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When your energy is low we are more likely to feel stress and experience sickness.  When your energy is high you are more capable of being healthy.  You are the creator of your life through thoughts and emotions followed by your actions. Thought is energy.  Living consciously and understanding how energy works you can bring harmony and balance in your life.

You have the ability to connect with yourself on many levels.  When your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional bodies are centered you are focused in your awareness in present time.  When thinking about the past or future, opportunity’s or messages can be missed if we’re not present in the moment.  Buy being present in the moment you are focusing intent and consciousness towards your goals.  Learning to connect and listen to yourself you can act on thoughts or emotions and manifest what you want to create in your life.

You’re stepping into the role of creator. By releasing thoughts and emotions that no longer serve your higher purpose, new thoughts and emotions begin to move in your awareness supporting your own ascension and healing.  Learning to balance the delicate interrelated facets of your own existence, gradually coming into your own awareness, new opportunities and connections present themselves. Now a new chapter has started…


To WaterSong Healing