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It’s early afternoon, the sun is shining in Washington D.C. but it’s very cold. Lilly and her children step off of the airplane at Washington National Airport.

“Excuse me, grab my bags while I make sure the limo is waiting. He better be here.” Lilly says in a very moody way.

“Mom, You shouldn’t order people around like that you know,” Kaitlyn says, “That’s why you’re not liked anymore.”

“Whatever Katie, just get your brother and lets go.” Lilly snaps as she pulls Aarons hand and tugs him along.

Rushing through the airport people stop and stare at Lilly and her kids. Lilly pays no attention as she makes it out to the pick up/ drop off deck.

“Where the hell is he?” She says looking up and down the road. “I told him twelve noon and don’t be late!”

“Mommy, what’s sloppy seconds?” Katie asks.

“Not now Kaitlyn, can’t you see I’m busy?” Lilly says.

“That’s the thing mother dear, you’re always too busy for me,” Katie screams, “You never pay any attention to me anymore. Its like you quit loving me when you quit loving daddy. He always stops and pays attention to me. I want to see my daddy!”

“Kaitlyn, I’m only going to say this once, hush your mouth and look for Jake. He should have been here.” Lilly snaps back.

“Whatever,” Katie says as she hangs her head. “I’m going to call daddy tonight and tell him you are being mean. I hate you!”

“Yeah, yeah, you said that yesterday,” Lilly says still looking. “Try to come up with a new line next time, ok daughter?”

“My name is Katie,” Kaitlyn says, “and you are meeeeaaan!”

Lilly picks up Aaron and takes a hold of Ambers hand and begins to walk up and down the sidewalk.

“I swear if he isn’t here in the next five minutes he can find another job. He has never been late. What’s he doing taking lessons off the WpW staff and wrestlers? He is being lazy and very late!”

Katie grabs her cell phone and begins to dial a number. She stands there as her mom walks up and down the sidewalk. She puts her hand on her hip and begins talking.

“She’s mean……… I don’t want to be here no more……….. I don’t like her.” Katie looks at lilly and swings around to where her back is to Lilly.

“Kaitlyn OFF THAT PHONE!” Lilly demands.

“It’s my phone!” Kaitlyn screams back.

“Say goodbye!” Lilly says to Katie as she takes her phone and hangs it up.

Just then the black limo drives up and Jacob, Lilly’s long time driver, steps out of the limo and opens the back door. Lilly hands him Aaron and helps Amber in the car. She motions for Katie to get in but she refuses and jumps in the front seat.

“You’re late,” Lilly says as she climbs in.

“Traffic Lilly,” Jake says trying to break the ice. “You said be sure to have your hotel room ready with all your amenities in it. You told me to pick up your things at the dry cleaners by eleven, clear on the other side and then you tell me to be here at twelve. It’s only 12:04. Give me a break would ya.”

Lilly reaches over and closes the door. She then buckles the little ones in.

“Katie you need to come back here and let Jacob drive.” Lilly says.

“She’s fine,” Jake says. “Just relax. Why are you being so up tight?”

Lilly says nothing, as she looks out the window and begins to think to herself.

Lilly you need to take a deep breath and not be so harsh on Katie. She’s a kid. Shes only 8, 9 soon but she’s still a child. They are going to play, ask questions. Remember it’s not her you’re mad at. Don’t take it out on her. If you can’t handle the stress get Veronica to take them for a while. You need to focus on the match, not everything else. You’re getting exactly what you want in WpW. Can’t you see it’s rising just like you predicted? You told everyone to mark your words and it’s true. It’s happening. You have to stay focused.

Meanwhile up front in the front seat Katie and Jacob seem to be getting along talking and laughing.

“I don’t know what’s up with her Mr. Jacob.” Katie says as she hangs her head.

“She’s under a lot of stress,” Jacob says as he pats her shoulder, “just give her some space.”

“I’ll give her space,” Katie says looking out the window. “I want to go live with my daddy and she will have all the space she wants. She don’t love me no more jake she only loves amber and aaron.”

Katie begins to sob as they pull up to the Hilton. She quickly wipes her tears.. Veronica, the kids nanny is there waiting for them and sees Katie is upset. Katie jumps out of the car and runs to veronica and gives her a huge hug.

“I missed you Roni,” Katie says in a shaky voice.

Lilly climbs out of the car and hugs Veronica’s neck. Lilly looks exhausted and tired.

“You better go get some sleep,” Veronica says, “you look like you’ve had a bad day.”

“I just need some time alone, I hope you can understand.” Lilly says as she walks into the hotel and heads for the elevator to the presidents suite. Lilly dials the phone. “Hello?……Hey what’s happening?………Yeah I sure am glad you’re back!…………. What do you say we team up in this match and get rid of everyone else?………….. Ok sounds good, I’ll see you Sunday night!”

:: 6:30 p.m. ::

Scene opens with Lilly sitting in her hotel suite looking refreshed and less tired.

“To everyone out there I have to say this. This week on Elevation I’m going to show you how to truly elevate yourself. Everyone in this match is in for the test of your career. You think just because I haven’t stepped into the ring in several years I don’t know how to wrestle? Do you think I stepped in the ring just to get my ass beat? You’re not only wrong your stupid too. I got in this match to ensure someone of value takes the Title this week and keeps it until the next worthy person comes along and takes it. No more easy wins. No more handed titles. That’s right I said if I couldn’t get you to do it I’d have to just do it myself and lookey here. Here I am. Do I think I can win this title. No, I don’t think I can, I KNOW I can. There are several people in this match and so much to say. I could go on and on about how I feel nobody should have this title. I could be like Firebomb and say I’m just in the match so I can give the title back to Stunkle. Well that’s plain idiotic. Anyone with dignity that I’ve been talking about would love to have the TV title. They would love to represent WpW with pride. They wouldn’t have to steal lines from Rodney Dangerfield and say nobody likes him everyone hates him, he gets no respect. Damn it you won the All Stars last year?! That’s no love? You may not get love from your wife but hell I’d run too if you were my husband. Firebomb this is what I have to say for you, stop trying to be an Adam Sandler film, and hiring someone to sit in the front row to yell shit at me, we’ve all seen it on Happy Gilmore and you know what happens at the end of the movie don’t you? That’s right Adam still wins.”

Lilly grins as she sips her coke and shifts to her side as she crosses her legs.

“Stunkle, you think building a snowman is going to help you in the ring? You say I don’t appreciate new talent? Well you’re wrong and the key word being “talent.” I’ve always welcomed it into WpW, but you have to have some for me to appreciate it. It’s nothing against you, just come back in three years when you have some experience under your belt and then go after the TV title again, but this week the title is mine! Who signed you anyway? They need fired. Did they do any test to make sure you qualify as a wrestler? Oops sorry I probably made you mad, and you think someone pissed in your cheerios? Wait till you get in the ring this Sunday.”

Lilly rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

“Paul Roach, it’s good you finally came to your senses and finally came to WpW. Sorry this is your first match though. You have no chance in hell winning it. Don’t run away like a little pansy when you lose. Be a man and return for more. I know I’ve beaten you before and no people we’re not talking about beating his meat either, we’re talking about true talent in the ring. We’re talking about pin for pin. See, everyone else in the match don’t know you like I do. I’ve seen you wrestle, I know your moves. I’m not going into the match blind like everyone else is. So light up another blunt before the match, get really high and numb because you’re gonna need it.”

Lilly stands up and walks closer to the camera.

“And now for Phil. Welcome back. You and I have business in the ring. We have to take care of these rejects and ensure that the TV Title goes to someone truly talented. Someone that deserves it. When it comes down to the two of us at the end though don’t think I won’t take you out too. I’m not saying you’re not talented. I’m saying I’m more talented. This is the match where the bastard and the bitch take over. Are you ready?”

Lilly motions for the camera to cut.
