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Total Donation: $482

January 31, 2010

Hikers: 31


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 Fundraising Hike for Haiti Earthquake Relief

Hiking Details

Sunday, January 31Allan Gardens, The Cathedral Church of St. James, ST. Lawrence Market,

                                      the 1832 Distillery Historic District.

Level I Urban Hike ---- Length of Hike: 4 km                Pace: 3 km/hr                Terrain: Mostly flat


Dropouts, Beginners, Families, Lunch after


Depart 11 am,  College Subway Station at Food Court near metro Supermarket


Hike Leader: Marlon Chen, (416)250-8522 before 10 pm, or


    Join this meaningful hike and donate $3.00 and up to the Haiti Earthquake Relief. We shall walk to Allan Gardens and spend 40 min. in the conservatory for enjoying the spring show of bulbs. Then, we walk to the Cathedral Church of St. James, the St. Lawrence Market, and the 1832 Distillery District for lunch.




Allan Gardens Conservatory

雅蘭花園 :外型像童話夢幻般的宮殿玻璃圓頂花房,有6個主題花園館,種有世界各地的熱、溫帶的奇花異草、流水潺潺、水車轆轆,更有雕像、錦鯉和爬藤。置身其內,恍若愛麗絲夢遊仙境。是由喬治威廉捐給多倫多市。1822年他幸運的誕生於富裕的銀行家庭。他父親留給他大批房地產,北從Bloor St. Carlton St.,東自Sherbourne St.Jarvis St.。但是他也非常爭氣,長大後歷任市議員、市長、參議員並且是個大慈善家。


    This botanical jewel is over 100 years old and has over 16,000 square feet of 6 greenhouse area. It contains tropical plants from all over the world from palm trees to cacti. There are also seasonal plantings throughout the year. From mid-January to the end of March, the spring show of bulbs is displayed. The centre piece is the historic, cast-iron and glass domed House.




  The Catherdral Church of St. James



  建立於1797年,是加拿大最早的英國國教教堂,已經被列入古蹟保護。 教堂約100公尺的尖塔,是全加拿大之冠;也是全北美第二高,僅次於紐約 St. Patrick大教堂。當時多倫多沒有高樓,所以船隻進入多倫多港,都以該教堂的尖塔為導航。 尖塔內有五口大銅鐘,分別用來報時、演奏銅鐘音樂之用。


The Cathedral Church of St. James

    The Cathedral has been designated as an Ontario Heritage Property by the Ministry of Culture and has also been designated as a heritage site by Heritage Toronto.

    The tower and spire, measuring 305 feet (92.9 m), are the tallest in Canada and the second tallest in North America (after St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York). The tower has five bells that still ring through the city today, and the chiming clock is "one of the finest examples of a chiming public clock anywhere in the world."





  The St. Lawrence Market



    彼得總督在1803年時,規劃出以Front, Jarvis, King & Church street為範圍的市場專用地。隨著多倫多市的發展,人口逐漸增多,100年後(1900),已發展成出售水果、蔬菜、肉品、乳酪、、、等聞名的市集。其中有一段時間,多倫多市政聽更是設在今日南邊的大樓內。


The St. Lawrence Market

    In 1803, Governor Peter Hunter issued a proclamation, following recommendations made as early as 1796 that all the land north of Front, west of Jarvis, south of King and east of Church Street was to be designated officially as the "Market Block."

    Since 1901, the South St. Lawrence Market has been known primarily for its fruits, vegetables, meat and cheese. For many years, few people realized that Toronto's original City Hall had been incorporated into today's south market. The history of the South St. Lawrence Market also includes the north "farmer's market" and St. Lawrence Hall as well.




  The 1832 Distillery Historic District



1832年開始,此位於多倫多市中心的古釀酒廠,逐漸擴展成佔地13英畝的世界最大釀酒場。區內有超過40棟的古蹟大樓,現已成為北美僅存的最大維多利亞式的工業建築群。到了2001年,市政府將其改造,轉型成為行人徒步文化區。夏天充滿了藝文展覽、音樂舞台、農夫市場、劇院餐廳、、、熱鬧非凡。磚塊鋪排的街道、古樸的建築、歐洲風味的感覺,吸引著無數的好萊塢電影、電視影集來此拍片。冬天時也沒閒著,藝廊、古玩、餐廳、Cofee Shop, Beer Store, European piazza styled areas.....

The 1832 Distillery

     Set on 13 acres in downtown Toronto, the forty plus historic buildings constitute the largest remaining collection of Victorian industrial Architecture in North America.

    The district has becomes an area associated with creative thinking and expression. The area's rebirth has been dedicated to promoting arts, culture and entertainment. This landmark facility has attracted the best of the best, including internationally acclaimed galleries, artists from all segments of the arts spectrum, theatres, restaurants and boutique retailers.








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