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White Bengal Tigers

In 1920 the tiger population from India was estimated at 40,000-50,000.  But by 1992, this number had dropped to 1,850.  A good conservation program has increased it to 4,000 in 1996.  Now there were over 5,000 in 1998.  There is roughly only 5,000 left with 5 subspecies.  White Bengal Tigers are rarely found in the wild because their color is variant of the Bengal Tiger.  Because there is not many in the wild, most are found in zoos. 

Bengal Tigers are often found the regions of India and Bangladesh.  They are found in Northern and Central India as well as Burma, Nepal and Southern Asia.  Bengal Tigers were hunted captured and poisoned to such an extreme that all of those matters caused it to practically disappear besides natural preserves and national parks.  Because of everything that has happened to them, Bengal Tigers are strictly protected.  Depending on how much food there is around an area, depends on the area of which they live. 

Bengal Tigers can get up to 10 feet, and they can weigh from 400-575 pounds.  Under normal conditions, Bengal Tigers can live to 15 years.  Even living to that age is extreme much less living to be older than that. 

They are Solitary and Nocturnal, and their diet consists of Chital, Wild Boar, Monkeys, Guar and Bison.  As soon as the tiger spots prey, it begins its natural slow and silent approach.  When it gets near it's prey, it charges. It may jump onto the prey's back or pin it down with it's powerful claws.  Bengal Tigers usually kill their prey by biting it's throat or neck. 

Its strength is amazing:  it can drag a prey weighing several hundred pounds, as much as 1,500 feet, to hide the dead animal in bushes or tall grass.  After killing prey, the tiger always starts feeding from the hindquarters first.  A tiger is a voracious eater. It can kill the equivalent of 30 buffalos a year, and eat 65 pounds of meat in a night. 

The Bengal Tiger is usually 6 months old when they learn how to kill their prey.  When they become 16 months, they can actually start feeding themselves. 

Their Mating Season is usually in the springtime and Bengal Tigers usually have 1-5 young.

The roar of a Bengal tiger can be heard 2 miles away.  Bengal tigers purr. Domestic cats purr when breathing in as well as out, tigers purr only when breathing out.
