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                  A great logo can help a business project a positive image while a bad logo can bring a negative impression about a company. For many companies, a logo is the only identifiable mark a potential customer may ever see, so it needs to be memorable, descriptive and easily recognizable. If a logo is the company spokesman, how much is it really worth?


Cheap logo designs are all over the Internet - logo designs under $150!  $99 logo designs, $75 logo designs, $49 logo designs and even lower!  You will easily find a wide range of prices for logo design on the nternet. Be careful of cheap logo design offers, some designers may be sing clip art. A logo design that includes a royalty free piece of clip art annot be copyrighted. That same piece of clip art could be used on ozens of other logo designs. A designers portfolio should be displayed nd there should be a wide variety of logo samples. At $49 each, do all f the logos look the same? Do the majority of them have block lettering nd a swoosh?


Some logo designers charge one flat fee for a logo with no questions sked. Can you imagine Coca-Cola purchasing a logo design for $99? hat a deal! Or how about Bob's bait shop paying $750 for a logo. There goes the budget! All companies are not equal in size, budget and sage. All designs are not equal. Does a swoosh take the same amount f time and effort as creating a detailed motorcycle?


How much is a logo design really worth? Ask Coca-Cola, Polo, Nike, he Hard Rock Cafe, Hallmark or any other company that relies on their ogo as their number one spokesman. Not every company is as large as hese but every company should have a logo that is easy to identify and tands for the integrity of that business.


 A logo design is more valuable to a company than a single spot illustration. An illustration is normally LOGO  used once or used for a limited campaign, whereas a logo is used for years and is placed on business cards, letterheads, envelopes, web sites, SENSECS  vehicles, buildings and products. Do you see the difference in value to a company? A logo has more value than just the hours spent on creating it. It becomes the companies identity.