(They laugh.)



Mulder: Okay… and I had a meeting with Skinner about an hour ago, you know, one of those check-up ones. I told his secretary to let me through and because she thinks I'm hot she let me right through-



Scully: Or she knew you’d barge through anyway.



(They laugh again.)



Mulder: Yeah, you too you know!



Anyways, I read your report Scully. I was shocked, Skinner came in too fast but just bear in mind that we’re a partnership in this, it’s Scully AND Mulder.



Scully: (Smiles) Got it.



(They both smile and Mulder throws a pencil at the ceiling, Scully looks up and there’s loads)



Scully: (Annoyed) What? Mulder.



Mulder: (jokily) what?



Scully: (mumbles a bit) I’ll clear them up again later.

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(She rolls her eyes and walks out the office, Mulder laughs, stands on the desk and begins to take them out himself. The end)

