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Studying to communicate in another language may be challenging, but it is also a truly rewarding and enriching experience. Contrary to what many people believe, bright people aren’t any better at learning a new language. With self-discipline and constant practice, anybody can successfully learn this language. One of the intriguing languages to master is Norwegian. If you are proficient this language, you’re not only able to converse with Norwegians, but also to Swedes and Danes. The great thing is you can learn Norwegian as self-study. To help you master the language quickly, below are several common mistakes to avoid.

Going through lessons for for extended hours once a week

When trying to master a new language, little and often is better. You will master lessons more effectively by spending 10-20 minutes on a daily basis than studying for hours at a time, once every week.

Thinking that reading is better than listening

A lot of people who decide to learn a language by themselves think that reading is the best way to become familiar with the vocabulary and grammar rules of a different language. However, listening is equally as important since it aids in reinforcing vocabulary and rules you’ve read about and recognize patterns in language. Listen to language lessons on CDs or podcasts during idle intervals, for example when commuting to work.

Not having the proper attitude

When learning a language, it often boils down to keeping the right way of thinking. If you dont have any interest in knowing how to speak Norwegian, learning the language will be a drag. You'll be more successful in learning to communicate in Norwegian if you don’t view it as a need but rather a thing that is really enriching. Fear could also prevent you from learning properly. You will have some blunders, but don't fret, everyone makes them, even native speakers of the language. Many native speakers will already laud you for attempting.

Employing a single learning technique

Instead of using one particular approach, consider making use of many strategies to practice multiple skills. This will also help you get different explanations on a particular concept. The variety will also help keep the course from getting boring. For self-study courses, a combination of books, audio lessons, and language learning programs can be very helpful. For more information on how to learn Norwegian as self-study, click this link.

Learning words instead of phrases and sentences

It is best to memorize or familiarize yourself with phrases or whole sentences, especially those that might be used on a day-to-day basis, instead of individual words. By learning phrases, you will have a prepared set of dialogue so you will not be overwhelmed with building sentences from scratch.