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Wrestling NationINC. /WNINC/ Wrestling Nation INC|WNINC|
Wrestling Nation INC |WNINC|

The Offical date has been Set for Ascent To Stardom being set for 1/3/10.

Turmoil showed the fans they can do it but still things need to get better for both Rampage and Turmoil.
Turmoil 2 Headlines: Rating : 4.0 Out of a 5.0
Bianca Sincalir out for Mighty Lion Championship
New Tag Team ChampionsJoshua Acquin and Aiden Payne
Carnage Shows he is a force not to be messed with.
Ryan Mitchell from Rampage became Legend's Champion

Rampage Showed to due well as the stars showed what the fans wanted..
Rampage 2 Headlines: Rating: 4.0 Out of a 5.0
Chris Krave = Number 1 Contender To Silver Crown
Isabella Lawson and Stacie Starr to show to be the dominate team.
Ameila Moore to show she was more then another peice of Eye Candy
Danny Hunter surely making a name for himself
Gina Travis showing Jade Essence she wont back down from anyone
Logan Wallance New Rampage Champion
Slash and Jack Lawson both got counted out in the Main Event.

Update to Old Website
Calender updated
Turmoil and Rampage 2 Updated
Turmoil and Rampage 3 Cards are out

More Updates To Come


11/17 Turmoil
11/20 Rampage
12/1 Turmoil
12/4 Rampage
12/15 Turmoil
12/18 Rampage
1/3 Ascent To Stardom
??/?? ????

Carnage-Turmoil Showing in a No Holds Barred Match he can be someone you don't want to cross
for him.
Logan Wallace-Rampage
Winning the Rampage title after cashing in his MITB.
Katie Kooper -Turmoil
Even though it was a double countout Katie is showing a ruthless side and rumors are Men better be watching out for this one .
Ameila Moore-Rampage
Facing off against 3 other women and over coming the odds.
Match 1: Ronnie Styles Vs Seth Owens Vs Ryan Mitchell Stip:Legends Title- Triple Threat -Turmoil
All Three men showing WNINC why they are legends In this bussniness as they made sure the fans came what they asked for.
Match 4: Lacey Carter Vs Gina Caldwell Vs Ameila Moore Vs Allison Heat Stip: Fatal 4 way-Rampage
All 4 women showed a heated battle when they all wanted to show what they was made of but Ameila outshined them all.

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