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Welcome to my back-up webpage should my first submission not qualify.  Not that does not make for a quality web presence but it is a blog and thus skirts a grey area on what does qualify as a webpage.  Not too keen on Angelfire either but it does allow some degree of customization you can't get with Wordpress.  Still, I miss my member's page with Road Runner.  It was quite the surprise to see Time Warner do away with that service as such things were always a standard part of any internet service.  I'm disappointed to say the least and still sore over the loss of newsgroups some years ago.  Can't wait to shed TimeWarner as an ISP and step up to something more serious like fiber.  Although Google's coming fiber internet service may herald a trade-up of privacy for speed at least I'll feel more respected than I did with TimeWarner.

Enough of that rant.  Professor, I hope you find this suitable.  ^_^

By the way, I highly recommend WinSCP as an FTP client.  Streamlined, light and supports various encrypted connection schemes for FTP.