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Small animals seem charming to watch. They don't cause any harm to humans, but can create clutter while scampering around. They love to reside in yards or attics, and can be noticed roaming over the trees or on grass. These wild animals create a lot of noise in the area they inhabit.

Their growing population and decreasing natural resources compels them to seek shelter in residential areas. To prevent their nuisance, its crucial to shoo them away from your property. Dealing with tiny creatures isn't easy, therefore its advised to hire the services of a leading wildlife extermination company in Burlington that offers wildlife removal in Oakville.

Few simple tips for getting rid of these are:

Sprinkle capsaicin in your yard

Capsaicin is an ingredient which is similar to chilli pepper. It can cause intense itching and burning sensation, if swallowed. Sprinkle little of capsaicin on your yard plants, so that it can be chewed by squirrels. This is a natural and cost efficient way of deterring away these animals.

Seal all entry points except one

Getting rid of animals can take several months. First of all, inspect to find out whether you are really having them or not. Once you are sure about their infestation in attic, seal all major entry points except one. Install a one way exclusion door on the single exit point. With the help of this door, these animals can get out alive, but can't get back inside.

Use humane traps

Animals can be caught easily via humane traps. Choose a small trap and place it in a shady area, either in the yard or attic, that is commonly visited by them. Use a yummy food source as bait, such as peanut butter. Once they get trapped, leave them at a safe place that's about 200 m away from your place.

Prevent their re-entry using steel seals

After achieving oakville animal control, use steel seals to close the entry points permanently. This will prevent the risk of any other wildlife infestation in near future. Steel is considered an ideal choice, as it can't be destructed or destroyed by these nuisance creators.

 Use predator scent to deter them away

Another humane way to prohibit squirrel entry is sprinkling predator scents all around the home and yard. Bobcat or fox-urine varieties can frighten these rodents away from your property. Be sure to reapply it, every 15 days.  

These were the few ways of getting rid of animals in a humane way. If these methods don't  work, hire the services of Oakville wildlife removal experts. 911 Wildlife Pros is a reputed company that offers effective and affordable wildlife removal services in Burlington & Oakville.