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My name is Ben J Miller I am 25 years old. I have battled drug addiction all my life. Through the grace of a living god and the mercy of understanding and caring individuals I am 2 years sober and have a new lease on life. I went through a year long Christian  men's recovery program and graduated City Team sept 2012. I have set up this site for two reasons; one, I have entered a drawing into a contest for the rock band Korn's single cover design and I need votes to help me win. Second through this site and the publicity of the contest I want to share my testimony and my experience, strength and hope I have through Jesus Christ and the recovery programs of AA an NA. Music is more than a hobby to me it is a passion and an outlet. I know there are many addicts still suffering that have the same feelings toward music. They look up to and aspire to be like the icons they see. I feel there aren't enough of these icons promoting the message of redemption and recovery. I know I am just one recovering addict but I would like to be a voice to those still suffering. I can't do this alone. I would appreciate any and all support you can give here is a link to the site where you can vote for my art. Thank you again and God bless.